MY CULTURE (Heritage and identity) [email protected]

in SteemAlive4 years ago (edited)

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edited with Pixelab


Hello great people of this ecosystem. Accept warm greetings from The South West Region of Cameroon, where i will be thrilling you with our beautiful, outstanding culture. Well for the sake of the contest organised by our beautiful friend @uzoma24 which i am very grateful for that, i will be brief and bring in just the essentials because a 50000pages book will not still be a enough to explain and showcase my beautiful culture.

Let's get to the real business??
What is culture???
Let us consider the following definitions;

  • Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.
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  • Culture is the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people.
    Culture is communication, communication is culture.
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  • Culture in its broadest sense is cultivated behavior; that is the totality of a person's learned, accumulated experience which is socially transmitted, or more briefly, behavior through social learning.
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Thus a culture of a people is a way of life , their behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. Their style of dressing, what they eat is also an important part of the people's culture.
So the culture of a people is practiced on daily basis, how ever there is always a day set aside to show these values inherited from the past. And this the core of our discussion in this post.RGgukq5E6HBM2jscGd4Sszpv94XxHH2uqxMY9z21vaqHt22h1up7hhkggLs5S8TnejS1FT623qtaPkig8mUHkC9cCGUxor1pF3UPpQRZBR68RpZ2JBidfcdbL7hod1g.png

To start with i hail from the South West part of Cameroon, from a tribe known as the "Bangwa" we are called the "99 sense people" Don't ask me why because that will be another topic of another day .
Our cultural celebration holds once a a year during the summer holidays. All villages in the Sub division do a very separate event.

In my village in particular this show is done under the association Nwametaw cultural Development Association(NWACADU).During the week sporting activities are organized before the D day where cultural dances are displayed
To make the occasion hinge free there are masquerades who act as the police , putting calm where there is any disorder.

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Village police , traditional called "Juju." Due to modernity , their role is gradually been taken by the forces of law and order.

A numerous dances are performed by people from different quarters. Below i am going to showcase some of these traditional dances.

aaaculture, bamileke.JPG
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This is the "Azing dance" , a dance of peace and and also use to be performed when our forefathers where victorious in wars.

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This is "Tomendong" performed only by notables and chiefs. It is believe to a source of cleansing of the land after a an abomination is committed.

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This is another breed of "Azing" dance where everybody is free to participate. It is dance of joy and it is aim at promoting coexistence and harmony.

Special instruments are used to pass different messages and also animate the show such as this
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Everyone is not oblige to dress in a tradition attire but you just feel like you should belong. And by belonging you need to be embedded in the culture. This is how i looked some few months back during a mini cultural celebration.


During this particular and special event government officials are part of the event and people travel far and wide just for this special occasion. In the past when the sociopolitical atmosphere was less tense, we use to have European tourists who come to witness the special event.


Your culture is your identity and you are lost without your culture. I am proud to belong to the Bangwa tribe, i am a proud Cameroonian and a proud African.

Thanks for your time



Thanks for talking about the culture ,I'm happy I'm part of this beautiful culture though I didn't know the meaning of those different traditional dances but now I know thanks to you.Thanks for educating me on our culture @ greatful I read your post.Waiting to know why we are called the 99 lol.

 4 years ago 

Yes this is just a glimpse of what we posses as cultural dances. You can read more online or inqiure from knowleageable and aged people around.God please you as you took time to check on this post.

 4 years ago 

Wow!!! Thanks for the beautiful write up my dear friend I love culture and I love participating in it.thanks I now know the meaning of the different traditional dances of the South Westerners. Hoping to be part one day hahaha 😄

 4 years ago 

You are most welcomed @ihnadine. Indeed so beautiful dances. This is just a glimpse of what we have. I could not mention a hundred of them in just one post ohhh. I am gonna invite you one day for a cultural jambori...Just be ready. Thanks for checking this post my dear.

 4 years ago 

Really? Dat will be my best moment oooooh. I will be patiently waiting.💃💃💃

 4 years ago 

That is beautiful. I will hit u up my beautiful friend.

I'm so happy to read about your culture and the way they dance there dressing I wish to dance with them

 4 years ago 

Yes the dressing and dancing is so beautiful. If you where to be present , you will love it the more. Our culture is one of the way we express our sense of belonging and the self pride.

Never forsake your culture.
One Africa for peace

Waw, what a great heritage.

Culture is indeed a people way of life. Show me your culture and I will tell you your origin.

You did a nice job 👍

 4 years ago 

Thanks for your encouragements bro. I am indeed grateful. We are one people.

 4 years ago 

Bangwa 99 sense people, the crazy people. Hhhmmmmm... I have had many friends from your land but they don't show the 99 sense as described. I had just one friend who was is very very intelligent. Well hope you will explain the sense behind that later

Your culture is your identity and you are lost without your culture

Ooohh!! I love this statement. Being without a culture is like being without a home or family. You know what that means. Cultures are very very important to each group of people and it good we adhere to our culture and values.

I love those traditional dances they seem to be cool and will love to watch them live. Thanks for sharing with us
#twopercent #cameroon

 4 years ago 

I love those traditional dances they seem to be cool and will love to watch them live. Thanks for sharing with us

I am do delighted you love it. The jamboree is always a come and see matter .But where are we go to keep the tense socioeconomic atmosphere to be able to have a hinge free celebration .

We pray for things to return to normal so we can be able to host such events again. Let's keep our fingers crossed, when the times come you and aunti @bihdine will be highly invited .
One thing about us is that we make good husbands, .Have you heard about that before???

Thanks so much for your feedback .

Wow I have learnt a lot about your culture from you and my other friends from your tribe .there is no way you can belong inthe society without been identify from your tribe nor culture in Africa .thanks for throwing more light about your culture to people like us .

 3 years ago (edited)

You are most welcomed @wirngo. You have got a beautiful user name. You know we as Africans have a very rich cultural heritage that others are trying to exploit. But some of us Africans do not value these riches. If wishes were horses i will become a president unite the whole of African to become the United States of Africa, rebrand it and make it Africa again..😁
I appreciate your comment .
