
in Healthy Steem2 months ago



Share your knowledge about dementia, its symptoms, causes and treatments!

Dementia is a term for a group of symptoms that affect human memory, thinking ability and social abilities that are severe enough to interfere with the person's daily activities. Dementia is also characterized by a person's memory loss, but this disease itself is different from amnesia.

Symptoms of dementia themselves must require a medical diagnosis so that we can know that someone really has dementia, but some symptoms or things that may be felt by people who will be affected by dementia are such as forgetfulness, thinking ability that greatly interferes with their daily activities to limited social skills, if you feel you have these symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor.



The cause of dementia is because someone has damage to the brain's nerve cells, this damage itself occurs in various areas of the brain and can cause disruption of human brain function, here are some causes of someone suffering from dementia:

  • Having Alzheimer's disease
  • Stroke
  • Having other brain diseases such as brain tumors, brain blood vessel disorders and also brain injuries
  • Having genetic factors that are passed down in the family that can damage the lateral and frontal areas of the brain
  • Other risk factors such as having a history of certain diseases, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking and also lack of education.
  • Experience and psychological factors such as not being involved in cognitively stimulating activities or tending to isolate themselves socially.

Treatment for dementia itself varies depending on the stage of the person who suffers from it, so far I know there are two ways to treat dementia, the first is by therapy and the second is by taking medication.



However, for a better and more correct way to treat dementia, it is by consulting a doctor about the disease we are suffering from because the doctor is the one who understands better about giving us medicine and who knows our health condition better.

This is my entry for the Dementia contest organized by @khursheedanwar, I would also like to invite @dekki, Mr. @waterjoe and @max-pro to participate together in this contest.
