Contest Alert:Ear Diseases

in Healthy Steem17 hours ago





Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to write for this contest that is running by @afzalqamar, here is the link if you are also interested:


What do you know about ear diseases?


When we are children we have on and off mid-ear infection, that is what my mother was telling me after my bad infection when I had strong pain in my ear and ended up with high temperature. That time I was very young that is why do not remember myself much but my mother told me many times the stories so that I do everything to prevent that. One of the way to prevent according her is to wear hat when it is cold and windy. Actually since I had such bad infection I automatically wear hat.


Have you ever experienced an ear-related health issue?


Yes, to this question I can tell my story, as I mentioned before I had band ear infection, strangely I also had sore throat the same time and running nose. The doctor who saw me that time explained that it is a viral infection and usually due to close neighbourhood of ear, nose and throat all three will be involved.

After couple of days he gave my mother antibiotics as drops for my ears and it was very strange filling to have such drops. I believe since I started them my ear pain improved quickly and I got better too.


How can we effectively treat and prevent ear infections?


Let’s talk about prevention of ear infection:

  • when it is cold wear warm hat

  • make sure when you go swimming and notice any water in your ear, you need to make sure that water is out before you go our in a cold weather

I remember one of the my schoolmate had bad ear infection after swimming class, our teacher explained that is due to cold water and also chlorine. Since then I try to dry up my ears and to make sure there is no residual water, before leaving swimming pool.

As to treatment of ear infection, first 24-28 hours maybe do not need to do anything but if after three days your ears are still very sore you definitely need to see a doctor, who can examine your ear and if it is required then need to have some antibiotics for ear infection. Often early treatment helps to prevent more serious complication of ear infection like loss of hearing.

I am inviting following users for contest: @rumanaafroz, @monz122, @uzma4882


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