SteemAlive Presents: The Value Contest - What can 1000Steem buy in your Country (0.5 Steem for each entry + Upvote)

in SteemAlive5 years ago (edited)



One great thing about Steemit is that it is made up of people from all walks of life. This global audience gives us the opportunity to get to know what is happening in other places. The main purpose of this contest is to encourage engagement through comments. Also, this contest will also give us insight into the economic situation in other countries. So we want to know the value of 1000 Steem elsewhere.


The contest

It is simple, tell us what 1000 Steem can buy in your country. It could be a single object or a collection of goods.


How to Join

Drop your entry as a comment under this post. Simple. If others from the same country have stated a particular set of goods, mention other things.


The rules

  1. Upvote and resteem this post
  2. State the name of your country
  3. Tell us the equivalent of 1000 Steem in your local currency.
  4. State one object or a collection of goods that 1000 Steem can afford.


The Prize

0.5 Steem for each entry, plus upvote from Steemalive curation trail. If we receive any support for this contest, we can increase the prize to 1 Steem for each correct entry. This contest is open for all to join until this post pays out


Support this contest.

You can help us increase the prize of this contest by donating Steem or SBD. Send your donations to @steemalive and indicate its for "The Value Contest" You can also give a valuable vote. Or join our curation trail. Thank you so much in advance for supporting this initiative.

Once again, we thank @steemitblog, @steemcurator01, and @crypto.piotr. For their continued support. We are grateful.


:::Whatsapp :::join trail

 5 years ago 

I admire the consistency in the weekly contests and I'm always happy to participate.

I'm @doppley from Nigeria and with conversions from the crypto-bot created by @justyy. 1000 steem is an equivalent of NGN 115380 and it's just enough to get a very decent HD television set without having to cross the line of extravagance.

We thank you @doppley for this valuation and entry. Kindly interact with others as they make their own entry.

Hola amigos de @steemalive muchas gracias por brindarnos a todos la oportunidad de ganar estos 1000 steem.
Yo usaría los 1000 steem principalmente para llevar a mi bebe de 4 meses a unas consultas medicas que debe ir, el costo aproximado de las consultas es de 10.000.000 BsS el equivalente a unos 146,87 steem, dependiendo de la evaluación de los médicos deberíamos gastar 15.000.000 BsS aproximadamente unos 220,31 steem en medicinas podría ser un poco mas, otra parte la utilizaría para comprar una cocina eléctrica que tiene un costo de 9.300.000 BsS unos 136,59 steem, compraria alimentos por un costo de 15.500.000 BsS unos 227,65 steem, el restante que serian unos 268,58 steem, los repartiría entre mi mama, mi papa, mi abuela, mis tías y mi suegra que siempre me están apoyando con los gastos del bebe, la casa y situaciones difíciles. Hasta el día de hoy esos 1000 steem representan en bolívares la cantidad de 68.085.590 BsS. esta es una suma algo grande dinero aquí en mi país y a mi y cualquier persona residente en Venezuela nos podría ayudar muchísimo.

También quisiera compararme una bicicleta que tiene un costo de 65.000.000 BsS unos 954 steem, para poder salir a pasear con mi esposo. jejeje


Soy de Ciudad Bolívar - Venezuela


 5 years ago 

Waow thank you for your entry to this contest @belenc. 1000steem is really a huge amount in #Venezuela and can be used for numerous purposes as you have just enumerated.
Thank you.

Hola amigo @njiatanga si es aquí en mi país Venezuela es una cantidad considerable de dinero con la cual una familia podría resolver varias situaciones y hasta unos tres meses de comida y insumos para el hogar. Saludos


Brazil 1000 steems = 200 beers

Thank you for participating @pepelopez. However, we want you to be more specific. What is the cost of 1 beer? What is the equivalent of 1000 Steem in Brazil?

1 beer in Brazil ~ 2 USD ~ 1000 STEEM

1 USD ~ 6 BRL
1 BRL ~ 1.5 STEEM
1 beer ~ 12 BRL ~ 2 USD ~ 8 STEEM
1000 STEEM ~ 125 beers in Brazil

Dear @steemalive, @focusnow

Another amazing contest. I hope you will find some great audience to join it.

It is simple, tell us what 1000 Steem can buy in your country. It could be a single object or a collection of goods.

I'm recently trying to put some money aside to purchase second-hand play station 4 (PS4) and cost of it is close to 250 usd. It seem that this is roughly as much as 1000 steem is worth.

So if you ask me - this is what I would buy if I had 1000steem lying around and I would like to spent it.

Once again, we thank @steemitblog, @steemcurator01, and @crypto.piotr. For their continued support. We are grateful.

Pleasure is mine.
Post upvoted and resteemed. I'm from Poland.

In the future I would be glad to support your contest with some solid upvotes. I could allocate 3 upvotes (100k SP each) for 3 best entries (comments). If you're interested then DM me via Discord and let's talk about it.

Enjoy your weekend,
Yours, Piotr

 5 years ago 

@crypto.piotr. Thank you my friend for participating in this contest. Your support has been immense. Am grateful.

I'm recently trying to put some money aside to purchase second-hand play station 4 (PS4) and cost of it is close to 250 usd. It seem that this is roughly as much as 1000 steem is worth.

Gaming is fun and PS4 could be a nice way to catch some fun. Hope the second-hand one will be in good condition. Was wondering the cost of a brand new one.

In the future I would be glad to support your contest with some solid upvotes. I could allocate 3 upvotes (100k SP each) for 3 best entries (comments). If you're interested then DM me via Discord and let's talk about it.

This would be absolutely lovely. Will get in touch with you definitely.

Thank you specially for giving us your time. I know how busy you are. To use your time and resources to support us in this way,we are forever grateful.

@crypto.piotr. We appreciate your participating in this contest. We hope you will get 1000 Steem soon to buy PS4. It's a popular game, a way to spend free time and have fun.

We thank you once again for supporting our contest.


Here in Brazil, 1000 STEEM is equivalent to 1367 reais, more than the minimum wage of most workers, you can pay the rent of the house, for example, or buy a good smartphone from Samsung or Motorola.

Could you be more specific @ivonei. How much rent can 1000 Steem pay, and for how long? Or What model of Samsung or Motorola phone can that amount buy?

Smartphone Samsung Galaxy A20s 32GB Dual Chip Android 9.0 Tela 6.5" Octa-Core 1.8 GHz 4G Câmera Tripla 13.0 MP + 5.0 MP + 5.0 MP(UW) - Preto


Casa com 3 Quartos para Alugar, 60 m² por R$ 1.000/Mês


@ivonei. Thank you for adding the details. We appreciate how much 1000 Steem can afford in your country. Your entry is acknowledged.

Interesting contests here. However, the value ion fiat would vary with time of the user's entry due to price fluctuations. I'll love to have my recruits and trainees be a part of what you do here:

Cc: @Cherrypee @Gabby20 @Tomlee @Eldecor @Amplegeologist @Evegrace @Glotokens @Obrisgold1 @Nsioscar, @Imadear @Imaluv54, please inform others.

@uyobong. We will be happy to have them in our growing community. I admire your effort in promoting Steem in Nigeria. We can team up to achieve bigger things faster. Here is a link to our WhatsApp group.

SteemAlive on WhatsApp.

Name of my country is Nigeria and equivalent of 1000 steem at the moment is 89,594.58 naira (eighty-nine thousand five hundred and ninety-four naira, fifty-eight kobos).

This could be used to buy an Apple iPhone 7 with a feature of 4.7 Inch 2GB + 32GB 12MP + 7MP Finger Sensor 4G LTE Smartphone from Jumia trading site. The price is ₦ 88,490 and the with 1000 naira as a shipping fee.

@lebey1. We know you love iphones, isn't it? Thank you for giving us that valuation of 1000 Steem. Your entry has been acknowledged.

I don't really like iPhones like it's not my first choice but it's worth using though

Ok. We understand it now. Ya it's not a bad brand.

This time the value of 1 steem is 11.57 php....1000steem is equivalent to 11570.00 php at my country Philippines it can buy 4 and 1/2 sack of rice, it can feed 10 people in two months. It helps a lot at times like this.

Good luck to everyone and more power @steemalive

We thank you for joining our contest @sweetcha. We are glad you showed us what 1000 Steem is worth in your country. We hope you will join our future contests.

pleasure is mine, I'll try my best to do so...more power steem alive😊

Hola @dulzura muy buena tu propuesta valdría mucho la pena que con esos steem ayudaras a tanta gente en estos momentos tan difíciles que estamos pasando. Saludos


I am from Bangladesh,here 1000 steem=20000 BDT.
In my country 1 family of 6 members can pass their 1 month very nicely with this 20000 BDT. And if you ask me what can i buy,i will reply many things. But i have a thinking of buying "Realme 6"mobile,which is a trending model in Bangladesh. I am using mobile since 2016 and using the same model. But this phone has become old,so i am thinking to buy Realme 6 and giving my old phone to my mother. Realme 6 price is about 1000 steem in Bangladesh.

@sonualam. That you for your entry. Realme 6 must be a popular phone in your country. And you have a good heart to give your mother a phone. We hope you will be able to do that soon. Your entry is acknowledged.