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RE: Commenting Contest; Take Your Own Pets Photography

in Steem For Ladies5 months ago

Cute bunnies...
I had some bunnies last year, they were bought from my sister's friend and they were still very babies at that time. However, no matter how much we loved them, they looked very aggressive and even scared when we fed them...
We even let them live freely in the garden...
Until one day, the garden door opened and they disappeared...
You must have taken very good care of them, or is there a special trick?

Thank you for participating in this contest and good luck dear... 🤗😘

 5 months ago 


No sé que pasaría con tus pequeños conejos, Mi conejo Rabbit siempre ha sido muy tranquilo y cariñoso, cuando está molesto solo ignora, pero nunca se ha puesto agresivo.

Que triste que desaparecieron tus conejos, Rabbit siempre pasea y nunca se escapa de casa, le gusta saltar y comer, pero no se va de mi lado.

Bendiciones 😇