Talking Point Tonight: the first Child - 16/10/2021, 8.30pm
Its time to start talking. I warmly welcome you friends to our talking point tonight. It promises to be another exciting opportunity to discuss different subjects that affect us all. We air our views and also discover what others think about the topic under consideration. I warmly welcome you once more to this very event. Lets start talking!
Talking Point - How we do it
Tonight we will be discussing an important issue that everyone seems to have a strong opinion about. So get ready to share what you think with us about this important matter concerning the family.
This is an open discussion in which we welcome people's view on the matter. So to participate, the host will raise the issue by making the first comment on this post. Then participants are free to start replying with their opinion about the issue discussed. So here is what you need to do:
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- Make quality input and reply as many people as you can
- Always refresh this page to see new comments
- We will do this for 40 minutes and head over to our Discord Server to finish up
I thank you friends in advance for making our discussion a worthwhile thing. We hope to continue doing this in our next outing. Goodevening.

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This is a beautiful topic...i am not the first neither the last, but i so prefer my position as the 3 born and first daughter, i stand when i make my judgment its always balance.
So if you are to choose for your own family, would you prefer male or female first
Either way is good for me. Good evening all.
If I am to choose for my own family, I will prefer female first. Because I experienced the care and support of a female elder sibling. It relieved me of early home chores and duties. And I guess she as a female did them better than a male could have.
I have a male as a first born, and i enjoy him so well, he is already helping me with some chires though a times i will send him to do something and he will tell me no, sometimes he comes back to do it and sometimes he will not,i take that as childishness becausehe is still the way you train your children matters a lot
Yes! Training is the key word.
No child is actually a waste both the girl child and the male child are all important to the family
Hmm ok na.
Which ever way, male or female, if you train him well, he will do well. But I will prefer a male child to protect his siblings.
True...God will grant your heart desires
Goodevening friends and welcome to this Talking point episode. Here are the two questions we want to discuss.
Given the important role of the first child, which sex would you prefer - male or female? Give reasons
Between the first child and the last child, which will you choose if you were given a second chance to choose either of the two
Good evening everyone
@ladyofpolicy how was your day. I warmly welcome you to the talking point tonight. How would you answer the first question?
Good evening dear.
Welcome on board
Evening everyone
Welcome to the talking point @benson6. How was your Saturday
At first, it was not easy for me sir but along the line, I began to feel my legs again and yours?
Really, what happened to your legs?
I was feeling tired but typing was part of the indoor things and taking the vaccine was the biggest upset so far.
Ok. Am sorry about the effects of the vaccine. Is it the second dose? Am sure you will recover
Is the first dose and I never knew it was like this, I will not have attempted it
I prefer the female which I am.
My reasons;
I want to become a woman in my next world because women are beautiful, women are strong women are unique. God himself made it so.
Question 2;
I would prefer the first child
Wow! But men are also handsome
Yes, but I said "Beautiful"
Thank you so much for your opinions. Women play a big role in the family. How do you handle some the difficult tasks at home which it would have been easier for the male child. For example, financial responsibilities
Most families now are been taken care of by the female child. Female children nowadays are the breadwinners in various families.
Any family without a female child is incomplete.....
I personally notice that a lot of families with many male children is always fighting. Does that happen with many female kids?
Ask them o
I love this!
Till next generation I would prefer the male because they are head of the family, bread winner and also stand as a solid stone to the family in question.
I'm sure you have seen women who are bread winners both in their husband's house and parent's home.
I have seen them but some are fairly used because the man is always regarded as the head of the table
You made some points here. However, do you think a male child as the first handles the domestic works well?
We can handle that sir but everything centers on the upbringing of the male child.
Check out the scores of most female in various families.... Women are now the breadwinners of families nowooo.
I am not disputing that fact but that when the power is being delegated for a woman to act as a part time worker
Well, everyones opinion is beautiful...
Sure Mrs but the truth is always sweet
Ok nah
If I was given a chance to choose among the 2, I would last child because majority receive all the love and care from their elderly ones.
For me, I'd love my first child to be a female oh. These make children nowadays get stubborn on time and refuse to help parents due to the mentality of superiority instilled in the current world about male.
On the other hand, a female child can be subjected to homely duties at an early stage. This will also be a relief to the mum whenever she is ready to have more children. The first female child will be available to help.
Although some male children are useful in this aspect, generally, female adolescents appreciate their roles as upcoming mothers and practicalize it while staying with their mothers
These is a lot of sense in what you said. I would like to know your position in your family now?
Thank you.
I am the second child in my family and the only male child.
You know that comes with a lot of assumed responsibility
And it's intensified now due to the fact that my parents are no longer alive. I have to play the role of a father in most cases.
Good evening everyone
For the first question i would prefer to be female if i was the first child
For the second question i would prefer to be the last child
If I was given a second chance to choose, I would choose to be a male child anyway, 😂. The society and the scripture sees being a man as a privilege. Although females play a larger part in the home and domestic roles, the men are seen as the head of the house and that alone is a criteria to be honored.
Good evening everyone. I’d prefer the female gender which I already am. Women are amazing creatures designed and embodied with qualities that makes them unique from the males.
If I were given the chant, I’d prefer the last child again.
To me, any gender is welcome.
What I believe is the manner you train the child.
Like I was told, my mother trained all her kids both male and female the same.
All of them are responsible and hardworking.
As for the second question, I will come as the last born over and over again.
I love my position in the family.
No wonder your shakara is always too much in the platform
Yes oo it's in my blood
You are making sense in your answer. Good upbringing helps everyone in the family. But I have seen some parents prefer the female child first because she could help with domestic work. What do you think? Are you currently the last born now?
Even in domestic work, its the responsibility of the parents to train the kids on how to do them.
Besides chores are not meant only for the female child
You are making sense. I wanted to know why you would be last born again. Any economic advantages?
Haha yes...
Most times nobody ask me for financial help even though I give without waiting for them.
They think I'm still a little baby.
But I'm enjoying the attention though.
You are making sense. I wanted to know why you would be last born again. Any economic advantages?
Thats true
All these last born fiffle
What? Who send you to come out early? @charis20
God sent me to prepare the way for the people coming behind like tou....whaen you came did you meet weeds in the compound?
@patience90 thank you! Your opinion is valid.
What maters is the way you train the child just like it's written in the bible. Train well a child the way he should go.....
Good evening all
Good evening bro
How was your day @osolife. What is your position in the family? If you raise your own family, would you like male or female as first child?
My day was ok.
Am the second out of 5
I would love to have a male child as my first born to preserve my name. No one knows tomorrow. I will name him osoalaeze.
Am tempted to say a female child as my first born with my wife. especially if she will take after pretty mum. They know how to organize a family etc.
Good evening and kudos to you sir @focusnow for this wonderful programme that allows everyone to air his/ her view on the subject matter. I am delighted to be part of the train.
@pato84. Welcome sir to the talking point. How was your day
@pato84. Welcome sir to the talking point. How was your day
Good evening friends, how was your day?
I think it's better If the first child is a male.
I will choose a male child first.
I disagree with this 👇
Any home without a female child is incomplete.
Check well.
Na lie oh, some homes dont have a female and they are okay with the numbers
You mean some female children provide better financial help than some males? Have you observed any firsthand?
I agree with you my dear
We are talking about first child@ninapenda the females can come subsequently
You have a point but my elder sister also protect us the younger ones including the boys.
Hahahaha. So the protection can be given by both sexes, right?
That's correct @focusnow.
My sister is an example
She is a lioness
Thanks for your input @uzoma24. The male child does some great work for the family if he is first. But do you think they also do domestic work well? For example cooking
They do cook Sir and most of them are professor when it comes to cooking sir
No man can trust himself 100% in cooking the way they trust the women. When a man has a woman at home, he is always happy because his stomach will be assured...
But you are aware that nothing is guaranteed in this world because sometimes i don't trust myself either to trust another person
@ninapenda I know men tagt can be trusted 💯 in and around the kitchen.
@focusnow thank you for replying.
A male child can do anything you train him to do, for example, an the first child, and I was groomed on cooking while I was still young and I did help the family in that capacity
Ok, what if the reverse becomes your case
Male or female, am ok. When properly trained a male child will render same help a female child will render at that early stage. The same thing applies when both are grown up. If a female child well established at an adult stage, she will contribute reasonably in training her younger ones. The key thing is training & helping any available one to become well established.
For the second question, I will like to be the last born with a cooperative older ones. I said cooperative older ones because if the elderly ones are always quarrelling, having dispute & doing things differently, the last born will not really enjoy them
Interesting, weather is a male or female child, the cord is the training because at the end of the day, who ever that wants to be bad, will be bad but parents should play their role first in the upbringing
You have an amazing point. Proper training is key
Thank you dear and that is my mom is my idol
Hahahahaha. Cooperative other ones indeed. So sir currently, what position do you occupy in the family.
Middle of middle. We are 3 males, 2 females. A male & female are on my both sides.
You are correct @aizeeck, training is the key.
I have even seen a family that have about 4 boys, none of them is willing to take care of their aged parents. Thank God for the two girls they have, who have been doing everything possible to to take care of the parents.
Good evening everyone and to you boss @focusnow
Welcome to this edition of the talking point, how was your day @patience90
My day was fine thank God for the showers of rain since Afternoon and it's still drizzling
Good evening everyone
For the first question i would prefer to be female if i was the first child
For the second question i would prefer to be the last child
Let's have your reasons
Good evening all. This is a very interesting topic to discuss about.
How is everyone?