RE: SLC | S22W5 : Teachers as examples and role models
A good teacher does not impose his will on his students. There is an original nature, whether positive or negative, in every human being that cannot be changed for any profession, whether when he acts as head of the family at home or when he is in the classroom as a teacher.
A negative character that is difficult to control is the beginning of why a teacher fails to educate his students well, because he himself has failed to appear as a professional figure for his profession.
I responded to the role of a teacher as you explained very beautifully. Correct! teachers as role models, namely being able to provide anything to meet the needs of their students, not only knowledge, but also with their character being able to change bad behavior and character for many students in the class and even in one school institution.
It's not as easy as turning the palm of your hand! because every student has more than one characteristic and character that must be corrected if something is wrong. Covers all aspects, because the teacher is not only able to give but is also able to receive, able to smile when annoyed and able to sacrifice his feelings when his students are indifferent or rude. This is a form of independent learning so that teachers are also able to control their emotions, know their students' weak points and can help provide positive feedback to their students.
I enjoyed reading your explanation, it is very perfect and easy to understand.... thank you for sharing sir. @memamun
Thank you @memamun