Curator Cat and Pals Enjoying Their Caturday!
Greetings, Fine Felines and Hoomans of Steemlandia!
Welcome to the weekend, and welcome to another Caturday update from our corner of the world!
The Dad-Hooman got a really good portrait shot of me! What do you think?
We are having a somewhat quiet weekend because the Mom-Hooman is not here. She went to Seattle to visit the Daughter-Hooman, who will be having her baby very soon!
The Hoomans are very excited about the idea of being grandparents again... for the 4th time, but it is the Daughter-Hooman's first baby, so she's excited... and a bit on edge.
Shangri likes to nap next to the printer, on the side where the warm air vents off!
The Dad-Hooman is mostly working on his eBay business today, which means he's doing a lot of photography... which we like to help him with.
It's an important part of good cat behavior to supervise the Hoomans, in whatever they are doing, and then to offer our help at critical moments!
Is that supposed to be there?
Of course, it's cool that the Dad-Hooman has his camera handy for hsi work, so he can break away and take lots of pictures of us, instead!
He gets a but frustrated sometimes, but we know that — deep down — he really appreciates out help! Things are always best done with a cat!
Nala, surveying her world
Meanwhile, we have been pondering whether we need to adopt a new strategy to kick some life back into the Curator Cat blog.
Seems like engagement and interest has just dropped right off over the past 3-4 months... things were going pretty well, and then everything seemed to just fizzle out... which is a bit odd, for a 7-year old established blog.
Two cats waiting for the string to move!
Well, not going to dwell excessively on it. We're just going to muddle along and keep doing our thing... and try to find some other people posting cat content here on Steemit!
Seems like a lot of people are very busy doing contests, rather than just "free writing" their blogs... maybe that is part of the issue.
Last but not least, here's a photo of Smudge!
And that's about all we have for this week's Caturday update! I hope everyone had a great Caturday, wherever you might be!
Thanks for coming to visit our cat blog, and we hope to see you again!
This is @curatorcat's 544th original top level post
Active since March 2018 and still going!
All posts are uniquely created for THIS community.
All photos are our own.