Hepatitis B | Hepatitis Awareness Challenge

in Healthy Steemyesterday

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What is Hepatitis B, and how does it affect the liver?

Hepatitis B is an Infection caused by a Virus. It occurs when Viral Infection attacks the Liver. When the Virus infects the Liver, it causes Inflammation which as time goes on and causes Cirrhosis and this affects the functioning of the Liver. The Ailment can last for a short time (acute) or for a long time (Chronic). This Infection can lead to some Liver Infections like Liver Cancer, Cirrhosis and Liver failure.


What are the symptoms of acute and chronic Hepatitis B?

The symptoms of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis B includes the following.

  • The victim experience severe fever.
  • This Ailment also comes with Tiredness.
  • Lost of Appetite.
  • Constant abdominal pain is also experienced by the Patient.
  • Jaundice which is the yellowing of the skin and eyes also occurs.
  • Pain is also experienced in the joints.
  • Abdominoperineal swelling occurs.
What are the common ways in which Hepatitis B is transmitted?

The major way Hepatitis B is transmitted is through the following.

  • Sexual Intercourse
    This is the one of the major ways it is been transmitted. It can be transmitted through infected Vaginal fluid and Semen during unprotected sex.

  • Mother to Child Transmission
    It can be transmitted also to a Child from the mother during birth.

  • Sharing sharp Objects
    Using sharp Object like Razor, scissors, knife used by an infected person.

  • Blood Transfusion
    Transfusion from an infected person is another way this Ailment is transmitted.

How can Hepatitis B be prevented?

The major ways it can be prevented is through the following.

  • Vaccination
    People should take the Hepatitis B Vaccination.

  • Using protection
    Avoid having multiple sexual partners and even if you must have, use protection.

  • Blood Screening
    Blood should be properly checked before transfusion.

  • Avoid sharing sharp Objects
    Avoid sharing sharp Objects like Razor, hair Clipper, Needles with people.

  • Caesarean Section
    An infected Pregnant woman should put bed to her Child through Caesarean Section inorder to avoid infecting the baby.

Thanks for reading my post, I invite @akareen, @ogechukwu-martha and @chila to participate in this contest.


Thanks I have already participated and I wish you success