SEC19 W3: "Stylish Living"

in Steem For Ladies8 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone


I generated the image on canva

I am participating in this contest because I think this contest can literally help me a lot in telling all of the people of the Steemit community who I truly am , how I like to live , how I dress, Where I like to eat , How I try to make the best out of all the things.

For me stylish living depends on what you wear, how you represent your self , what you eat , where you eat when you go out, how you dress, how you design and art your house everything.

So, I`ll be talking about how I balance style with my way of living and how I live stylish and eat stylish.

Home Entertainment:

Like many others ,I love spending time in my room and on my lobby . I have a tv in my lobby which is surrounded by frames that support the design along with a designed fancy mirror.

I think , the way you represent things makes things look even more attracted. Before , we didn't had frames and sofas on my lobby and only my dad used to watch tv . But after renovation of my house. All of us including me , sit together along with my family and spend time watching movies and Pakistani dramas together in the lobby. So, my lobby is like a source of affection for my family , we all gather there spend time together and we have a dinning table too where we have dinner together. From watching to eating all of my family is together and so lobby plays an important part in our family bonding.

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Next, I have my room where I spend most time of the day. I sleep , dress up and spend most time there in my room along with my sisters. All of us talk about stuff and live and what is happening , each and everything is discussed in our room.
We dress up ,sleep together and study in our room together. So, our room is also a source of binding us together and being a source of love and affection as much as the lobby.

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I also have a favorite spot in my dinning room. where there is simply a clock . I usually take pictures of randoms and backgrounds there for the aesthetic because I really like how the clock is balancing in the wall.

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Fitness and Wellness:

Talking about fitness, For me a healthy breakfast is essential for a healthy life style. If you simply talk about having healthy food start of by having a healthy breakfast .

I try to have a good breakfast every morning. Even though I have a hectic routine and I am tired but I try not to skip my breakfast . And I usually try to eat eggs , fruits for my breakfast . As it keeps my tummy full and give me energy for a long period of time. It truly helps.

My family cant tolerate us being skipping breakfasts and it is a rule in my house for every one to do breakfast at any cost and then leave for our work.

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One more healthy habit I have is walking .Actually , I cant avoid it and its in my routine because I have my university classes daily and my department classes are on the 5th floor so obviously I get to walk daily and not once but multiple times .

More over, I try to drink healthy drinks and smoothies because they are very refreshing and literally they are too good for your skin too. So I prefer, drinking cold fruit drinks a lot .

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Culinary Arts:

Last but not the least style I usually do is the representation of things. That can be anything food ,clothes ,cooking everything maters when it comes to styling.

We have stylish cutlery at home which we usually use when we have guests coming in our house. We can`t represent our food on normal cutlery so we have a beautiful set for serving food to the guest.

I believe it gives a best impression. Things attractive and unique are much preferred over simple and plain. And so we all want to leave a good impression on our guests so that they feel happy and honored to come to our house. Its an honor for us too .

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How we style our dishes includes representation of food. WE usually try our best to represent food in the best way we can . Because a food nicely represented is more likely to be eaten then a food less represented. Its like having a plain ice cream over a sundae.

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See, how styling food with great cutlery and good presentation makes it soo colorful and professional. This is how fashion works and this is how things are made attractive so that an individual wants more and more of it.

Indeed, styling is something we all do in our life . We just don't know we are doing it. Re-arranging our bedroom , packing our bag, cleaning your dinner set and placing it back to shelves are all unique examples of styling.

I invite my friends😊:



Thankyou so much every one🎀

 8 months ago 

banyak tempat yang bisa kita nikmati di dalam rumh, seperti yang sudah anda jelaskan ada ruang tv kamar tidur, meja makan, semuanya begitu indah untuk menghabiskan waktu saat berada di rumah.

 8 months ago 
Thankyou so much for coming here ... Yes ! As I have discussed styling can be calming yet attracting at the very same time
 8 months ago 

Publikasi anda tentang stylish living sangat menarik mulai dari area rumah hingga kuliner..

Smoga anda sukses di tantangan ini.

 8 months ago 

Thankyou so much @sailawana for your appreciation :)
Walaikum asalam

You have nothing left to chance because you have included everything that a decent lady should have in her lifestyle. I love the way you decorated henna in your hands. And decorated your house. My best wishes to you for a great contest

 8 months ago 

OhMyGod!! This comment shows your kindness and appreciation to my post !
I have never received such a warming comment ever before , thankyou so much for coming here and for your appreciation.It truly means alot ❤

 8 months ago 

Yes! We received your entry for SEC19: Speak your style!

I love your style especially that of the cutlery art and the decorations on your hands. Success

Your feedback

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 8 months ago 

Thankyou so much for liking my style and admiring it .It truly makes me feel happy that there are people of this community who love what I doo...
Means a lot coming from you @ruthjoe

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 8 months ago 

Thankyou so much

Hello, My Friend @djanita

This post is awesome, You have given love and your style to every corner of your house Masha ALLAH. From your lobby to your room talk, the importance of family bonding and love is seen everywhere. Be it fitness and wellness or stylish cutlery and food presentations, you have beautifully highlighted every aspect. Giving priority to breakfast and healthy lifestyle is very inspiring. Your passion and dedication is really amazing in making your life stylish and meaningful. Keep Shining and Sharing Truly Wonderful Insight with Us :) Can't wait to see more of your posts. Good Luckkk!!!

 8 months ago 

Thankyou for noticing every small detail of my post and admiring it .It truly means a lot to me,when I get comments of people who talk about small small details of my post.It makes me feel very happy and loved . Thankyou for your engagement on my post.

 8 months ago 

Saludos amiga

Sin duda que estar la mayor parte de nuestro tiempo es casa la convierte en nuestro espacio favorito y aunque tienes una vida ajetreada con clases de universidad tu casa es tu estilo.

En mi país hay un dicho que dice "La comida entra por los ojos" es decir lo que comentas es mas atractivo un plato presentado de forma bonita que otro que no lo sea.

Tu estilo es grandioso.

Saludos y suerte.

 8 months ago 

Exactly very well said thankyou ❤️

 8 months ago 

Your post is nominated by Steem For Ladies for booming vote. The community where the Steemian ladies can be free to express themselves, be creative, learn from each other, and give support to their fellow lady Steemians.
"Only posts that are original, adhere to the rules, and are not cross-posted are nominated."

Best wishes!

 8 months ago 

Thankyou so much for this appreciation.
I am grateful @ruthjoe❤️

 8 months ago 
