Avatar: The Last Airbender - S02E07 - ZUKO ALONE - DETAILED Breakdown

Zuko Alone Detailed Plot and Analysis

Ok I can't believe I have been on this website for over 3 weeks and haven't yet written about Michael Dante Dimartino and Brian Konietzko's masterpiece, 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' (ATLA)......UNTIL NOW.

This is my favourite episode of ATLA or TLOK so I am going to go through this in detail (so obviously SPOILERS) scene by scene.


I mean you know it, we all know it. It's gorgeous, iconic, enough said


I always loved when Roku did this, giving relevant information to set up the episodes in season 2 and 3, and boy is this intro scene important.

It shows a few scenes:
A flashback from 'The Storm' (S01E12) depicting Zuko's Agni Kai with his father as a 14 year old boy and despite having “the fire nation’s best interest at heart” Ozai highlights that he has much to learn and “suffering will be your teacher”. This perfectly foreshadows the events coming in the episode but we will get into this later.

Another scene from ‘Avatar Day’ (S02E05) that shows a snippet of a very important conversation between Iroh and Zuko. Iroh knows that while Zuko’s ambitions for the Avatar are strong and give him hope, he has to realise that not all the problems he has will be solved by achieving his goal and to always stay hopeful for the future. Also recognising that Zuko needs to abandon his feelings of shame after they escape from Azula as fugitives of the fire nation. Zuko does think about the things but ends it by saying that he has nothing to gain by traveling together with his uncle and leaves to find his own way. Obviously the main arc of this episode highlighted here. ‘Zuko Alone’ is telling the beginning of Zuko’s own path and no one else’s. No influences, no missions, no family matters, just him and his own thoughts.

A quote from ‘The Siege of the North Pt. 1’ (S01E19) that is critically acclaimed:
“My father says she was born lucky. He says I was lucky to be born. I don’t need luck though. I’ve always had to struggle and fight and that’s made me strong. It is made me who I am”. This is one of the best comments in the whole of Zuko’s arc. Whether he’s inside or outside his family, in the frozen tundra of the north pole or the deserts of the earth kingdom, Zuko struggles and never has it easy. He is so physically ambitious while maintaining inhumane levels of integrity, resilience and courage to have gone through what he has and keep on going. And now, he keeps going….ALONE.


Before we disect the desert scenes, I am going to point this out now so I don’t have to do it through the whole thing. The SCORING to this episode is second to none. Praise the mighty Jeremy Zuckerman & Benjamin Wynn as throughout this show, and definitely this episode, it is fantastic.

The opening music juxtaposed to Zuko walking on his ostrich horse through the earth kingdom desert makes the show look like a classic westerner. Something out of a Clint Eastwood or a John Wayne film. Not only does it just obviously symbolise zuko as an outlaw, he is an outlaw you root for. You may not feel it on first watch but this is definitely the beginning of his arc turnaround from evil ruthless fire bender to the future Firelord Zuko.


As he crosses the river, the ostrich horse foot gets stuck in the suspension bridge. I don’t know if this is a bit of a reach, but to me, it just resonates with the flashback quote. Regardless of the action and its difficulty, zuko always has to struggle and nothing ever runs smoothly for him.

Then, a starving, exhausted zuko smells some a large piece of meat being cooked over a fire . When ready to draw for his sword and steal the food, he then sees a couple in which the mother is pregnant, zuko lays off his sword and he rides away leaving them alone. It is obvious Zuko values family, he realises how important it is to live as a family, he would never do any harm and if it has nothing to do with capturing the avatar, he has no reason to do harm to innocent lives.

He rides on, tired, dehydrated, sleep-deprived and just as he’s about to fade, it BEGINS THE FLASHBACKS.


It may be a little one but it depicts Ursa, Zuko’s Mother in a fire nation robe as she slowly fades away from him. A little teaser and foreshadowing later in the episode so I will come back to this.

Back to the present…He then continues to ride and finally spots a town in the distance



The place is called Plains Village, an arid, poor, Earth Kingdom town in the middle of the desert.

The random earth kingdom citizen rolls spider snake eyes (two 5’s) and gets beat up by Gow and his rogue soldiers.

Zuko goes into town and wants food and feed for his ostrich horse. He doesn’t have enough for his own food so he only buys feed for his horse. Meanwhile Lee, a young earth kingdom boy throws an egg at Gow’s friend. Lee and his friend run away and they confront Zuko about the egg. While Zuko jokes about it, Gow takes his feed from him and thanks zuko for his “contribution” to the army and then precedes to threaten zuko.

This is when the shop owner says an incredible line. “Those soldiers are supposed to protect us from the fire nation..but they’re just a bunch of thugs.” This is an amazing example of political world building. The world is living through a 100 year war against the fire nation and while they are to blame for many of the injustices in the show. This scene shows that the citizens are suffering repercussions of other military oppression. These men are such brutes to their own citizens and they can justify their own behaviour not only because the citizens are powerless against them, the society around them consistently glorifies these men as protectors of the innocent.

Lee comes up to Zuko and thanks him for not snitching about the egg. While Zuko looks to be on his way out of town, Lee takes zuko to his own home to feed his ostrich horse for him.


They go towards Lee’s house and are treated with a lot bleating sheep and mooing cows. Lee says “no one can ever sneak up on us”. While this is just a comical relief line, I feel like there is a little bit more to it. Plains village is a very poor place and robbery could quite possibly be a serious issue in the village so while it is funny as he lives on a farm, it is decisions made to ensure their Lee and his family are safe from intruders as they don’t know how secure their environment is.


Lee introduces Zuko to his parents Gansu and Sela, and yet again when Lee tells his parents what happened, Gansu welcomes him to his home as he “can hold his own against those bully ‘soldiers’”. He then talks about how they are shameful to be considered Earth Kingdom soldiers and Sela talks about Lee’s brother Sen Su, a “real soldier” who is off fighting in the war. It is such a true contrast, while there are so many earth kingdom soldiers, there is a distinction and difference in behaviour between soldiers that you meet in omashu, the council of 5, King Bumi, and Gow. Different levels of hierarchy and roles within a war makes people less sympathetic towards others and when given little responsibility such as protecting poor villagers next to the Si Wong Desert, the brutes have no one telling them what they can and can’t do.

Zuko says he needs to leave but then he agrees to help out on the barn and Sela says after that they can all eat together.

While helping nailing in roofing, Lee asks Zuko a series of personal questions that he just discretely answers until Lee asks him how he got his scar and then Zuko hits the hammer on his finger. When he hurts himself, Gansu tells Lee to stop asking personal questions as “A man’s past is his business”. They then continue to nail in the roofing and as its hot, zuko is working hard, sweating away, IT BEAUTIFULLY SEGUE’S INTO ANOTHER FLASHBACK.


This is an insanely loaded flashback that covers a lot of context.

It starts at the Fire Nation palace grounds as Ursa, is feeding the turtle ducks in the pond. Zuko then precedes to impersonate how Azula feeds turtleducks by throwing a rock at a baby turtleduck.

The mother turtleduck, outraged by what has happened goes to bite Zuko on the foot. When Ursa takes it off his foot, he explains to Zuko “that’s what mum’s are like….if you mess with their babies, they’ll bite you back”. This scene truly encapsulates Ursa’s strong paternal bond. Zuko loves his mother and the importance of family in Zuko’s life. It is also INSANE FORESHADOWING FOR LATER IN THE EPISODE ONCE AGAIN, the weak little duckling having no control of what happens to it. I mean there is just so much to unpack in 23 mins, its insane.


It then cuts to young Azula, Mai and Ty Lee. Mai even back then had a crush on Zuko and Azula was not oblivious at all. Azula hatches a plan to get Zuko to play a game with the girls. While Zuko wants no part in this, Azula says “we are brother and sister. It’s important for us to spend time together”. Even at such a young age, she is sly, always plotting and manipulating every situation to her own advantage.

She then puts an apple on Mai’s head and shoots a fire bolt at it. Zuko quickly comes to Mai’s aid to knock the apple off her head and trips and falls into the fountain. All just to have a laugh of how cute Zuko and Mai are together.

Zuko then runs inside as Ursa informs the kids of a letter from General Iroh (at the time) attacking the wall of Ba Sing Se. While Iroh may be more ‘patriotic’ and evil at the time he wrote this letter, his humour is still there as he hopes they get to see the walls of Ba Sing Se….if they don’t burn it to the ground first. He gives Zuko and Azula gifts, for zuko, a pearl dagger from an earth kingdom general that is inscribed with the words “Never give up without a fight”.


Too perfect, the quote that heavily embodies zuko’s spirit and actions to date.

Azula gets given an earth kingdom doll. Obviously, Iroh had a closer relationship with Zuko and understood young boys better through raising Lu Ten (his son) but it does clearly set up how Zuko ended up traveling with his uncle after his banishment. Even when at war, he had his nephews best interest at heart.

Azula then mutters that Ozai would be “next in line to be Fire Lord” if Iroh did not come back. YET AGAIN, she is constantly plotting, she knows she wants power. The fear that allows her to control her friends, her future subjects, etc. Ursa tells her to not say such things and that it is irrelevant as Fire Lord Azulon is very healthy. Zuko asks Azula what she would think if “Lu Ten wanted Ozai to die” to which she doesn’t really care and proceeds to think that her dad would be a better fire lord than “His Royal Tea Loving Kookiness” and burns the doll.

They never got along as niece and uncle, he was too kind and a gentle spirit, while she lusts for power and control.


A small but very insightful scene

Back to the present, Lee sneaks into the barn to take Zuko’s broad swords and practice with them outside.

Zuko hears him and just when Lee thought he was in trouble, Zuko explains how the broadswords work and gives him some advice. Lee then tells Zuko that he would’ve liked Sen Su as “He used to show me stuff like this all the time”. Genius placement, the Earthbender citizen forced to go to war for the mistakes of Zuko’s family and his nation. He hides within the shadows and does good by others but it is so interesting how despite his childhood, how he was raised, he is still so compassionate to the ones around him. I understand it was for his own survival and you could say he only was nice cos they gave him food, but it is more than that. He could’ve just taken the swords from Lee and gone back to bed. But he didn’t.


As Zuko is about to leave the farm, Sela gives food for the way but Gow and the Rogue Soldiers come to the farm. He tells Gansu that Sen Su’s battalion was captured, not in a consoling way, with a hint of a sadistic smile. He tells them that Fire Nation put captured soldiers on the frontline unarmed and it cuts a nerve for Gansu. Just as there is about to be violence, Zuko stops the unnecessary back and forth. Gow says it’s not worth his time and this transitions beautifully into…….



Young Azula and Zuko are playing around near the pond when Ursa gets a message from a fire nation servant gives her a scroll and starts to cry as Lu Ten died in the battle for Ba Sing Se. Zuko, with a distraught expression tries to comprehend what is being said as Azula doesn’t seem to change expression at all in the background.


It then flips back to the present…..with Lee asking his family “What’s going to happen to my brother?” Gansu says he is going to find Sen Su and Lee asks Zuko if he will stay when his dad leaves. While Zuko says he has to go, he gives Lee the pearl dagger he got as a young boy from Iroh. Again for Lee, while his father goes off to find his captured brother, nothing more inspiring after your brother has been captured than “never giving up without a fight”. Zuko leaves the farm and it goes straight into………




Young Zuko playing around with the pearl dagger as Azula watches from behind. She insults him for being poor with the knife and then Zuko responds “put an apple on your head and we’ll find out how good I am!” Obvious reference to flashback 2 with Mai. But also, Azula just immediately responds with “Uncle is coming home”. This I think is a really important part of their sibling relationship. The war of words is easy for Azula, she knows how to get a rise out of her brother….while also not giving a single F about what anyone else thinks of her. This is what makes her so powerful in the family, she is brutal and unwavering, just like a true fire nation royal should be at the time. Zuko if Iroh won and Azula calls him a “quitter and a loser” as when “he found out his son died, he fell apart”. In this scene, Zuko recognises Iroh sadness as he would be distraught about the loss of his only child. Whereas, Azula has no respect for others, only power, domination, respect of authority. She believes she was born to rule since the age of 13.

Ursa tells the kids to get ready to see Fire Lord Azulon to which Azula asks to just call him “Grandfather…he’s not exactly the powerful Fire Lord he used to be. Someone will probably end up taking his place soon.” An absolutely absurd comment coming from a child. Ursa furious about what she says “NOT, ANOTHER, WORD”, not even changing expression, or feeling bad, she just runs off and Ursa utters to herself “What is wrong with that child.” INSANE

She is so bound on her quest for authority and has no respect for anyone. Not even her NAMESAKE, OR HER OWN MOTHER. While Azula and Zuko may be so different in so many ways. Zuko always has to work so much harder than Azula to get what he wants, however, when both are both tethered to a goal, they stick to it. Nothing will get in there way, it is how they were raised and while there abilities in achieving what they want is varied to Azula’s favour, the courage, bravery and resilience of Zuko is beyond anyone in his family…..except one (will get there, don’t worry).

In Azulon’s throne room. Ozai, PLAYED BY MARK HAMILL….THE GOAT, asks how Sozin, the fire lord before Azulon, won the battle of Han Tui. While Zuko stutters and doesn’t know, Azula recalls a perfect answer.


This I feel is a very important scene, it is obvious that Zuko has such maternal characteristics as a young boy and doesn't really care for the intense details of military history and doesn't really care about his dad that much. It is only after the actions of his father that forced him into his evil path for ‘HONOUR’ and force requiring to get the utmost respect and validation from his dad. But Azula, is just a spitting image of Ozai, so purely evil and no sympathy. There is more to this but it comes later on. This episode is so packed sorry.

Azula then performs her new fire bending moves she has learnt and Ozai even pops a smile and states “she is a true prodigy. Just like her grandfather for whom she’s named”. When returning to her seat, she whispers to Zuko that he will never catch up. Classic sibling competition, I feel like that always motivated both of them to be better fire benders, but Azula always wanted to be better, one step ahead and rub it in his face.

When Zuko interrupts to demonstrate what he’s been learning, Ozai’s smile disappears to a frown. Zuko then tries the same form and falls down, to which Azula smirks and Zuko says “I failed” and starts to cry. Ursa goes to comfort him and says “I loved watching you. That’s who you are Zuko. Someone who keeps fighting even though it’s hard”. This goes back to the scene at the north pole. He has always had to struggle and fight and that’s what made him strong in the end. But at this point, he was struggling.

Azulon interrupts “OZAI, WHY ARE YOU WASTING MY TIME WITH THIS POMP?” Azulon gives no F’s. Not even about his own grandson. “Tell me what you want. Everyone else go.”

When going to leave, Azula takes Zuko and they hide behind the curtains in the throne room and eavesdrop the conversation.

Ozai tells Azulon that “with Lu Ten gone, Iroh’s bloodline has ended” and that while Iroh has lost his siege and they don’t know when he’ll return, Ozai is “here, and my children are alive”. Zuko looks to be astounded to what he is listening to where is Azula has this evil smile on her face. Clearly conveying their reactions to the possible queries that Ozai is going to propose to his father. Azulon asks him what you want, and he says to “REVOKE IROH’S BIRTHRIGHT. I AM YOUR HUMBLE SERVANT, here to serve you and our nation. USE ME”. LIKE FATHER LIKE DAUGHTER, both Ozai and Azula torment their siblings, no respect for them. THEY ONLY WANT POWER and mask it as a love for their nation. This may be a fake story, but it is not far from reality in politics. People use people to get what they want and have to take advantage of the ones they love to succeed. It is terrifying, but that is what happens in a quest for domination.

AZULON, FURIOUS at the proposition…”YOU DARE SUGGEST I BETRAY IROH?…MY FIRST BORN?…DIRECTLY AFTER THE DEMISE OF HIS ONLY BELOVED SON?!?!?! I THINK IROH HAS SUFFERED ENOUGH. BUT YOU, YOUR PUNISHEMENT HAS SCARCELY BEGUN!” He may be old and withered, but Azulon is no fool. He loves his children, regardless of the practicality of the situation, he realises Ozai is way out of line. Flames erupt from the chambers and Zuko runs away from hiding behind the curtains. Azula stays and continues to listen in.

It cuts to after in Zuko’s chambers. Azula opens Zuko’s door and says “DAD’S GOING TO KILL YOU.” LIKE A BLOODY NURSERY RHYME. “REALLY, HE IS” with the sadistic smile again. Ursa was right, what is wrong with her. Oh wait, she realises that if Zuko dies, she’ll be next in line to be fire lord. No wonder she’s so joyful.

She then explains to Zuko what she heard in the throne room when he left. Azulon saying to Ozai “You must know the pain of losing a first born son, by SACRIFICING YOUR OWN!” Crazy. These people are nuts. Zuko calls her a Liar and that is fair, but you don’t really know. Why would she lie, I guess she is insane and wants to freak her brother out, but also she has no reason to lie and could’ve lied about it in way more awful ways. She then says “I’m only telling you for your own good….You could find a nice Earth Kingdom family to adopt you.” I mean that foreshadowing is beautiful. He may have only been with Gansu on his farm for a little while, but they do take him in and give him such good hospitality, like he was filling the hole that Sen Su left when he went to fight in the war.

“Dad would never do that to me” Zuko exclaims and Ursa comes in the room. “What’s going on here?” Azula puts on a high pitched, smug voice saying “I don’t know”. She is insanely two faced and is so effortless in doing so. A mask of a true psychopath. Ursa grabs Azula to talk and Zuko whispers to himself “AZULA ALWAYS LIES. AZULA ALWAYS LIES”.



He then gets woken up by Sela. “You have to help. It’s Lee”. Gow came back to the farm asking for food when Gansu left and “LEE PULLED A KNIFE ON THEM. I DON’T KNOW WHER HE GOT A KNIFE”. The thugs take Lee away and said “If he’s old enough to fight, he’s old enough to join the army….I KNOW WE BARELY KNOW YOU….” to which Zuko responds “I’ll get your son back.” with a very determined look on his face. It is such a beautiful juxtaposition, it is not even his family, his son or his brother. Yes, he gave Lee the knife but he has more compassion and care for Lee than Azula, Ozai or Azulon ever did for him.


Zuko rides into town and I’m not gonna lie, the mixture of the setting, the visuals of zulu’s silhouette and the suspenseful build up music, makes this one of the most beautiful shots of the whole episode. “HEY! THERE HE IS! I told you he’d come.” Lee shouts. The thugs see him and he dismount of the horse and takes the hat off. SUCH A WESTERNER this ep is. ZUKO BOUT TO GO FULL CLINT EASTWOOD BABY.


“LET THE KID GO” he says. Gow laughs, “Who do you think you are? Telling us what to do?”.


Wow, this quote is insane. Not just in the context of the show but in a political realm. This is reality, but I’ll keep it to the ATLA world. Zuko has only been on his own travels for such little time and the personal growth he makes obviously gets bigger and stronger. But this is a fantastic moment. This links directly to himself as well as Iroh and Ozai, he would see himself prior as a prince who abused his power. But also recognises his own father as a bully, abusing his power messing with Iroh who has also lost his son.

Gow furious at the remarks, tells his men to attack him and the EPIC MUSIC BEGINS. There is no better music in TV history than ATLA fight music. It is gorgeously scored.

Zuko easily dispatches of the first man and makes him retreat. THEN THE SECOND….AND THE THIRD. And then, its just GOW AND ZUKO. The 1v1, the true standoff BEGINS.

GOW draws his hammers and Zuko his broad swords. Ready to go. GOW uses his hammers to Earth bend and obviously Zuko does not want to blow his cover as a fire bender so he fights without bending so he is weaker and takes a few hits from Gow.

I just have to mention this, when zuko goes to attack, an old man from the village shouts, “GIVE HIM A LEFT”. Firstly, he’s using swords and I know “HE’S GOT A LEFT SWORD” but secondly, he holds his right hand up, THIS OLD MAN. TAKE A DAY OFF. WHAT A HERO.

Zuko keeps taking hit after hit from GOW and then takes a big blow that TRIGGERS ANOTHER FLASHBACK…..


A young zuko wakes up from sleep to Ursa.


“Zuko….Listen to me. Everything I’ve done, I’ve done to protect you. REMEMBER THIS ZUKO. No matter how things may seem to change, NEVER FORGET WHO YOU ARE”. She then puts up her hood of her robe and walks off

Wow WOW WOWEEEEE. so much recalled from earlier in the ep. Firstly, it is the same walking away as FLASHBACK 1. Her leaving is a strongly vivid memory for him and clearly plays over his mind a lot. Secondly, it recalls the line from FLASHBACK 2 when Zuko gets bitten by the duck. She does all she can to protect Zuko, even sacrificing herself entirely in order to save him as THAT IS WHAT MUM’S ARE LIKE. You don’t mess their babies.


LEE whispers “GET UP”. hoping Zuko can save him. Just as Gow goes to finish him off, Zuko spins on the floor to create a fire tornado at GOW. He then gets up and you are treat to this epic shot of an ANGRY ZUKO surrounded by his fire and cuts to LEE, with one of the most distraught expressions you see in the show (obviously there are worse coming later in the show, The Library for example but this is a pretty sad scene).

Zuko clearly remembering WHO HE IS… but losing control of his temper, unleashes a flurry of fire attacks at Gow and beats him.

GOW, beaten weakily ASKS “WHOOOOOO….WHOO ARE YOU?”.

“MY NAME IS ZUKO. SON OF URSA AND FIRE LORD OZAI. PRINCE OF THE FIRE NATION AND HEIR TO THE THRONE.” - THIS line is what Game of Thrones stole from. MOTHER OF DRAGONS, BREAKER OF CHAINS. Zuko never forgot who he was…..it took Gow beating him to realise his own potential. Once again, suffering is Zuko’s teacher.


Crazy, while Zuko may not forget who he is, he is not a private figure. People know his story and what he has been through, he’s a failure, a sad story in the eyes of the public.

GOW, in fear braces for being hurt and looks terrified of zuko. When zuko goes to give Lee the pearl dagger. SELA demands him “NOT A STEP CLOSER”.


The change of expression, even after saving his son, helping on the barn, doing so much for the family, the anguish the fire nation has caused too much pain in the world that it didn’t matter what Zuko did for them. THE NATIONS DIVIDE THE PEOPLE. The identity speaks louder than action and it is a terrifying precedent and Zuko has much to learn about how the world treats the fire nation going forward.

He looks to Lee holding out the dagger “It’s yours. You should have it.” Lee looks at Zuko “NO. I HATE YOU.” and walks away. Triggering the LAST FLASHBACK


Young Zuko wakes up. “MOM? Mom, MOM!!!!!!” and runs to try and find her. He asks Azula “Where’s mum?”. Azula holding onto Zuko’s knife explains “No one knows. Oh, and last night, Grandpa passed away.”
Zuko asks for his knife back and Azula moves away “WHO’S GONNA MAKE ME? MUM?” BRUUUUUUUUTAL. Zuko distraught, takes his knife and runs to Ozai outside at the pond. “WHERE IS SHE?” he demands LIKE BATMAN. Ozai, doesn’t even respond, doesn’t bat an eye to Zuko. And Zuko just drops his head in sorrow.


It then cuts to a memorial to Azulon, when explaining who he was the fire sage says “AS WAS YOUR DYING WISH, YOU ARE NOW SUCCEEDED BY YOUR SECOND SON. HAIL FIRE LORD OZAI!”.

OZAI’s QUEST FOR POWER is complete. He and Azula are the same. Both WILL STOP at nothing in the quest for power and authority. EVEN TAKING OUT HIS OWN WIFE wasn’t a roadblock to success. ALL HAIL OZAI.


Zuko and Azula kneeling to the side, with two vastly contrasting expressions. Zuko undeniably distraught and scared of what has just happened. HE IS A WEAK LITTLE DUCKLING WHO HAS JUST HAD A ROCK THROWN AT HIM. No control of the situation at all. Azula, realising she is one step closer to being fire lord, at age 13, is determined, ready, unruly.


Present day Zuko, after the event of the fight is back on his ostrich horse. Riding away from Plains Village. People with devil stares at him clearly want him out of the town. He passes Gansu and his family, with furious expressions on their faces. and ends with Zuko riding into the sunset of the desert and fade to white.


What a gorgeous ending. So much content about Zuko’s history, how it has taken him so far, how it takes further beyond this episode. How he struggles and fights and the judgement he gets from the public, the fire nation, his family has made him stronger. His arc is arguably my favourite of any character in any TV show and it’s because he one of the kinder and generous souls in an otherwise brutal history of genocidal, power-hungry, war-inciting family. It even shows how Iroh and Zuko ended up together travelling the world. As Zuko would have had no one to trust in his family after the events of the flashbacks and looked to Iroh for guidance. Also Iroh with the loss of his son, would find solace in treating Zuko as his own as Ozai never treated Zuko as his own. The history of Zuko is a beautifully crafted, incredibly morbid story and so beyond its years as a kids show.

This is one of the few episodes of a show I would give a straight 10/10, alongside Ozymandias and Confessions of Breaking Bad. Definitively recommend watching this show over anything else. It is so much more than it meets the eye and couldn’t speak more highly of it.

RATING: 10/10

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