Allergies | Myths and Facts About Allergies
Allergies though not harmful could pose some great threat to our immune system where our immune system reacts to allergies on certain protein present in our body. So in this contest organized by @ahsansharif I will also be airing my opinion on allergies.
What Are The Most Common Types Of Allergies
There are so many types of allergies but for the purpose of this contest, I will be mentioning but few of them;
Medication Allergy: Some certain medications like antibiotics, insulin, chemotherapy and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which maybe either in herbal form or Over the counter prescribtion could cause allergic reactions.
Latex Allergy: This allergy develops when one gets to have constant contact with rubber latex like balloons, condoms, bandages, rubber gloves and rubber balls. Skin irritation is the most common reaction to latex allergy.
Inhalant Allergy: These involves airborne substances we inhale. They may include dust mites, molds etc.
Food Allergy: This allergy happens when the body releases specific antibodies to a particular food we eat.
These and many more are the types of allergies that we have.
What Are The Three Symptoms Of Allergies Explain It.
These are just three symptoms of allergy;
Running Nose: This happens when liquid like substances get to come out of our nose due to substances we inhale which tends to make our body system reacts to it.
General Body Itching: This mostly happen when we eat certain food that our system is allergic to, in this case the body releases antibody to a particular food.
Swelling In The Mouth Region: I basically faced this one when I had a sting from a bee, sometimes the body is trying to fight back by releasing some antibody to counter the venom of the insect that sting us making our skin irritated by it.
How To Prevent Allergies
* Using air purifiers
Try minimizing your exposure to the well known allergens.
Regular cleaning of home to remove dust.
Clean off outdoor pollen residues
Wear sunglasses
Explain The Difference Between Allergies And Colds.
* Allergies rarely have chest discomfort meanwhile cold has mild to moderate chest discomfort.
Allergies does not come with fever meanwhile cold does come with fever.
Allergies comes with mild body pains meanwhile cold doesn't come with body pains.
Allergies is accompanied by sore throat meanwhile cold doesn't come with sore throat.
I am inviting @purpleidy23 @sophma12 and @nsiwealth to participate in this contest.
10% beneficiary set to @hive-168205 .
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Thank you coach
Thanks for the information! It can help differentiate between allergies and colds.