SLC | S22W5 : Teachers as examples and role models

in Teachers & Students2 months ago
Greetings to all friends



Hi Everybody

Assalam-o-alaikum! how are you all i am good thank you so much @miftahulrizky for organising SLC | S22W5 learning challenge.

What benefits do you feel from the exemplary behavior you have shown so far, has it had a positive impact on the behavior and character of your students? 1 Point

First of all, if I become a teacher, I will definitely become a primary level teacher because I think teaching these children is a very hectic thing, but it is very important to teach these people good education and good activities and good education. I think there must be such a teacher somewhere in me.

First of all, I will have such a behavior with children that they are very attached to me for fuzzy and emotional too. Even parents are behind in raising the child. I will nurture them in such a way that they will continue to be successful in their lives and implement those things in their lives or I can say the things that have been left incomplete in my life, so I will instill those in these children I will develop that things.

Apart from academic learning, I will also give them vocational trainings and keep them involved in different activities so that they are physically fit and mentally peaceful and build a good bond with a teacher and with their friends. That these moments are very memorable for children, which they miss a lot when they grow up, so I definitely want to create such moments for them by keeping my own behavior.
I will create a respectful environment of children, a confidence, an incredible and a very safe environment among them in my class, from which they will learn a lot in their life and further the things that they have learned in their very primary section. Learned things they will always remember in their next life and the things I have taught them and they will miss those things when they grow up I want to be a role model for them.



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After understanding the course material, explain why teachers need to be examples and role models for students, and how much influence does this have on student behavior and character? 2 Points

If it is about the course and material, then I will definitely take my students to the practical side, whoever will be their teacher, I will tell them practical things, I will teach them practical things and take them to the practical side as much as possible. I will say because children learn more from these things, doing practical things keeps your mind set fresh and your learning is good.
So I as a teacher will lead these people to practical things, I will make these people do things on the white board by making charts in the classroom and make them do practical things by taking their quizzes and tests etc. and their games. By doing sports etc. I will teach these people. I will make these people learn things quickly because every child has different mind level. So I have chosen the primary section because there are only a few children, maximum 20 students, so I will see each child separately and with them. I will try to be attached to these people by making friendships in different ways so that every child learns everything.



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Each teacher has a different character and personality, name as many negative behaviors that you are aware of in yourself while teaching. 3 Points

Yes, it is absolutely right that every teacher has his own impact on the child. A teacher's role is very important in this if they fall behind too much, to take each child to school and treat equally to each child.



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Share with us examples of positive attitudes or exemplary behaviors that you have implemented in your daily life with students? What educational values are contained in these behaviors. 4 Points

Communication with children is very important as if we interact with a child in a positive way and communicate with him in a positive way it has a great impact on his personality and children's respect. It is very important to do so that he adapts the same thing and treats all his peers in his life in the same way, both older and younger than him, and that is the respectful communication that these children have. Respectful communication is taught by a parent and then by his teachers which plays an important role in his life.
A lot of his kids shouldn't be hit, even in front of his group mates or classmates, because it's a very embarrassing moment for them, and even sometimes it's an embarrassing moment for the kids. With this, it should never be prominent, because it makes children very vulnerable and they can never get out of these things, so the embracing moments of children should be put aside, but these people should be explained personally and alone if they have made any mistakes then they should be explained and taught so that they do not repeat the same things again.
After that, the habit of punctuality should be inculcated in the children. Of course, their parents teach them this very well at home, but a teacher also plays a very important role in making it punctual and organizing and managing it. On the flip side, how he organizes and manages his things, his time, and his routine plays a very important role in his life.

Children should be given a good response and a good feedback so that they get inspired by that thing and do that thing again and again and again in their life. These things are very positive role in a child's life. A teacher becomes a child's role model and a teacher leads him to all these things after his parents. children feels positively physically nd mentally.



i invite @yancer,@mesola,@artist1111 to read my post

i hope you like my post thank you so much for reading.
