Brain tumor.
Hello Steemit friends,
how are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Today, I will participate in the new contest from Healthy Steem brought by the honorable Moderator @khursheedanwar bro. The name of the Contest is "Brain tumor." Thank you Healthy Steem for bringing this beautiful contest to us.
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What is a brain tumor?
Brain tumor is a terrible disease that occurs inside the head, which causes abnormal growth of cells around the head. These are known as brain tumors. Although this brain tumor initially originates in the brain, it can spread to other parts of the body. Then it is known as cancer.
We can understand whether a brain tumor is in the early stages by looking at some symptoms. Such as: -
Headache, seizures, memory loss, weakness in the limbs, etc.
What are the symptoms of a brain tumor?
Brain tumor is a terrible disease. The symptoms of a brain tumor can vary depending on the size and location of the brain. However, the common symptoms of a tumor are: -
- Severe headache. Sometimes the headache can be severe.
- Nausea or vomiting.
- Seizures. Sometimes seizures can be severe. This can lead to loss of consciousness.
- Weakness in the body.
- Difficulty concentrating or making decisions about something.
- Loss of memory or problems with memory.
- Imbalance in the body.
- Difficulty recognizing familiar people, etc.
Causes of brain tumor:-
Brain tumors are called fatal diseases. The exact cause of this disease is not always identified. I am mentioning the possible causes and risks of this disease: -
- Genetic mutations and DNA changes: -Due to abnormal changes in genes in the body, cells can grow uncontrollably and there is a possibility of tumor formation.
- Family history: -If someone in the family has this problem, a brain tumor can be hereditary.
- Through radiation exposure: -Sometimes, high doses of radiation are required to cure cancer. There is a possibility of brain tumors from this as well. For example, radiation therapy, nuclear radiation, etc.
- Immune deficiency: -If HIV/AIDS occurs in people who are unable or weak to fight diseases, brain tumors can occur as a side effect.
What are the treatments for brain tumors?
- When a brain tumor occurs, the most common treatment is to remove the tumor by surgery.
- Tumors are also treated with high-dose radiation therapy.
- Chemotherapy is another method of treating brain tumors.
There are also - - Targeted therapy and immunotherapy.
Brain tumors are also treated by following these methods.
I would like to invite three of my friends:-