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RE: SteemAlive Presents: Inside Life! An engaging contest story tracing career paths from childhood. (60 Steem Prize + upvotes)

in SteemAlive5 years ago (edited)

Am so delightful to be a partaker of this contest. Thank you very much for this great opportunity given to me.

Oh yes, many have wanted to become one thing or the order but because of how life treat them they end up becoming another thing out of what they desire. Looking into my own life, right from my childhood, to be an Accountant has been my dream. I remembered when I do sit out with my friends and discuss what we want to be in future. I was the only one that want to be an Accountant among my friends. As of my secondary school, we were asked what we want to be in future, everybody said theirs, and i also say mine, my friends started discouraging me not to go on with decision of becoming an Accountant, all because they hate art as an department, saying Art Department speaks a lot grammer, and why they are trying to keep my mind away from my career dream is because they want to be a doctor, nurse, etc all in science, but am the type that hate science so much, i dont just like it because of medicine part of it.

So, they started putting fears in me, that those that works in bank as an Accountant are not paid well and they risky their lives. A friend brought up a story of how, she went to bank to pay in some money, getting there, she saw arm robbers with gun pointing it at people's in the bank, telling them not to move and they should bring out all the monies and phone they have. So after hearing all that, I became afraid of pursuing my dreams, I became worried, in fact I totally change my mind not to go further with my decision again.

On a faithful day, I went to my principal office, to discuss about my fear of becoming an Accountant, to the glory of God, God used him to encourage me and he told me not to listen to anyone based on what I want to be in future, I key in to his words and sit up again. When my friends will come again to discourage me, I will tell them When I Reach To That Breech I will Know How To Cross It, that makes them to stop disturbing me of that.

On the day of my final year exam in my secondary school I meant a new friend, who also have passion to be an Accountant. She is very intelligent in calculation, we both became friends. She helped me to know more in calculation, from her I also learnt how to make some research based on my career, and know more about Accounting, that only helped me to put more interest to become an Accountant.

After my exam, I moved to another city called Abuja, there I got admission and Accounting was given to me, which is what I wanted. Due to the system of my school I do research and also read on my own since I don't attend any lecture. To God be the Glory, am still pursuing it and hopefully in next 1year now I will be having my certificate as an Accountant.

Thanks for the time in reading.


 5 years ago 

👏👏👏 amazing. You shivered at the beginning but God sent a helper to you. Then you stood your grounds. You see what some friends can descourage you until you destroy your future. Chaii. And then they pursue their careers ehh. Mum. Hold on tight to your passion.. I support you. 💪💪💪

 5 years ago 

My dear @craxywriter, that is why they say mind the kind of people you follow. When you meet the wrong people, their intention towards you is to destory you. I really learnt my lesson from that, it help me to stand on my decisions.

Hahah thank God, i recieve a helper. Determinatio matters in everything.

#steemconnection #nigeria #steemalive #onepercent

 5 years ago 

Now this is one big case of peer pressure which partly led to inferiority complex. Hearing those stories and reasons to not take a particular decision from those you regard as friends would obviously have a massive effect. But most times it could be said that a career path pursued just for the name of it or how it might make you feel and not how you feel towards/ about it might end up in premium tears except you get lucky. I've got lots of friends who ventured into a career path different from their original Intention as a result of friends and this took a huge toll on them, regression in performances right from secondary school.

I'm happy you finally found your balance and took the right decision.


 5 years ago 

Exactly @doppley, this is more reason most people suffer today, because they listen to what people say to them, they have been discourage by the influence of people, they fail to listen to themselves and find who they really are, that it why after listening to people nd friend they end up suffering while them that discourage prosper.

I really learnt a lot from them, because hard it been followed them, my life could have been meaningless. But am still thanking God helping me.


Hola, que bueno que hayas seguido tu sueño y no te hayas dejado influenciar por la opinion de los demas.
Te deso mucho exito en todos tus proyectos de vida.

 5 years ago 

Muchas gracias. En realidad, cuando el diablo quiere derribar a uno, intentará usar a las personas que están alrededor para envenenar la mente.

#steemconnection #onepercent

 5 years ago 

Oh my God your career path was kind of motivation to me , you know, my mentality then was that arts student can do oral english and i found out its actually truth. Thank god you are still in the pursuit of an accountant even when the pressure came upon you.

 5 years ago 

Hahahaha, you are right dear, as of tgen science department always see art department as a grammatic department. But to me, it wasnt so, every can speak grammer.

Hmmmm, the pressure isnt funny ooo, thank God they did not give me high blood pressure. All i know is that, what ever God have destiny one to be surly that we be no matter how hard people try to pull down. That is it.

Thanks for reading @bright-obias

 5 years ago 

All i know is that, what ever God have destiny one to be surly that we be no matter how hard people try to pull down

am perceiving you are an expert when it comes in speaking grammer, lolz thats good of you dear.

 5 years ago 

Oh ye dear@bright-obias, sure one must be what he or she is destiny to be with the help of God and the person help too, because if God is working on you and you are not working on yourself , you go no where, him that God is helping needs to help himself. You dont sit at a place and wait for a miracle, ni way you cant get it.

So is only when know who you are, you can be able to overcome the temptation of human.

#steemconnection #onepercent

 5 years ago 

Its good to work hard because heaven help those who help themselves

 5 years ago 

Alrighte, i will teacg you

Hola a veces la vida nos presenta muchas situaciones pero lo importante es no abandonar lo que deseamos a pesar de que lo veamos lejos nuestros sueños no hay que desfallecer hay que motivarnos y lograr lo que queremos así como tu lo hicistes que lograstes tu meta

 5 years ago 

Exactamente. Una cosa acerca de la vida es que la vida te sacudirá hasta el punto en que no podrás sostenerte si no fuera por la gracia de Dios. Cuando tienes un sueño y trabajas para lograrlo, así es como puedes hacerlo. Pero, por otro lado, la mayoría de las veces las personas cometen el error de no saber lo que quieren, es por eso que rápidamente derriban a las personas que las rodean.

#steemconnection #onepercent #nigeria

 5 years ago 

@sambee this is really amazing,
Wooow...!!! I'm so happy for you dearie, pursuing your dream career is a great achievement.
You will definitely do excellently in this field. Thank God that you seeked for help early enough by going to your principal for some advice thereby not being misled by your classmates then.
Congratulations 🎉.

#onepercent #nigeria

 5 years ago (edited)

Oh yes my dear @marydexplorer it can only be God, i think is only the grace of God that helped me to stand on my ground, because if is only me, they could have succeeded.

Thank you very much, only by His gracd i shall win the battle.
#steemconnection #nigeria #onepercent