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RE: Health Matters (13); AIR POLLUTION

in Healthy Steem3 months ago (edited)

Hi Miss @stef1, every heard of "PFOA"? it is used for non-stick frying pans like what Teflon uses as well as any other industrial needs even with the disposable drinking cups and bowls although all of us have some level of exposure from it especially those that are near industrial manufacturing companies which is actually almost everywhere.

The bad thing is that we as humans in particular will continue to absorb this sinister substance which doesn't go away nor our body can get rid of it. We actually will know if we had been exposed enough to it if we would develop cancer and such diseases.

If we happen to witness a person giving birth to a defective baby we will have some clue that our environment or place where we live is high in PFOA and its variants. That is why air pollution is actually the least of our concern because of this insidious man-mad chemical which unfortunately is needed in the manufacturing industry otherwise we will not have products that we use today even with our electronic gadgets that had been now made a need and a right because of the advances in science and technology so that it can enhance our way of life which is modern but we have to pay the price of the cons such as an invisible pollution made PFOA.

Have a nice weekend! 😀👍

#thediarygame #diarygame #pointstoponder


I think slowly we started to realise that a lot what we do and what we use not only positive but also causes harm to our body and our future generation. I believe modern medicine is something that makes it possible to understand much and also to stop something before. I am glad that nowadays many organisations that fight for our health and disclose such harmful actions of some industries.

We could reduce all those electronic gadgets or? Do we really need all of them to be happy? It's not only that everyone seems to have one but it's not 1 phone but 3 devices per person (not household) and the fact that it's all broke within 13 months isn't good for the environment either.
Next to that governments keep pushing to buy the latest model or otherwise...
New, the latest model, is never better for the environment. Everything that is produced is a waste. It doesn't matter if something is old or uses a bit more energy, as long as it works it should be used.

The Tefal pans are a disaster unless you use wooden spoons they should be handled with care if you cook. The cheap variants are even worse (it peels of if you clean them) but hey there's something new I noticed (it's grey). Our newest pan is without all the "anti burn" or easy to clean layers. It's old fashioned stainless steel.

Greetings to you!

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