Heart attack

in Healthy Steem4 days ago

Heart attack is indeed an infections diseases which is very harmful to the human body is has lot of symptoms like difficulties in breathing and chest pain 😔.


Drinking enough water will help reduce our risks of getting heart attack I will know like to wish all the participants a successful participation.

  • Do you know about heart attack?

Heart attack is one of the diseases which almost everyone in the world know because it is highly dangerous and has killed a lot of humans. I have heard about it live and also in movies.

Heart attack is a medical situation or emergency in which the muscles of the heart begins to die because it is not receiving the appropriate amount flow of blood.


Heart attack or diseases can be caused by smoking cigarettes and other smokable substances which are of great danger to the heart, smoking ha so a power effect on the heart through the chemicals inhaled which can render the heart useless and damaged. Having a high cholesterol level can also cause heart disease because of the excessive fatty substance called cholesterol present in the body. This damages the heart, avoid eating fatty foods and engage more in exercise.


Cardiomyopathy which is known as the (heart muscle disease) is also on of the causes of heart attack in humans. In increases the size of the heart thereby resulting to chest pain. Diabetes is also on of the cause of heart attack. The consumption of illegal drugs such as cocaine, marijuana and Indian herbs are on of the major cause of heart attack.

Lack of exercise is one of the things which cause heart attack. If you don't exercise the fatty deposits in you system can build up in your arteries. When the arteries which supplies blood to your heart becomes blocked it will lead to heart attack. Another cause of heart attack is sleep apnea which is a common disorder that causes your breathing to get very shallow. This breathing pause may last for a few seconds to minutes which may cause heart attack.

  • What are heart attack major symptoms?

Heart attack is a disease that has a lot of symptoms which are.


  1. A burning sensation in the chest.

  2. If you have heart attack you will experience pain in the chest, the upper abdomen, jaw and arm.

  3. One of the major symptoms of heart attack is the lack of digestion, this indigestion leads to vomiting and nausea.

  4. They will be a uncomfortable pain or tightness in the neck and arm.

  5. The heart attack diseases causes shortness of breath and weakness which may continue an finally cause a heart attack.

  • How heart attack ratio may be controlled?

Controlling heart attack requires a lot of commitment and self-believe in other to fight the disease you can follow these ways.


  • As a person experiencing heart attack you are expected not to smoke cigarettes and India herbs, if a smoker you should stop such attitude and if not you should not start smoking at all.

  • To fight and control heart attack you also need to limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages which are of great effects to the heart negatively because of the substances which are used in it's production.

  • The act of controlling heart attack begins with our diet, which are encouraged to to consume good food which can help keep us healthy and fit.

  • Heart attack is a disease which needs the body to be fit in other for you not to have it. Lower your blood cholesterol by exercising regularly and avoid the regular consumption of fatty foods.

  • Which controlling heart attack you should also keep a healthy weight which suits your body to prevent heart attack.

  • The heart does not accept high blood pressure so you are expected to keep your blood pressure under control in a manner it will not affect you negatively.

  • You also need to keep your diabetes under control for a better health and heart attack control.

I now want to invite @ruthjoe, @bonaventure24, @john247, @anthony002, @aspiya and @saintpaul17 to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading my post

 4 days ago 

Yes, keeping blood pressure under control can also keep a heart -attack under control.
So many other factors which you've clearly stated too can help avoid this health issues. Nice post, good luck.

 3 days ago 

Thanks 😊 alot for the comment 👍.