"Fast Foods And Health"

in Healthy Steem22 days ago


Hello friends, I am pleased to greet you and have the opportunity to participate in the contest that our friend brings us, @abdullahw2 Contest Alert || Fast Food and Health, I take this opportunity to invite:@mvchacin, @mariami and @rosselena


How often do you eat fast food and why?

Since the beginning of this year I have been paying special attention to my diet, because last year I gained a lot of weight, I was very bloated and fast food was very frequent, at least once a week I ate something. But from January until today I have only consumed this type of food three times, so I could say that currently I eat fast food once a month. I took this measure because including them on a more regular basis in our diet can influence our weight and of course, affect our health, although they are tempting due to their great flavor it is better to avoid excesses.


Photo by @crismenia

What are your favorite fast foods? Tell us about them.

My favorite of all is the hamburger, I like the meat to be well seasoned, with ham, yellow cheese, bacon, egg, lettuce, tomato, onion, chips and lots of sauces, the bread to be soft and juicy, if it comes with a portion of French fries, even better. I also like pizza and hot dogs, that's my top 3 favorite fast foods, as you know they are not healthy options but they are delicious, which leads us to want to eat them frequently.



Photo by @crismenia

What do you think are the biggest health risks associated with fast food?

The abuse of fast food can affect our body, causing weight gain, alteration of cholesterol and triglyceride levels, it can affect our arteries, trigger circulation problems and heart problems, cause diabetes, hypertension, cancer, among many others, since many processed products are used for its preparation that turn out to be harmful and can seriously affect our health, so although it may be very tempting we must be moderate.

Do you think fast food can be made healthier? If so, how?

I think that you can offer alternatives that are delicious but healthy for our body, it is a matter of being creative and choosing substitutes, for example I have seen that in the case of pizza, the bread can be replaced by a protein or vegetable bread. In the case of hamburgers, I recently prepared an alternative at home in which I used oat bread that I made myself, I cooked the meat on the grill, I added vegetables and as processed foods, I only put tomato sauce and mustard on it. I loved the result, because it was delicious, without a doubt, I would repeat it.



Photo by @crismenia

And I conclude my participation by encouraging you to find more friendly alternatives for our body, to reflect on the foods we eat and the effects that these can have in the long term. Taking care of our health is a task that cannot be postponed and excesses are never good.


If you want to know a little more about me, I invite you to get to know me:

Esta soy yo: 𝓒𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓪

  • All photographs are my property, taken for the exclusive use of Steemit

 21 days ago 

Hola amiga sin duda que todo en exceso hace daño, si podemos comer esas comidas que llamamos coloquialmente chatarra, aunque sea una vez al mes y no tendremos ningún problema, ahora sí lo hacemos hasta cuatro veces al mes allí si pueden venir las alteraciones de nuestra salud y problemas como obesidad, diabetes, colesterol y del corazón
Sería bueno sustituir algunos ingredientes por unos más saludables como la opción que nos muestras

 20 days ago (edited)
Hola amiga. Tan deliciosas que son, pero no podemos abusar de ellas, habrá que buscar alternativas saludables.

Gracias por tu amable comentario. Saludos y bendiciones.

 21 days ago 

Hola princesa hermosa sin duda tú eres una chica morena muy linda y si te sentías hinchada o pesada obviamente tenías que hacer algo en función no solo de la estética sino de la salud que es lo más importante me alegra que hayas tomado cartas en el asunto desde comienzo de este año comida rápida una vez al mes digamos que está aceptable hasta que no te haga falta y es alternativa saludable que preparaste en casa, me parece espectacular Yo también Lo pondré en práctica, se ve divina. Abrazos y Bendiciones.

 20 days ago 
Hola amiga, gracias a Dios me ha ido muy bien con esta nueva forma de alimentación, ya he visto resultados. Espero puedas preparar está alternativa de hamburguesa.

Gracias por tu amable comentario y lindas palabras. Saludos y bendiciones.