Contest: Effective Tip To Boost Your Immune System

in Healthy Steem22 hours ago




Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to write my thoughts for this interesting contest running by @suboohi and if you want to learn more here is the link:


Effective Tip To Boost Your Immune System


Strong immune system is very important, when I was a child I saw my father who in winter liked visited a sauna in the small village where our grandmother lived, that usually was in winter and after being in such hot room with a lot of steam after half an hour he liked to go our on snow and rub himself with snow. I remember seeing him laughing and I thought that it was tickly from cold but now I realise that having heat and then ice cold snow on skin that definitely was triggering the immune system.
As to me, I have never tried that I do not like heat in sauna and its hot air but also I can not imagine myself changing such extreme temperature change.

What I like it to have cold shower once a week, it is really very exciting and such great feeling. It is very cold for the beginning but the body warms up slowly and after getting out of cold shower you feel really hot.

The other thing that I like to do is intermittent Fasting that I do one meal a day approximately once a week or sometimes once in two weeks. That also helps to trigger immune system and you feel more energy a day later. Of course, initially it is not so easy but our body get used to everything. If you do it regular then you do not have a feeling of being hungry.

Hope my little tips will be also helpful for you and you also can try them to improve your immune system.

I am inviting following users for contest: @rumanaafroz, @monz122, @uzma4882


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