Food Thought #3| What you say is what Defines your Tomorrow

in Steem For Ladies10 months ago


Hello friends

Welcome to yet another episode of Food Thought. Last week, in episode #2, it was centered on what's on your mind and I noticed this topic is so vast that it might take us a longer time to finish it up.

Today, I come with a different topic captioned "What you say is what defines you!" I don't know if you understand this saying that whatever you say with your mouth is who you are. If you speak evil, then you are evil; if you profess peace and love, then it's who you are.

This brings me back to our topic from last week that says "what's on your mind," and you agree with me that whatever is in a man's mind, he executes. If it's in your mind to hurt a friend, that is what you will do; there are no two ways about it. You must conceive in your mind before you can give birth with your mouth. So it is from the mind that our speech comes forth, and then this speech goes forth into manifestation in the future.

In the word of God (Ecclesiastes chapter 5, verse 6), it says, "Do not let your mouth lead you into sin." What do you say about your future? What do you say to yourself when you stand in front of the mirror? What words do you, as a parent, say to your children? Words are so powerful, which is why one must think before they speak.

"The power of life and death is in the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit, Proverbs 18:21." Which do you choose, life or death? The power has been given to you to make your choice. Think positively, dream positively, and speak positively.


It doesn't matter what life has brought to your table; it doesn't matter what challenge you are facing. Always think and dream positively, and speak positively. Your tomorrow starts from your today! Remember that life is in phases; no billionaire became rich overnight; they all went through a process until they arrived.

There is something I've learned from my pastor, and that is that when I wake up every morning, I speak and command positive words for my day and my life. Say what you want to see happen to your life. Don't always think evil, because that is what you will keep saying. Think good for others so that good can locate you. Remember, good only comes to those who celebrate the good in others lives.

What you say is what defines you. Quit being a negative fellow and join the school of positivity, where every student graduates with an excellent result. I don't have to worry about tomorrow because God says, "He will supply all my needs," "He will bless the works of my hands, and whatever I lay my hands to do shall prosper." These should be your confessions on a daily basis.

You have to feed your mind with God's promises so you stay on track with positive words. God's promises are found in the Word of God. It helps you to remember what you say at all times. Guard your mind; guard what you say. Think before you speak; do not speak before you think.

I leave you with the week's food thought. Next week we shall continue from here... Ninapenda says, "Happy Sunday to you all and say what defines you everyday!



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