SLC | S22W4 : Developing teachers knowledge and skills

in Teachers & Students2 months ago


While trying to figure out some seminars and trainings I have attended, I decided to do a little research on whether an inaugural lecture is one of them, and my discovery is that it isn't, so though they come with a series of presentations and discussions, their purposes are different; an inaugural lecture is formal, and the professor presenting will always make an overview of research work. This is one uniqueness; I am not trying to diversify, but this shouldn't be mistaken.



In my own words,

Seminars are educational programs aimed at educating people who have an interest in a particular subject. They don't necessarily require people of the same speciality in attendance but different categories of people who would love to acquire certain knowledge can partake in seminars, so I would say the general public interest can be the audience. In seminars, individual experts are called upon to speak, and though they have knowledge on the concept, it is divided into parts to be spoken of, and in some other way, it can involve experts whose expertise is different but have knowledge in different sections of the topic, and this could be compared.


spot me on the left

I would start by saying training is more of a practical aspect; I adopt this definition from my idea of teaching practice or industrial training (IT). Though the people involved may have gotten or acquired basic knowledge on the concept, training helps them see a more practical aspect and, in some way, exposes them and leads to a clearer understanding of the topics brought up. The aim of training an individual is for skill development; in some cases, it involves simulation and real-world examples for a better understanding.


So from everything stated, we can arrange them based on similarities or differences.

For similarities

  • Both of them are focused, and they are programs whose aim is to educate.

  • They are both very interactive sessions where questions are asked and answers are given.

  • Acquired knowledge from both can lead to personal growth.

For differences

  • Though they are very much interrelated, we can say that seminars create room for critical thinking, and with this knowledge on a particular concept, one can acquire training, develop skills, and make them productive.



I think my list of fliers is off my device, but I have attended numerous seminars and numerous trainings, some of which I attended when I had no Android device to document, so a handout was distributed after the class for those who wished to study further and retain the practical aspect.

The Training I attended

I participate in a training. I have been a chorister in my church for some years now, ever since I got admitted to the university, so due to our incompetence in getting our parts right, our director decided to organise a training for members of the choir, not only for us but for anyone interested in bringing up his/her musical skills; that is the purpose. Every chorister is expected to be a part of it, as it will be completely free.

The matters related to the activities or what we are to expect are...

  • Mastery, harmonisation, and vocal agility

  • Improvement of diction and vocal quality

  • Explore musical expression and stage presence.

  • Gain skills in music notation.

It ended in merriment

This training was organised some months back, and the next phase just began this year.

The Seminar I attended


I attended a seminar late last year that should be around July still in the church, and that was about leadership. Normally, it took the church formal setting of activities, but it was a seminar organised for those who desire to step into or have knowledge on the rudiments of leadership.

me listening

We had speakers in who have had experience speaking to us, and also listening were those who have or have not been in leadership positions before; all were here to share ideas and improve on themselves so that if eventually a mantle is given to us, leadership may not be a problem.



Now this is the flyer I made, and without the knowledge of @bossj23, he will be surprised. We can organise a seminar like this for Web3 enthusiasts. I just remembered this is written in my about box on Twitter; it is actually the future I am looking at.



Speaking of seminars, I have a lot of seminars, and most importantly, training I would love to attend as part of my goal for 2025 is learning profitable skills that can scale my life through the emerging tech world. The truth be told, our world is gradually metamorphosing, and I want to be among those that will delve on the go. My download on YouTube has majorly these topics, and I love watching them, and they are gradually beginning to sink in withstanding I want more of a physical class because what I have seen and felt cannot be forgotten easily, and with this my knowledge on these concepts will expand.

The seminars are,

  • Business/Leadership Seminars

  • Marriage Seminars

Family, businesses, and organisations have become broken; with this jam-packed people in our society today, nobody thinks straight before starting a business. I don't like to see businesses collapse, and I don't like people roaming about as one without shepherds; you can compare this with mentorship on the Steemit platform; we all need to learn.

(We are getting older; we need to be guided. Apart from this, I see a lot of youth make mistakes when it comes to this and end up becoming single mothers or divorced, and this should be curtailed in our society today.)

The trainings are

  • Web development, coding, programming;

  • Data Analysis

I would have said technology, but that is broader for me, a little beginning, and then I may diversify. As I said earlier, we live in a world revolving with time, and we need to be among the 1% that follow these trends. I remembered in a post I made talking about people and their niches, a little exposure to crypto, blockchain, and web development is very profitable. Imagine someone who doesn't know what cryptocurrency is in this modern age. Yes, they are, and that could be our parents, but in this era we still have parents who are deep into technology and innovation. Here are my reasons: I wish you learnt a lot from here.

If possible, I would love to read entries from @dilianny20, @doriscermeno27, @jaynie, and @mariami.

Posted using SteemMobile


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

A very good job, a lot of dedication🤗

 2 months ago