The book review life motivation @afshan12

in Steem For Ladies11 days ago

Assalamu Alaikum.


Tell us about your favourite book review?

I am going to tell you guys. what my favorite book .My favorite book is Quran Majeed. Quran Majeed is the last book of Allah and it was revealed to Hazrat Muhammad and it is better than all books.In this book, all the ways of living in this world are explained, for what purpose we are here in this world and why we are here.It also mentioned which things are lawful for us and which things our Lord has made forbidden for us.Reciting one letter of the Holy Qur'an is rewarded with ten good deeds and there are 30 verses in it.And the Holy Qur'an was revealed in the month of Ramadan and should be recited from it as much as possible in the month of Ramadan. By the way, whenever you read it, it has great merit, but the virtue of reciting it in the month of Ramadan increases even more.

By the way, it was revealed in Arabic language, but if we read it in detail, it is a very interesting and interesting book.By reading it one gets a lot of virtue and gets a lot of good deeds.I have kept a small Quran in my purse, whenever I get up and am free, I take out the Quran and read it little by little.All the surahs in it have been explained by Allah with the 20th paragraph, Allah Almighty said: "Who is He Whom I have created, the earth, the sky, whom I have sent down for you, the water from the sky, meaning that whenever it rains, Allah Almighty sends that water from the sky.

Which kinds book you to read?

I am not so interested in worldly books, I am more connected with Quran and it guides me a lot.This rain has many blessings and it is the water of mercy, it ripens the crops, the gardens become beautiful and the trees become green.Allah Ta'ala said: "I have made the earth a place of decision for you, and I have made the rivers between it, and I have made the mountains for it. A friend is a curtain between the seas. Is there any Allah with him, but most of the time they do not know who is the one who accepts the supplication. When a person is in trouble, Allah Ta'ala says: Who is the one who relieves your pain but Me.Do you take counsel, or who is it that shows the way in the dark? Who are they of the land and the sea that sends glad tidings to the winds.



All the Prophets have been mentioned in the entire Qur'an, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) is mentioned. Is the incident of Hazrat Musa related to two common things, one incident is about the Qur'an and Hazrat Musa, the other is with Prophet Israel.Lifting something from the earth whose owner is not known. Isaiah lifted Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) and said to Pharaoh, "We will make him our son, and it will be cool for both of our eyes, but Pharaoh was about to kill him so that no one would be the child of the Prophet Israel.And it was also mentioned in the Holy Qur'an that he who takes the initiative in good deeds does not see whether he is doing good to me or not or does not see that people are looking at me, he only fears Allah and the fear of Allah is piety, for him there are great blessings and its reward.


A person who always thinks good for others only for the pleasure of Allah Almighty, Allah Almighty eases all his difficulties. It was the practice of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, that they used to ask Allah Almighty for every little thing, and did not spread the word in front of people.It was said about Hazrat Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) that even the angels used to be modest with Hazrat Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) Modesty and faith go hand in hand.In the Holy Qur'an, it was said about Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) that after spending 10 years in Madin, Hazrat Musa was going to Egypt with his wife, so he saw a fire somewhere in the distance, so he said to his wife, "You sit here and I will bring fire for you."

If I could enlighten you, then Hazrat Musa saw that there was light in a tree, so he said to Hazrat Musa, "Put your mark in it, but you did not look back."And he said, "Put your hand into your neck and then pull it out, then the white one will pull it out."Annihilate your arm with you without any disease or pain.

Which book give you motivation in your life ?

When I am worried about worldly matters, I read the Holy Quran and my heart is very encouraged.Allah Almighty also says that after difficulty it is easy, just be patient and be patient even in difficulty and don't complain. I get a lot of guidance by reading it.

A person who does not pray, does not fast, and does not recite the Holy Book of Allah, the Holy Qur'an, that person can never be a Muslim.It has been repeatedly said in the Holy Qur'an that one should always support the truth, Allah Almighty is with him, faith first brings truth to a person and when a person comes to the truth, only the heart and faith change.And in the Qur'an, it was also said about parents that do good to parents even if they are bad, then do good to them and if they associate with someone, do not talk to them.

If a person displeases Allah, then there is a great trial for him. Indeed, good deeds remove evil deeds. When a person does good deeds, it is his shower and the truth leads a person to good deeds.If your parents do good to you, do good to them, and if they want to do bad to you, do good to them in return.When criminals believe, disbelievers make fun of them, and when they see them, they wink at them, so your chest would be very tight. Hazrat Wasallam used to recite the Holy Quran after every prayer, especially during the time of Tahajjud, he recited the Quran the most.And Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) was tested for nine and a half years. Only 80 people became Muslims after Noah (peace be upon him) then they used to abuse people and throw stones at them and objected to them in various ways.

Invite to my friend @suboohi,@josepha,@goodybest ,@ahsansharif for the contest.

Special Thanks:


 11 days ago 
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Your reflections on the Quran are beautifully written and inspiring. It is wonderful to see that you are so deeply connected to this sacred book.

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