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RE: SEC-S16/W4 | "The Environment and Our Health"🌍👩‍⚕️

in Healthy Steem11 months ago

The first paragraph of this post got me hooked. This is a unique take. Giving the example of this amazing community as an environment is such a wonderful example. Really well written mate.


Thank you for your attention @huzaifanaveed1. I'm glad that this article reached you well. Yeah, i like to connect two or more different stuffs and finding the correlation between them. How are you, by the way?

I'm good brother Alhumdulilah. JazaqAllah for asking. How's Ramadan going?

Alhamdulillah, ramadan went well here buddy. We've been through 11 days without any obstacles. How about yours?

Alhumdulilah. We completed our 10th day today without any hurdles. I've been completely free in Ramadan this time after nearly 6 years as I graduated as a dentist last month. So this month I've set aside every work and just focusing on fasting, ibadah and family time. Also, I finally took time to return back to Steemit.