Teaching Team Application For Season 21 - The Brilliant Teacher

in Teachers & Students5 months ago


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Steemit Learning Challenge Season 21 has opened, our team would like to apply as one of the teaching team that will teach the skills to be a good and professional teacher.

The reason why we are applying is because many of Steemit users are teachers in their daily life, of course we will enjoy a lot of knowledge and the best experience from them. In addition, the function of teaching is always around us, for example, parents teaching their children at home, teaching peers who need help, and many others.

💁‍♂️ Get to know our team more closely

1️⃣ @miftahulrizky


I have been on Steemit since September 2017, while on this platform I always try to write posts that can entertain and educate.

Currently I am also building a new community Teachers and Students, a community that focuses on sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences especially in the field of education. I have started my experience as a teacher since 2014 until now.

💁‍♂️ Statistics

User name:@miftahulrizky
Country:Indonesia 🇮🇩
Language:Indonesian, English
Position:Founder - Admin Teachers & Students
Club status:#club75
Steem Power:3,308.71
CSI Voting:8.1 ( 0.00 % self, 99 upvotes, 52 accounts, last 7d )
Delegates:myteacher 501.90 SP
Year joined:September 2017

1️⃣ @fantvwiki


My existence on Steem began on September 06, 2021, since I first created my account, I am an active user who consistently shares posts with various themes.

Being on the Steemit platform has led me to discover some new experiences that I've been working on. Some of them have been part of the community curator team for several months, and are now active as admins in one of the growing communities.

💁‍♂️ Statistics

User name:@fantvwiki
Language:Indonesian and English
Position:Admin - Community Hot News
Club status:#club100
Steem Power:8,836.71
CSI Voting:112.9 ( 0.00 % self, 95 upvotes, 73 accounts, last 7d )
Delegates:534.463 SP to Community Hot News
Year joined:September 06, 2021

👨‍🏫 Learning topics

Our team is planning to organize courses on three important topics on teacher science and all matters related to education, we will try to develop a number of courses that are both theoretical and practical so that those who take these courses will gain comprehensive knowledge and skills on how to develop skills in teaching.

👉 1. Teacher Competencies

A teacher must have four basic competencies, namely pedagogic, professional, personal and social competencies. Each of these competencies has very diverse subtopics so our team will try to create courses related to the material. For example;

Week 1: Developing a Learning Contract

  • Important components that must be included in the learning contract?
  • How to involve active student participation in the development of the learning contract?
  • Your strategy for ensuring compliance with the learning contract?

Week 2 : Effective classroom management

  • Describe what an effective and productive classroom environment looks like in your opinion?
  • How do you go about creating a classroom atmosphere that supports the learning process?
  • What do you think are the key strategies for successful classroom management?

Week 3: Designing learning that is active, interesting and fun

  • Describe each of the three main principles in designing an active, interesting and fun learning?
  • What are the positive impacts on your students after implementing active, interesting and fun learning steps?

👉 2. Aspects of Child Development

The goal of teaching and learning is to achieve three important aspects, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Our team would like to encourage teachers to fulfill these aspects in the learning process. For example;

Week 4: Mini research

  • How do you encourage students to conduct mini research activities according to the topic of the learning material you teach?

Week 5 : Exercising Leadership in the Classroom

  • How do you design a lesson that encourages leadership and teamwork in the classroom?

Week 6 : Learning in Nature

  • Describe how you create effective learning by engaging your students in nature?

👉 3. Discussion to build education progress

Educational progress is the responsibility of all parties, especially teachers, parents and the community. We want to hear all suggestions that can help improve education and find solutions to any problems that occur.

✅ Inspection

Our team will strictly check each content, as for the checking indicators and tools we will use in checking are as follows:

🏅 Weekly Winner Selection

If we are selected to be the Teaching Team, we will choose the winner based on the quality of the post, relevance and accuracy to the assignment given. A quality post in our opinion is a post that is able to provide interesting ideas and new insights for its readers. Proper use of markdown is also part of the quality of a post.

We will choose the winners as fair as possible, our team always prioritizes deliberation before deciding who is the best to be the winner.

The Brilliant Teacher


Aku yakin kalian mampu mempersembahkan yang terbaik jika lolos dalam seleksi ini. 💪👍

 5 months ago 

Terima kasih atas dukungannya Pak.

 5 months ago 

Kami senang mendengar keyakinan itu, terimakasih atas dukungan nya.

 5 months ago 

Thanks for this publication.

We will devote a lot of time if selected, and try to give our best. I personally, who works as a teacher, will present materials based on real-world experiences, can't wait to provide interesting ones on the Steemit platform.

 5 months ago 

Saya yakin pengalaman dunia nyata anda selama menjadi guru akan menginspirasi kita semua.

 5 months ago 

You have choose amazing topic, I wish you success.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for your support, I still remember when you taught your children at home.

 5 months ago 

Kolaborasi 2 guru hebat akan menjadikan kalian tim pengajar yang terpercaya jika terpilih. Semoga sukses!!

 5 months ago 

Terimakasih atas dukungan anda pada tim kami

 5 months ago 

Terimakasih kembali

 5 months ago 

semangat saya sangat mendukung kalian, semoga season 21 ini terpilih.. good job kalian berdua.

 5 months ago 

Terimakasih atas dukungan anda pada tim kami, mohon doanya semoga kami mendapatkan kesempatan.

 5 months ago 

saya mendoakan teem teacher untuk menang kali ini

 5 months ago 

A very standard team. Goodluck

 5 months ago 


 5 months ago 

Keren Pak...

 5 months ago 

Mohon doa dan dukungan nya

 5 months ago 

Baik pak🙏

Spektakuler, topik yang sangat mengagumkan.

 5 months ago 

Wishing you all the best in your application