Hepatitis B | Hepatitis Awareness Challenge

in Healthy Steemyesterday (edited)
What is hepatitis B and how does it affect the liver


Hepatitis B is the inflammation of liver which is caused by hepatitis virus HBV.It can cause both acute and chronic liver damage,in severe cases liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.This virus can damage to liver and trigger immune system to send immune cells.

Symptoms of acute and chronic Hepatitis B

Acute hepatitis B

The symptoms of hepatitis B may appear after 1 to 4 months after infection and includes,

  • fever
  • fatigue
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • abdominal pain
  • dark urine
  • jaundice
  • loss of appetite



Chronic Hepatitis B

Many people with hepatitis B remains asymptomatic for years and in some cases long term Infection can cause liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and liver Symptoms,

  • persistent fatigue
  • joint pain
  • swelling of abdomen
  • jaundice
What are the common ways of transmission of hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is commonly transmitted by direct contact with blood ,body fluids and from mother to children.Some common routes of infection transmission,

  • unprotected sexual contact with infected person

  • share of needles and syringes

  • sharing personal items like razor etc

  • from infected mother to young one during birth

How hepatitis B can prevent?
  • Vaccination
    Vaccination for hepatitis B is available and most effective way to prevent infection.



  • Safe practices
    Avoid sharing razor, syringes and needles
  • Safe sexual practices
    Using condoms can prevent the std.
  • Screening and treatment
    Pregnant woman must to screened and treat to prevent vertical transmission
  • Healthcare workers
    They must follow guidelines of who in order to prevent accidental transmission of virus.

At the end of debate I would like to sum up with that hepatitis B is inflammation of of liver and when when liver is disturbed all the activities which we say normal physiological changes into pathological.All systems are affected when liver is damaged. So if liver is healthy man is healthy.



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