"Oral health = quality of life"

in Healthy Steem7 days ago



Oral health helps us to have a quality of life?

Yes , oral health plays important role in maintaining quality of life.It has impact on our way of eating, speaking and to become socialize.Poor health of oral cavity leads to many serious health issues like infections and many disorders of gastrointestinal tract.

What are you doing to maintain good oral health.

If we want to take care of oral cavity we must follow the following instructions,

  • Brush teeth twice a with toothpaste having fluoride. This will increase strength of teeth.
  • To remove plaque and food particles try to floss daily
  • Visit your dentist regularly and scaling
  • Eat healthy foods and avoid junk foods
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco



Have a quality of life for having a physical and mental balance as you try to achieve it.

A good quality of life comes from balance between mental and physical well being.When someone has well managed oral health this automatically boost self esteem, confidence and mental health.Mental health is important because all the body activities are linked with mental health,when you have mental discomfort than your body is upset.

For you that is quality of life, well -being and oral health.

Quality of life is basically the relationship and balance between all fields of life. It's between mental, emotional and physical.We consider oral health as physical but it's linked to all other most importantly mental health.



When you have oral health you can speak confidently,eat comfortablely and perform all activities without any further problem.


Maintaining a quality of life it's important to maintain good oral health.This not only improves dental health but overall well being is due to oral health.By following quality life and hygiene measures we can achieve quality life.




 3 days ago 

Sí cuidamos de nuestros dientes esto nos ayudará a sentirnos bien con nosotros mismos y brindar La mejor sonrisa para todos los que están a nuestro alrededor.

Aquí se tiene que tener un balance para que todo fluya de lo mejor.

 2 days ago 

Estimado amigo. Gusto en leerte, ciertamente los trastornos en la salud bucal no solo se reduce a la boca si no que genera otros problemas de salud en otras partes del cuerpo y el organismo. Te deseo éxitos en el concurso.