The Diary Game: 1-21-25 | Reading and Writing Remediation

in Teachers & Students2 months ago

Dear Diary,

I don't have much things to do after my morning class. Before I dismissed my class I decided to have a remediation to the pupils who have low performance on reading and writing. I also informed their parents through facebook messenger that they should go back at 1pm for the remediation.


I have 40 pupils in my advisory class while there are 8 sit-in pupils. As a grade 1 teacher, my task is to introduce letter and it's sounds until they can read syllables. With this 40 pupils, there are advance learners and low learners. Those low learners need more attention on extra time more than the class hours. From the beginning of the school year I started this remedial program until now. Let me share this to you my story this afternoon.

My punctual pupil for remediation

I took my lunch at 11:30 so I can start my remediation early. After my lunch, one pupil came early so we started right away. We had our remedial outside our classroom because there are grade 2 pupils occupying our classroom.

I do the practice reading of syllables first because he already knew sounds of the letters. This afternoon, I am going to teach him reading three letters.


At exactly 1pm another pupil came. They have the same weaknesses in reading. So I scheduled the together so it would be easy for me to teach them at the same time. One will do practice syllable reading first, then the other one will be my one-on-one in reading, then vice versa.

Remediation in Reading

Later on, one pupil came for writing. This pupil is already master in reading but needs attention on her writing. How many times I instructed him on class but he didn't follow. So I decided to have one on one on him.


We are four on the table enough to different my way of teaching to them. It is a challenge for me especially that I am using my vacant time supposedly for my lesson planning. They would never improve if they don't have a follow-up at home. Their parents are busy working and don't have time for their children. It is a sad reality on my pupils.

At 2:30pm I dismissed the reading remediation but I hold my pupil in writing remediation. I let him take a break and continue practice until 4pm.

This is my job. Sometimes I got a heartache and headache in teaching low performers but if they get improved, I get happy. I hope all the parents out there should have some time follow-up their children on how they perform at school so that they can help them at home.

This has been my diary game today, I am inviting @uzma4882 and @shiftitamanna to pass by my diary game and write yours,too.

Truly yours,

 2 months ago 

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খুব ভালো লাগলো আপনার বিষয়টি জানতে পেরে। শিক্ষার জন্য এবং শিক্ষা দেওয়ার জন্য আপনি নিজেকে অনেক বড় উৎসাহ করেছেন। এটি মূলত ছাত্রদেরকে গড়ে তোলার জন্য আপনার মধ্যে একটি মনোভাব তৈরি হয়েছে। কম বয়সী ছাত্রদেরকে হাতেনাতে অক্ষরগুলো শিখিয়ে দেওয়া অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। আপনার ছাত্রদেরকে ভালো শিক্ষাই অর্জিত হওয়ার জন্য দোয়া করি।

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 2 months ago 

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