My Diary for 24th September 2021|| I Harvested my Cassava for Garri processing

in SteemAlive4 years ago

Goodmorning, goodday, goodevening to my fellow steemians depending on your time zone in steemit community.Hope you are all cool wherever you are.I just want to share my activity on cassava adventure with you guys.

I needed garri in the house. so on this day i woke up very early, lets say around 6:00am. said my prayers and without touching any domestic work, i placed my hoe and cutlass in a sack including two sacks to load in my cassava tubers when am done uprooting them.Without an exaggeration the journey to our farm is very far. It can be compared with our steemit office in aba to Obikabia junction.

Our villagers named that place "Egbelu". Due to its far distance from home and majority of our villagers have their cassava plantations there. It was all planted last year planting season. But due for harvesting this year.Unfortunately, i cannot ride a bicycle. I can only place goods on the carriage and push it.The farm road is motorable, it can be plyed by buses, bicycles and motorcycles including pedestrians.

Due to this rainy season, one can hardly see any bus plying that road now.So, we make do with bicycles and motorcycles for now till the rainy season is over.Besides, there are potholes and sands on some parts of the road, filled with floods that if you are not careful you might slip and fall.

My vehicle was my leg (legadis benz).

Before then, i had made an arrangement with a motorcyclist to come and carry the two bags of cassava when i must have finished harvesting themThe motorcyclist is another pain in addition to the stress of this journey to " egbelu". You have to pet him and give him reminders.He isnt a man of his word. His "yes" is "no" and his "no" is "yes". He is full of disappointments. Many atimes he had been booked to carry goods for people he would not turn up. Leaving people stranded till the next day.

You may ask if he is the only available cyclist? Well, he isn't but he is the youngest and the most vibrant one we have in the village.Others are older and may easily land you and your goods on the ground.So, on this day i used my moms airtel line to call him and fixed the time he was to come and carry the cassava.He made a promise to come by that fixed time. Fortunately for me, he was different this day. He was truly faithful to his promise.

I was surprised, when i saw him because of his various disappointments.On getting to the farm, i set down to business. I uprooted as much as i can to fill two bags.When i was done, i loaded the two bags with cassava tubers till the cyclist came to carry me.The processing of the cassava began when i got home. I ate my breakfast, rested for a while and poured the tubers on the ground.I settled down, peeled, washed and placed them on a clean sack.The man that was to grind the cassava came very late in the night. So, i couldn't capture the grinding process.

Next, on line was pouring the grinded cassava into a clean bag, like emptied rice bag and place it on a presser to dry up the water in the cassava.



This drying with a presser is controlled manually with hand. So, i was going there regularly to roll the handle of the presser so it could press down the bag to drain the water from the cassava completely.I tried uploading all the processes but it was failing to upload.

The next process was to remove the dried cassava, shifter it and fry.Thats all steemians. Thanks so much for reading through my post.

I love you guys. Please help me get better by making your comments.
