CONTEST - Student Building Strategies (PART-3) || Teaching Students Manners

in Teachers & Students11 days ago

A precious greetings to you all. I'm very pleased in participating in this teaching contest first I really appreciate this teacher student community for this opportunity for me to show my teaching skills in the Student Building Strategies (PART-2) || teaching students manners.

A very big thanks to @myteacher for making this contest to hold because many people will really learn a lot from this contest. Being a teacher is my passion, and I have been doing well in school because of the help of my teachers. Today I'm proud to be a successful teacher. One might ask, what is a teacher? Of course, being a teacher is not about the building; it's about the people, and one of the people stands among all in passing skills and knowledge to one another. Note: teaching can take place in many ways and anywhere, anytime.


A teacher play a very big roles in the life of students. In fact after the parents the teachers are next because the students spread most of the time with their school teachers than their parents and most of the things they display at home is what they practice in the school. As a teacher they are many ways in teaching student manners now we have good & bad manners but parents are expecting their kids with good manners in the society.

How do you as a teacher teach manners in students?
Answer: making sure I know the basics thing or skills they lack and implying it

What are the steps you will take to teach students manners?
Answer:good behavior, teaching them respect for elderly ones, and teaching good table manners. Teaching them to offer to serve people who enter their home, teaching shaking of hands and making eye contact, having a spirit of appreciation, and showing a spirit of giving, teaching them honestly, truthfulness,

As a teacher, will you take the help of their parents to teach students to maintain politeness, discipline?
Answer: yes I will, because both parents and teachers has a role in the students life. The teachers have a role in the school while the parents have the role at home the work of a teacher can't be completed if the students parents did not make sure they practice what they were taught by the teachers in the school.

What activities would you ask students to practice in their daily classes to learn the technique of politeness?
Answer: manners of talking, respect, honesty, truthfulness, patience, good morals and manners of approach.

Let look at some good manners that is been expected in students from theirs parents are, good behavior, having respect for elderly one, having good table manners,Teach them to offer to serve people who enter their home, teaching shaking of hands and make eye contact, having spirit of appreciated, showing spirit of given. A little explain of the good manners;


Teaching some behavior to the students on how to behave when they are in the middle of elders and also in an event around them and teaching them how to keep themselves and their environment or surroundings clear.


Many adults have forgotten this gem. It’s a sign of respect no matter what our age. Grandparents. Aunts and uncles. Teachers. Any visitor to the home. Teach children to stand as a sign of respect. Teaching them the habit of greeting the elderly and respecting the elder in terms of talking, especially when two elders are discussing, should always be excused. Some principle is manifest in holding doors, stepping aside, offering the last cookie, giving up your seat, changing a tire, carrying groceries, and offering a hand. Also assisting in showing hospitality to elderly ones.


Family dinners can be a perfect venue for manners. Demonstrate, practice, model, question, prompt. No TV, no phones, and no distractions from polite interaction. Having good table manners when eating in the dining room with elders and family.


Make it routine. May I take your coat? Would you like a glass of water? Let me take your bags. Always welcome guests because people who visit are our guests, so they must be treated with care and respect. This is a key lesson, no matter what a child’s age.


Teaching kids to shake hands, to make eye contact, and to offer a word of welcome when they meet new and old people or when other friends visit the home. It may be a cliche to say first impressions make a big impact, but it’s a cliche because it’s true.


Teaching the kids the habit of writing thank-you notes, and they will have understood a fundamental concept. Nothing elaborate is necessary, but the effect is always memorable. Always saying thank you when they’re given food or change. Also teaching them to try thanking the bus driver for the ride home or a soldier for serving our country. Always make them know the use of thank you and you’re welcome routinely in conversation, especially with people within.


Teaching the kids the habit of giving and helping people who need help with material things. Teaching is always good in community and environment. Thank you @myteacher, and thank you teachers and students community. I will like to invite @fajrulakmal99 @uzma4882 @memamun

 10 days ago (edited)

আমার কনটেস্টে আমাকেই ইনভাইট করেছেন অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য?
কনটেস্টের নীতিতে মিনিমাম ৩-৪ টা ফটো এড করতে বলা হয়েছে।
এছাড়াও আপনি burnsteem25 ট্যাগ ব্যবহার করেছে null set না করেই

রুলসের প্রতি মনোযোগ দিন।

Noted, I'm grateful

 10 days ago 

This is a beautiful and detailed description of the lesson. I really appreciate your efforts my leader

A big thank you to you my beloved chairman. boss like no other I'm grateful

 2 days ago 

I invite you to enter the Education map contest, win the prize. I will also be happy to help you if you have any trouble marking the location on Steem Atlas.