Family Reunion: Beautiful Memories In My Village.
One of the things the Almighty God has blessed me with is a loving family. Apart from my husband and kids, my parents and siblings love me so much, and they can go to a great extent for me, and I'll likewise do the same for them. Well, the reason for our unconditional love for one another is not far-fetched; I meant my parent trained us this way; we always have each other's interests at heart. Oh let me gist you, our this year get-together in my village was nothing short of magical! My parent informed us about the get-together beforehand, so we anticipated the day.
My husband, our kids, and I traveled to my village together; I seized the opportunity to tell my kids about my childhood days. I told them the early mornings when my siblings and I woke at 3 AM to fetch water from the nearby stream before daybreak. How I used to fetch firewood with my friends in the bush; those moments were filled with laughter and chatter as we engaged in adventures like hunting snails in the night and hunting mushrooms 🍄 on our way to the farm. The moonlight plays and fairy tales from Momma were some of my best memories; my kids really enjoyed the story and were asking many questions, you know, kids and curiosity. Hahaha😂 in no time, we arrived, and I met with the sight of my family buzzing with excitement. Everywhere was Joyful and it felt like a reunion years in the making 😎.
My Dad was the most joyful; with much pride, he killed 2 he-goats for the feast. The aroma of the goat meat being prepared wafted through the air, hmm that promises a delicious meal. We brought assorted drinks, palm wine and yams which added to the merriment.
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The day began with something delicious and special. My aunt uses the goat heads and intestines to prepare delicious plantain porridge. We gathered around, prayed together, and enjoyed the sumptuous meal as a family, thanking our heavenly Father, Jehovah, for the gathering.
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After the porridge, my sweet sis, Vicky dear treated us to a mouth-watering afia efere. But before we indulged, we decided to have a Bible discussion. This moment was profound; We started with the singing of praises to God first and then prayer before my older brother-in-law took the opportunity to impart wisdom to younger kids, he reminded them to be obedient and listen to their parents so that they would prosper and live longer on the earth. Then, conversations about caring for our aged parents flowed seamlessly; he encouraged my parent to take care of themselves and never to skip their meals. This conversation was indeed reinforcing the bonds that tied us together.
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We acted in a drama to reflect our love for Jehovah and how he normally rescues and exalts his humble and loyal servants. The drama portrays Esther and her cousin Mordecai; they were bold and courageous. Queen Esther, with the help of Jehovah, could stop the evil scheme of the wicked man, an enemy, the bad Haman! I had the honor of playing Queen Esther, while others took roles like King Ahasuerus, Haman, and Mordecai.
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We acted in scenes with a narrator, and I must confess the laughter and applause that followed after each scenario brought us closer and set a joyous tone for us all, but most especially the kids, who were thrilled to end the drama with a live song about Esther. The dramatization did not only serve as entertainment but also a reminder of the morals and values we cherish as a family.
We always reenact Biblical stories, Our parents seized every opportunity they had to inculcate biblical truth in us, and these teachings and experiences shaped my childhood most beautifully. Then, one of our family friends shared heartfelt words about my parent, likening them to a biblical character: Job, for their love for us and resilience. Then he blessed us and I must say those blessings wrapped us just like a warm embrace.
We then turned to My Dad whose words were filled with love and guidance. He reminded us of the importance of Uniting and cherishing one another; he told husbands to love and respect their wives and wives to do the same; he urged parents to love and train their kids in God's way, and in return, children should love and honor their parents. He told us never to lend someone money; if someone comes to us to borrow money, we should rather help the person with whatever we can; he admonished us to be discerning in our friendships and, most importantly, make friends with our heavenly Father Jehovah and stick closer to him.
He urged us to be humble and always apologize when we wrong one another and learn from him and my Mom; they've been together for over 45 years and never fought once. His announcement of their upcoming golden Jubilee marriage anniversary in May 2026 stirred excitement among us. Oh no, I can't wait for it!
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Before we wrapped up the evening we once again expressed our gratitude to God by singing praises to God and our Father prayed. Then came the moment we all had been waiting for: Devouring the succulent goat meat I prepared with @gracyakan and sharing Vickydear's delicious soup, drinking palm wine, dancing, and basking in the joy of togetherness.
This day was indeed one of the best of the year. We share our stories with laughter and love, we bond and feel grateful for the unconditional love that exists in our family, and we are grateful for the support we give and receive, be it emotional or financial; I mean, what are family for? It seems the day was shorter; as night fell, we prepared to leave the village, and guess what? I felt fulfilled. I prayed for our continued unity, joy, good health, and my parents' well-being. May the coming year favor us and bring us even more blessings. I so much cherish and treasure our family bonds, and I'm looking forward to creating more memories like this in the years to come.
Thank you ❤ for reading me!
Hi @goodybest,
I wish you a very happy new year. The bond of your family is very heart warming. It seems like you have had loads of fun and made some wonderful memoreies to chrish a lifetime.
Thank you for participating…..
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You're absolutely right, dear. It was a fun-filled day, and I truly cherish moments like this! Thank you so much for your good wishes!
I noticed that you gave me a "No Club" tag, but that's a mistake because I'm in Club 5050. You shouldn't calculate transfers to charity or contest rewards alongside transfers.
Family reunion is powerful and can never be underrated
I’m happy that you had a nice time with your family
Happy new year in advance
Thank you so much for the good wishes, it means a lot
Saludos amiga no hay nada más maravilloso que compartir con la familia eso no tiene comparación, cada minuto que pasamos al lado de nuestros familiares son momentos mágicos donde todo es felicidad me alegro que hayan disfrutado al máximo este día junto a tus familiares espero que estos momentos se sigan repitiendo durante el próximo año
Amen! May this moment keep repeating itself; thank you so much for visiting me; I appreciate your good wishes.
Curated by: sergeyk
Thank you so much @sergeyk
Wow! What a great day you had sister
Thanks Sis
Honorable @goodybest maam, Thank you so much for sharing these special moments spent with your family. It is clear from your description how important family is in your life and how deep your love and respect for everyone is.
All these moments of family time together are truly precious and memorable. Your father's advice and his feelings of love for his family are truly inspiring. Such reunions add a new chapter of happiness and inspiration to our lives.
Your story is very touching and your unconditional love for your family is truly admirable. I hope you create many more beautiful moments and memories in the future.
Hi friend thanks for the good wishes. But note comments generated with AI are as bad as posts generated with it. I hope you'll desist from doing this.
It was really a fun day and a memorable one, well-done you have said it all
Yeah, and I'm looking forward to moments like this. Thanks for the compliment ❤
This is beautiful, I envy families that unite like yours. My husband and I were discussing 31st night about a family who love and care for each other, I mean I envy them for good. Because their unity is equals to growth, promotion and continuity.
You may never know how blessed you're until you have seen a family who don't care about the existence of another. I mean siblings of the same parents.
Here's sending lots of love and hugs.💕
My dear, I will never take this love for granted; my parents played a significant role in shaping us. If you want the same for your family, teach your children to recognize and support each other's interests, and to love themselves deeply. With God's help, they will grow up embodying these values.
I appreciate your visit and I'm sending my love❤
Wow!!!, I'm salivating already. 🤣🤣
It's nothing too far from the truth that the day was filled with joy, I took deep down those pictures and found that every moment captured was obsessed with joy and laughter.
I really enjoyed reading this post especially when you were sharing your story to your kids, fetching of water, firewoods, hunting for snails and mushrooms. Haha!!!, If I should share mind, its a story that won't contain just a papyrus.😃🤣
Well!, Those days was always fun. I really love the way you put interest in visiting and participate in the family get together as it recure old memories and bring the sense of belonging and purpose.🥰🥰
It's great to hear that you have had similar experiences! I firmly believe that family should come first because they are the ones who will stand by us through thick and thin. Friends may drift away, especially if they no longer benefit from the relationship. 😎
I truly appreciate your visit.
Thanks very much ma'am 🙏🥰
আসলে সত্যি বলতে বাবা মা এবং শ্বশুর শাশুড়ি এবং স্বামী সবার কাছে অত্যন্ত প্রিয় থাকে। আমার পরিবারের মূল্য অনেক। আপনি আপনার পরিবারের গল্প শেয়ার করেছেন এবং কিছু আনন্দের সময়ের কাছে সেগুলো আমাদের সাথে ভাগ করেছেন তা দেখে আমি সত্যিই খুশি এবং আশ্চর্য। হোক আপনার এই পোষ্টের জন্য আমি শুভ কামনা করি সবসময়🥰 @goodybest mem
Thank you so much, friend. Yes, my family matters a lot, and after my God, they come second. I appreciate your good wishes and I'm sending love ❤
I am definitely accepting your love. Speaking from Bangladesh. Greetings and congratulations to all communities in Nigeria. Happy New Year to you @goodybest mem
Thank you❤