Tension headache by @Gracyakan

in Healthy Steem3 days ago (edited)

Hello Steemians !!

It is my pleasure to make content in this community by way of participating in this contest ogarnized by this amazing community.



Headaches is a condition that can involved and causes disturbance with daily life especially at work. Almost everyone experience the pain of tension-headache, but the world keep moving when the pain strikes, it dose not stop because drugs can relieve the pain more so taking good care of oneself will prevent headache like healthy lifestyle choices will really help to alleviate this pain.



It is a type of pains that one will have a feeling of tight band wrapped around the head with pressure on the fore head and the temple or feeling of pains due to tension or contraction of the muscle of the face and the neck.


  • Mild pain that can extend to moderate

  • Pains on the face or both sides of the head

  • Pains in the muscles of the face and neck

  • Sleeplessness

  • Photophobia

  • Pressure or tightness in the forehead or at the side of the head

  • Movement does not worsening it

  • It last for 30 minutes and up to several days but does not reach or pass 15 days


Stress, sleep issues, muscle tension, poor posture, straining of the eye, headache from another source of pain, hormonal changes, medication, jaw clenching.

Predisposing causes

Alcohol use, caffeine, colds, flu, sinus infection, dental problems, excessive smoking, fatigue, depression, anxiety and


  • A healthy lifestyle will not only prevent headache of all kind but also promote overall good health.

  • Eat nutritious and nourishing diet on a regular basis, don't skip meals, especially breakfast.

  • Drink much water each day at least 3 to 4 litres

  • Exercise regularly to releases chemicals in the body that stop pain signals to the brain.

  • Discuss with your health care practitioner about activities you can enjoy because excessive exercise itself can cause headache.

  • Sleep adequately and always take a break and relax.

  • Avoid drugs that contains stimulants, because it can disrupt sleep.

  • Avoid taking much of caffeine though it may control headache but too much of it causes headache.

  • Be careful of common pain medication because taking it more than few days in a month makes headache harder to treat.

  • Avoid smoking because nicotine in cigarette reduces blood flow to the brain and this result in headache.

  • Control stress and reduce it by all means
    by taking a break at work, take deep breaths, simplify your life, reject some responsibility, share responsibility etc.

  • Make necessary adjustment in attitude by thinking positively and rule out negative thought and impossibility.

  • Reduce muscle tension by applying not balm or heat pad or hot water bottle to relieve tense neck and shoulder muscles, then have a hot shower or bath and use a warm compress, or a hot towel, ice or a cool washcloth and apply to the forehead.

  • Massage also relieve muscle tension and sometimes headache so massage your temples, scalp, neck and shoulders with your fingertips, or stretch your neck gently, when you are done sit quietly for a minute or two then lie flat on your back, do not think of anything and sleep.

  • Keep a diary and record all episode of headache that you have, this will help you to know the cause oh the headache, the duration, drugs that stops it and how to avoid it.

  • Take pain reliever medication and assume good posture.

  • Check for any improvement


My personal experience and how often I feel tension headache

Each time am stressed or tensed I will have the feeling of tension headache and this happened two to three times in a month, but I always try to control it so that it will not becomes chronic headache by managing pressure at work, control and reduce my stress, take a break and rest, then sleep enough and eat nutritious diet, I don't skip breakfast and dinner most especially.

Thanks for reading

