The Diary Game: Another Sunday For Work, Rest And Food [09/03/2025]

in Healthy Steem15 days ago

Good day my friends a happy Sunday to everyone, you know Sunday they say Is always a day to worship and rest from the week's toil, I did justice to my Sunday anyways, so this is where I get to share it with everyone.

A blissful Sunday morning came and I was still on bed, okay I wasn't going to church because the service for today was at the church headquarters and I didn't have much money on me to pay my way down there and back so I just had to rest at home.

When I stood up by 8am, I took my bath and brushed my mouth then went out to go stay outside, aperantly I was waiting for the s hop owner to come so I could get some stuffs for breakfast.

just resting outside

When I got the items for breakfast, I went in to prepare rice for my breakfast, as a typical Nigerian, we eat rice every Sunday, I don't know who invented this but this has become a ritual for us. After eating, I listened to some gospel tunes and then said some prayers since I ddnt attend church service.

jollof rice for breakfast

After praying I went ahead to work, I edited my promotional videos, I did over 20 videos against the coming week, at least the videos will take me for two days before I would think of creating another video. It was really stressful because I had to farm Depin Airdrops and a little of Telegram airdrop.

Around 3pm I was given water-yam porridge locally called Atō, it was prepared by my friend @etette and then he gave me some as Sunday present, I loved it, I wonder how he could prepare that well, I mean it was so delicious so I ate it then I went on to take my bath because it was really hot.

Atō for lunch

After bathing, I took a little nap then woke up around 4pm and went out to go watch match at the nearest primary school, it was between Caterl Fc vs Offiong Fc, they had a thrilled match but Cartel Fc won with 2 to nill against Offiong. Though the both teams played really well but Cartel Fc had more chances to score more than Offiong Fc.

watching football match

When the match ended by 6:45pm then I went back home, getting back home I saw my friend @etette, he wanted to fetch water so I joined him to fetch because I only had like a single rubber of water at home and other rubbers needed to be refilled.

fetching water with my friend

After fetching the water, I warmed the rice I prepared that morning and then used banga soup i had at home and ate it with it, this was a crazy combo I had never even thought of. After eating, I took my bath and then jumped on my bed to just relax and watch movie on my phone.

rice for dinner

While lying down, the Electricity authority restored light and then I went on to put on my fan because it was hot for real, then I just relaxed and the picked up my phone and began to share my diary on steemit before going to bed.

Resting before going to bed

This was my Sunday in a single piece friends, thank you so much for staying up with me guys, till my next diary my friends, do take care of yourselves and stay safe out there, much love from me to you.

Thank You For Reading 💗
