RE: Breaking down some silly parts of Reacher... season 3 (SPOILERS)
Everyone has a signal at all times
Ha ha - well. I have to disagree with this... if you ever go to a sporting event, it might say that you have a signal but then try using your phone... 5G... 4G... 3G... E... oh, no signal.
There's also the "Big concrete Building" factor to take into consideration. Now, I know and totally get your point - this was an eye roll moment for me too - but there's a point in my house where mobile phones simply don't get a signal. Perhaps it's the layout of the walls - the obstructions caused by other objects. But hey! It happens much more frequently than I'd certainly like. Especially when I'm driving somewhere and relying on live traffic only for it to disconnect and I end up at the back of a long queue of traffic. For it to reconnect and say "There is a 1 hour delay ahead. You are still on the fastest route." having just passed a junction.
As for the swimming... he's a double hard bastard so of course he's immune to cold water 🤣
I get what you are saying but that factory was huge and it would be presumed that dozens if not hundreds of people work there. There's no chance a place like that wouldn't have mobile service even if the company itself had to install it. I know that I am splitting hairs here though buddy, this is just kind of what I do.
Ha! yes, that much is true.
As it turns out the "really big guy" that is at the gate is a guy I had been following on YouTube for quite some time and later on when perusing YT I noticed that he had a feature about going to NYC for a Reacher premiere and that's when it hit me that they are the same person. Before he was a popular YouTuber because he would go places and just be a spectacle because of his immense size, but now he is a famous actor. I suppose being 7 foot 2 doesn't hurt though of course.
I think it was alexanderkass who mentioned to me about the big guy being a YouTuber - I assumed he was a wrestler or something.
Just 3 more days to wait and I'll finally get to see what they do with Reacher and Paulie. It's had the big build up so it had better not disappoint!
I had a friend at uni who was 6'4. People would always ask him how tall he is and it would just annoy him 😆 Can you imagine how many times somebody who's 7'2 gets asked that same question!
My friend was well built too - we hit the gym a lot whilst at uni and I remember on a night out some random guy saying to me "If he says it's Tuesday, it's Tuesday". I remember him before he got big though - his mum called him "Skinny Tin Ribs". I wonder if the "really big guy" was Skinny Tin Ribs too before he got big.