Symbol Of Indonesia, Garuda Pancasila - Encyclopedia @fantvwiki

in Teachers & Students6 months ago

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Untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang tema pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila yang saya publikasikan ini, anda dapat milihatnya pada postingan sebelumnya, dengan klik tautan di bawah ini :
Part 1, Pancasila is The Basis of The State of Indonesia

Symbol Of Indonesia, Garuda Pancasila

Hello Literacy friends, best regards to you all.

Previously we already knew about Pancasila as the basis of the Republic of Indonesia, and there are 5 basic Indonesian states symbolized by various symbols. Starting from the star symbol, chain symbol, Banyan Tree symbol, Bullhead symbol, and rice symbol and when.

This time I will discuss the Garuda bird which brings 5 basic values of the Indonesian state, the symbols of Pancasila are embedded in the chest of the Garuda bird which becomes one and is called the Garuda Pancasila. The symbol of the Indonesian state that kindles the national spirit and becomes the spirit of the Indonesian people in statehood. This is also the subject matter of Pancasila education in the 4th grade of elementary school, and I teach this to my students.

What is the Garuda bird? Let's get to know more about this symbol of Indonesia.

Explanation, About Garuda Bird.


Free image source from

In the past when Indonesia was not yet formed into a state, the Indonesian territory, which is synonymous with the word Nusantara, was a territory consisting of various Kingdoms. The kingdoms were heavily influenced by Hindu beliefs so the languages and customs were not far from the influence of Hinduism, which was the largest belief at that time. This is evidenced by the discovery of various artifacts or relics of The Hindu tradition and evidence of other images engraved on stones or temples belonging to Hindu kingdoms so that the naming of Garuda refers to what has been written or narrated by the influence of Hinduism. The story of Garuda is also told in the Mahabharata and the Puranas from India.

The figure who became the initiator behind the symbol of Indonesia is Sultan Hamid II, he was the eldest son of the 6th Sultan Of the Pontianak family. He is of Arab-Indonesian descent and has a real name Syarif Abdul Hamid Alkadrie, he is also an artist and a humanist who comes from Pontianak, West Kalimantan province, Indonesia.

Garuda is inspired by the Statue of Wisnu which is a vehicle or vehicle of the God Wisnu in many stories in Hinduism in Sanskrit. In the story the Garuda bird is described as a Mythological animal figure that has great power with dynamic movements, its physical characteristics are half-human it is devoted to the god Wisnu and can fly into space. Garuda is also considered the king of the birds, descended from The Resi Kasyapa and Winata, who was one of the Daughters of Daksa.

The meaning of Each Picture Garuda

The symbol of Indonesia, namely Garuda, has a meaning in each image, the Garuda image represents the symbol of each as a reminder of history for the people of Indonesia. The following is an explanation of the meaning of the symbol of the Eagle :


Source: Garuda Bird

1️⃣ Starting from the overall golden color of the Garuda bird, the Golden coloring of the Garuda bird reflects the majesty that is synonymous with maintaining dignity and an impressive character.

2️⃣Then the number of feathers contained in the Garuda bird also has its meaning, so it can be an implied meaning to continue to remember Indonesia's Independence Day.

  1. The number of feathers on the wings of Garuda, amounting to 17 strands on the right and left wings, means that the date of independence of the Indonesian nation is 17.
  2. The number of feathers on the tail of the Garuda is 8, meaning the month of Indonesian independence is August (the 8th month).
  3. The number of feathers at the base of the tail under persai amounted to 19 feathers, meaning two numbers in the early years of Indonesian independence, namely 19.
  4. Feathers found under the neck of the head of the Eagle, totaling 45. This means the 3rd and 4th year of Indonesia's independence, which is 45.


Garuda Pancasila bird, edited using Canva

Year of Indonesian independence August 17, 1945

3️⃣This Garuda bird is also equipped with a shield which is Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian state, this explanation I have discussed in the post before this post. This shield is also a protector for Garuda in the face of enemies and challenges that will be faced, with the basics of his beliefs in the form of Pancasila.

4️⃣At the bottom of the Garuda Pancasila Bird, there is a white elongated piece of cloth that reads "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", which means "different, but still one". This refers to a very strong sense of Indonesian unity in realizing independence, which consists of many tribes and ethnicities that are part of the people who fought for Indonesian independence, different groups, and religions.


Garuda Pancasila bird, edited using Canva

To see in detail about this meaning, the government has created the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency, which takes care of ideological matters for all Indonesian people. You can see the site here :

Garuda Pancasila bird in Indonesia is set as a symbol of the state that should not be despised and degraded, let alone changed from the image that should be. This has been ratified in Indonesian Law Number 24 of 2009, concerning the flag, language, and coat of arms, as well as the National Anthem. Article one reads :

The symbol of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, hereinafter referred to as the symbol of the state is the Garuda Pancasila with the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Source BPK regulation.

As a form of reminder to continue to maintain a sense of nationalism for the people of Indonesia, the Garuda Pancasila-themed national anthem was also created as a national anthem. This song was created by Prohar Sudharnoto, and until now at the moment of Indonesian Independence Day, this song is often listened to at Independence ceremonies in addition to the song Indonesia Raya as the national anthem of Indonesia.

Source youtube: Lagu Nasional IndonesiaGaruda Pancasila song

So many posts Part Two is themed on Garuda Pancasila with the theme of Pancasila basic state, which is part of Pancasila education lessons in Grade 4. Hopefully useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesia, and hopefully can be useful for students and teachers in the Teachers & Students Community.

See you in part three.

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 6 months ago (edited)

Setelah membaca postingan bapak, ternyata sangat mendalam nilai yang terkandung di dalam Pancasila, sejarah lahirnya mengandung nilai filosofis yang sangat tinggi.

 6 months ago 

Benar ibu, nilai-nilai tersebut masih relevan dengan jaman saat ini.

 6 months ago 

Thank you very much for publishing your post in Teachers and Students community

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@ myteacher


Saya beberapa hari lalu melihat monumen istana negara dimana melambangkan burung Garuda berwarna dengan sayap berwarna hitam, saya pikir monumen tersebut sengaja dibuat untuk menyerupai lambang ini, tetapi kenapa tidak mirip ya?

Saya sendiri sangat penasaran dan belum pernah melihat secara langsung burung Garuda ini, apakah burung tersebut benar-benar ada?

Bagaimana jika setelah episode ini kita membahas materi khusus untuk para pelamar CPNS dan PPPK? Pembahasan tentang Soal-soal TWK, TIU dan TKP sangat diminati banyak orang saat ini.

 6 months ago 

Terima kasih untuk Verifikasinya teman.

Bisa jadi karya tersebut masuk dalam kategori gagal, atau ada penyebab lainnya yang tidak kita ketahui.
Saya akan mencoba saran dari anda.

 6 months ago 

Penjelasannya sangat detail, saya bisa aplikasikan di kelas mengenai materi ini. Hal yang tidak terpikirkan selama ini padahal kalau kita check dan tanyakan ke anak-anak banyak yang belum paham mengenai garuda pancasila.

The Garuda Pancasila is a powerful symbol of Indonesian unity and identity. Great post brother!