Fifty ninth Week as a Steem Representative - CW 43

in Steem POD Team5 months ago

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Deutsch im Anschluß...

Dear Steemians, Dear Steemit Team!

I'm still here!

I'm online and on Steem every day, I have my ‘ear to the wall’, you could say. My interactions are as enjoyable as ever, only my own publications come up far too short.

Do I still represent Steem? I think so, yes. I'm a user who has real-life commitments and concerns and temporarily prioritises these over online activities. That still feels right and I'm fine with it. There will also come a time again when there is more to read from me...


Nevertheless, I have of course refrained from writing one report after another. Yes, I continue to curate with my private and the Community and Charity accounts of the Dream Steem Community. Yes, I continue to moderate the daily activities there and keep the weekly "Keyword of the Week' contest going. There is also a new campaign from @dream.socialclub in favour of @elkezaksek's fundraising campaign for Uganda.

So I'm active as usual. Except... You know. My posts have become less frequent, I'm sometimes not available during the day. I still answer all enquiries, of course. At the moment they are mainly about the new SLC and the teaching teams.

I am very pleased with their development. Some of you may have noticed that I am actively taking part myself in a project - First Aid...
However, I see myself more as an outsider or supporting actor; I really don't like to follow the protocols and rules. So I just blog and my content happens to overlap with the current tasks ;-))

My bold but justified prediction is: my posts in this context will somehow look ‘different’ from the others. They will be intensively commented on and discussed. Isn't that exactly what we want here? My deviation, my reasons for it, are recognised, it was even seen as a pleasant variation. That's fine and I'm flattered. But why does it continue to produce monotony according to the same mould?

In other words: I see too much SEC in the SLC! Could this be improved, please? These templates and points systems, the schematic requirements, the checklists - that hinders creativity as I understand it.

As far as the learning effect is concerned, some of the teaching teams do a really good job! If you are interested, you could take something from these courses for your own development. Unfortunately, due to the monotony described above, the units are not very lively and therefore not very attractive for external consumers. Didn't we also want to reach those who don't yet have Steem on their radar?

‘Problem recognised, problem solved’ is a German proverb. It seems difficult to simply apply this to the Steem universe. But please let's give it a try. Together! We have potential and are giving it away...

Okay. That should be enough for the storm in a teacup ;-)) In my opinion, the most valuable thing the Steem achieves is to connect people. When I post something again after several days, it's not to fulfil a duty, but because I want to give good friends an update. Because I want to share or discuss something with people whose opinion has become important to me. And when those people ask for the continuation of my biography, which hasn't been touched for a while, it tells me: it's mutual! Thank you for exactly that!

Centralised or decentralised? This question also came up again recently. I think, based on the structure and mode of operation - clearly decentralised. The only centralised aspect is and remains the concentration of a great deal of Steem Power and therefore a generally perceived ‘power’.
Well, and it's like everything in life: either you submit to it blindly (even without it being demanded) or you just do your thing... By this I mean above all the admins and moderators of the individual Communities, very few of whom manage to maintain an independent profile.

This should once again provide plenty of food for thought. But I'm not going to sit back and relax, I'm going to get on with the above-mentioned and currently prioritised tasks...

See you in a few days - Yours, @weisser-rabe


Deutsche Version:

Liebe Steemians, liebes Steemit Team!

Es gibt mich noch!

Ich bin jeden Tag online und auf dem Steem unterwegs, ich habe "ein Ohr an der Wand", könnte man sagen. Meine Interaktionen sind so erfreulich wie immer, einzig meine eigenen Veröffentlichungen kommen viel zu kurz.

Repräsentiere ich noch den Steem? Ich denke, ja. Ich bin ein Nutzer, der Verpflichtungen und Anliegen im richtigen Leben hat und diesen zeitweilig Vorrang einräumt vor online Aktivitäten. Das fühlt sich nach wie vor stimmig an und es geht mir gut damit. Es kommt auch wieder eine Zeit, wo es mehr von mir zu lesen gibt...


Trotzdem habe ich selbstverständlich Abstand davon genommen, einen Bericht nach dem anderen zu verfassen. Ja, ich kuratiere weiterhin mit meinem privaten und den Community und Charity Accounts der Dream Steem Community. Ja, ich moderiere weiterhin täglich die dortigen Aktivitäten und halte den wöchentlichen "Schlüsselwort der Woche" Wettbewerb am Laufen. Es gibt auch eine neue Aktion vom @dream.socialclub zugunsten der Spendenaktion für Uganda von @elkezaksek.

Also ich bin wie gewohnt aktiv. Außer... Ihr wißt schon. Meine Posts sind seltener geworden, ich bin manchmal tagsüber nicht erreichbar. Alle Anfragen beantworte ich natürlich trotzdem. Die drehen sich momentan vor allem um die neuen SLC und die Teaching Teams.

Deren Entwicklung freut mich im übrigen sehr. Der eine oder andere hat bemerkt, daß ich mich an einem Projekt - Erste Hilfe... - selber aktiv beteilige. Allerdings betrachte ich mich da mehr als Außenseiter bzw. Nebendarstellerin; den aufgerufenen Protokollen und Regeln mag ich nicht folgen. Ich blogge also einfach und meine Inhalte überschneiden sich zufällig mit den aktuellen Aufgaben ;-))

Meine gewagte, aber berechtigte Prognose lautet: meine Posts in diesem Zusammenhang werden irgendwie "anders" aussehen als die anderen. Sie werden intensiv kommentiert und diskutiert. Ist es nun nicht genau das, was wir hier wollen? Meine Abweichung, meine Gründe dafür, werden anerkannt, es wurde sogar als angenehme Abwechslung gewertet. Das ist fein und schmeichelt mir. Aber warum wird trotzdem weiterhin Eintöniges nach Schema F produziert?

Soll heißen: ich sehe zu viel SEC in den SLC! Könnte da bitte noch nachgebessert werden? Diese Templates und Punktesysteme, die schematischen Anforderungen, die Checklisten - das behindert Kreativität, wie ich sie verstehe.

Was den Lerneffekt angeht: manche der Teaching Teams machen einen richtig guten Job! Bei entsprechendem Interesse könnte man aus diesen Kursen etwas für die eigene Entwicklung mitnehmen. Leider wirken die Einheiten - aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Eintönigkeit - wenig lebendig, also auch wenig attraktiv für externe Konsumenten. Wollten wir nicht auch und gerade die erreichen, die den Steem noch nicht auf dem Schirm haben...?

"Problem erkannt, Problem gebannt" lautet ein deutsches Sprichwort. Es scheint schwierig zu sein, das einfach auf's Steem Universum zu übertragen. Laßt es uns bitte dennoch versuchen. Gemeinsam! Wir haben Potential und verschenken es...

Okay. Für den Strum im Wasserglas soll das reichen ;-)) Das aus meiner Sicht Wertvollste, was der Steem zustande bringt, ist es nämlich, Menschen zu verbinden. Wenn ich nach mehreren Tagen wieder etwas poste, dann nicht, um eine Pflicht zu erfüllen, Sondern weil ich guten Bekannten ein Update geben möchte. Weil ich etwas mitteilen oder diskutieren möchte mit Leuten, deren Meinung mir wichtig geworden ist. Und wenn die nach der Fortsetzung meiner Biografie fragen, die länger nicht mehr angerührt wurde, sagt mir das: es ist gegenseitig! Danke genau dafür!

Zentral oder Dezentral? Auch diese Frage tauchte unlängst wieder vermehrt auf. Ich denke, aufgrund der Struktur und Funktionsweise - eindeutig dezentral. Das einzig zentrale ist und bleibt die Konzentration von sehr viel Steem Power und damit eine allgemein wahrgenommene "Macht". Nun, und damit ist es wie mit allem im Leben: entweder man unterwirft sich dem blind (sogar ohne daß es eingefordert würde) oder man macht einfach sein Ding... Damit meine ich vor allem die Admins und Moderatoren der einzelnen Communities, von denen nur sehr wenige schaffen, ein eigenständiges Profil zu bewahren.

Stoff zum Nachdenken sollte damit wieder einmal genügend angeboten sein. Ich lehne mich aber nicht faul zurück, sondern renne zu den oben erwähnten und derzeit priorisierten Obliegenheiten...

Bis die Tage - Euer @weisser-rabe

 5 months ago 

I see too much SEC in the SLC! Could this be improved, please? These templates and points systems, the schematic requirements, the checklists - that hinders creativity as I understand it.

I don't fully agree. While templates and point system is something that I'm also not fond of specially when it was applied to SEC but the nature of SLC requires some rules and structure, in my opinion. However, creativity is something that can be squeezed in 4 walls, if somebody wants to.

I also did a programming homework and I'm dreading the grading like a school kid. I wouldn't have liked it if my blog was graded but this time I'm eagerly waiting for the feedback because I really want to improve my skills. This time my creativity was my code. I understand that it's something that will not spark engagement. Honestly, I also have no desire to read what others did in the same course. I find it painful to read others code. But I'm happy that I got to learn and practice something which I wouldn't have done if it weren't for SLC.

I read your First Aid blog as well. (Will be commenting on it after this.) That blog was another approach to SLC which I also like. There can be a time, when I like the subject but don't want to follow the rules, I might just do the same what you did. At the end, what matters is that I enjoyed something, I learned a thing and about engagement... I can interact on non SLC stuff or people I follow, who I know will try to make SLC worth-reading too, like you did. (;

I have previously talked about - keeping the blogging space alive on steem. Courses are great but social interaction is the heart of steem. Not everyone writes here for pleasure, many have put money in the equation. And since there's very little support to bloggers now because of SLC, it won't be a surprise if blogging space becomes dead in a few months. I don't mind the SLC format but it would be great if we find a balance.

Excuse me, if you find my thoughts scattered. I'm doing three things at home while typing this comment. 😛

 5 months ago 

No, no, no, you are very clear. And I'm not looking for agreement - I'm looking for discussion. Of course, you can always accept the given, but I like improvement better ;-))

I took a quick look at your programming post and decided I didn't understand a word of it anyway. I can well understand that you are looking forward to the evaluation and are orientating yourself on it. But the fact that you don't feel like reading the other participants' equivalents makes it unsuitable as a system for me...

 5 months ago 

the fact that you don't feel like reading the other participants' equivalents makes it unsuitable as a system for me...

You are absolutely right. I have thought a lot about it but can't think of a solution. They could enforce a rule of engaging with each other but even then I would have refrained from reading something that I don't wish to. I might read others' homework, but mine drained me so much that I didn't want to read on the subject anytime soon again. I will probably read the best one at the end of the week, purely for learning purposes. If I feel the need for interaction, I will do that too. As weird as it sounds, after writing SLC post, I went looking for personal blogs to refresh my brain. Steem is boring without those. (:

It feels good to know someone like you who writes on Steem. I’m a newbie here and I joined yesterday but not verified
How can I get that done, please?

 5 months ago 

Good evening and welcome!

By now you have found out that the Newcomers Community exists and who is responsible for the verification there... Sometimes it takes a while. The Greeters will get in touch with you.

Apart from that, different Communities have different access requirements; there are some without the need for verification. It is helpful to look at the respective rules and guidelines before posting there...

Incidentally, your photo looks familiar to me. Do you already have another account on Steem?

I have a sister here but she stopped using steem
She’s dark while I’m fair

If I down voted you, it's fingers too big for the phone - accident.

You've been turning your farmhouse in to a nice livable place. That takes incredible work. It's hard work but worth it. People will wait and your posts about what you're doing are great. You take a property that is basically abandoned and rundown and make it comfy, viable, and worth a heck of a lot more. Then you're going to have a little farm too.

People dream about fixing fixer uppers and here they have TV shows about it like, "Flip That House."

 5 months ago 

Ah, yes, we have similiar too... Not my style. I want to do it myself, with my own hands. In my own speed. And the only one I can give the responsability for mistakes - am I ;-))

 5 months ago 

You pretty much reflect my views on SSC or Learning Season. Last time I participated in two and this time in just one. far.

Danke Dir!
LG Elli