Hepatitis B | Hepatitis Awareness Challenge
Hepatitis B is the infection that damages or attacks the liver. The presence of this viral infection in the liver is dangerous because our liver is at risk of not being able to function properly. Hepatitis B is a worldwide health problem that causes severe or chronic infection. If it's acute, it lasts less than six months, while if it's chronic, it's a long-term infection that needs to be managed with drugs.
People who have a serious infection are at high risk of death from liver cancer. The World Health Organization (WHO) is trying their best by producing millions of vaccines that are safe and effective in preventing this viral infection.
Symptoms of hepatitis B show after two weeks a person has been affected, but not all individuals discover the symptoms, particularly young children.
The symptoms of hepatitis B include the following:
Dark urine: This symptom occurs when the affected individual urinates with a dark color to the extent that they will wake up often to urinate.
Joint pain: All important joint areas where muscles attach together will be painful, and in most cases, you will find it difficult to sleep.
Fever: This will normally occur, and you will begin to have a high temperature. This serves as a notice to see healthcare providers if you discover these symptoms.
Weakness: An infected person will be very tired to the extent that they cannot do certain tasks.
It's advisable to visit healthcare providers if you discover these symptoms so that you can receive appropriate treatment.
Hepatitis B is easily transmitted from an infected person to another through saliva, semen, and blood. Transmission can also take place from mother to child, especially at birth, or from an infected child to an uninfected child below 6 years of age.
The virus can also spread through a needle used for tattooing once it is exposed to the blood of an infected person. People who use the same needle have a high risk of being infected.
Lastly, it may occur through multiple partners or from a person who use needles to inject drugs to his body within the community. In a hospital setting, a person can also be infected through syringes or needles that are reused for another patients.
The following are the prevention that will help people to stay safe within the society they found themselves.
• It's better to use vaccine for your baby after birth so that it can protect them against this viral infection. Anytime you want to have sex with your partner, make sure you always use a condom and it is also necessary to reduce the number of girls you sleep with.
• Another thing is to wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly after you touch a contaminated area or blood. If you have quality healthcare facilities in your community, it will be effective to have a hepatitis B vaccine to prevent this dangerous infection.
• Lastly, it is very important to run away from or avoid sharing contaminated needles to help yourself and your family stay safe and enjoy a good quality of life.
It's better to educate people in our society about this health problem because many people do not know how dangerous this sickness is if they mistakenly share objects already used by an infected person. So it's our responsibility to let people aware. I would like to invite @jasminemary, @enamul17 and @xkool24 to participate in this contest.
Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.
Great post from you friend. Hepatitis B is something we should take very seriously.
Thanks so much for your comment. It's a viral infection we should be very careful of by following the preventive method so that it will not affect our healthy lifestyle.