Curator Cat: It Is the Caturday Before Thanksgiving!

in Steem-Pet-Lovers4 months ago

Greetings, Fine Felines and Hoomans of Steemlandia!

I hope the weekend has been treating you well so far, and I hope your Caturday is being a good one!

One of my better portraits, if I must say so, myself!

Our Caturday has been a relatively quiet one.

The Mom-Hooman is once again out of town, visiting the Daughter-Hooman in Seattle, so us cats are just hanging out with the Dad-Hooman and reminding him to spend less time working and more time playing with cats!

Shangri, entertaining himself with a mouse toy on a string!

Both Hoomans have been feeling less than perfect for about a week, and the Mom-Hooman even spent a couple of days in bed last weekend... all because they "picked up some bug" while out at one of their arts and crafts events.

Silly Hoomans! They should just stay home and stay healthy. But I understand... doing the events makes money, and money = cat food!

Naptime at the foot of the Hoomans' bed

Thankfully they are both feeling better now, and the Dad-Hooman is doing a pretty good job of keeping us entertained!

Of course, we are all a little anxious because there was a minor "incident" with some ripped curtains in the bedroom, and the Mom-Hooman will NOT be happy about that!

Watching the rain with Nala...

This coming week we celebrate what the Hoomans call "Thanksgiving." I actually like this Hooman holiday because it means there will be lots of turkey treats, and what could be better than that!?!?

The Dad-Hooman spent part of his day tidying up out on the back patio, even though it was raining. Things must look good, because guests are coming. Nala and I supervised, by the door.

Smudge, enjoying a little bit of sun!

Smudge watch for a while, as well but was more interested in catching a "sun puddle" when the weather cleared up for a couple of hours... before the rain started pouring again.

"They" say that this is becoming the wettest month of November since 2006, when the Hoomans originally arrived in this corner of the USA. I believe it. It has been very dreary!

Nala, contemplating a dreary day...

Of course, with Thanksgiving almost here, it also means that it will not be long before the Hoomans bring in that big tree they put in the corner of the living room, with all those dangly and sparkly cat toys!

Maybe this will be the year when one of us cats manage to climb all the way to the top of it!

Shangri, napping

Meanwhile, isn't it exciting to finally see the crypto markets show a little life?

Last I looked, our Steem token was getting close to 24 cents! Makes me wonder whether we'll actually be able to get above last year's ending number of 25.4 cents before the year runs out?

That would certainly be a nice thing to hope for, and a nice Christmas present!

Nala and Shangri waiting for dinner!

Well, we finally managed to be "on time" with the Caturday Update this week! I hope you enjoyed the various photos, and that you have had a great day!

We really appreciate you coming to visit our little cat blog... and look forward to seeing you again, soon!


This is @curatorcat's 528th original top level post
Active since March 2018 and still going!
All posts are uniquely created for THIS community.
All photos are our own.