Monthly CR Report | Period (30th May to 1st Aug 2021)

in Steem POD Team4 years ago



Previous Report

This will be a comprehensive report & analysis of the Steemcurator07 account(curation report of Indian Community), Newcomer's Data, WEMA, and Active users' stat since 4th April 2021.

With the euphoria of accomplished bullish sentiment around the broader crypto market, there has been an influx of Newcomers in Steem Blockchain. Arguably Newcomer's community has been the beacon of light for the Newcomers joining this ecosystem, and their entry is being trained to ensure a smooth journey in this decentralized social platform.

The organized tags like #betterlife #mytown10pics #cryptoacademy (initiated by Steemit Team) and other community-led initiatives/contests cater to a wide variety of interests/skills of users joining this ecosystem and also lowers the barrier to entry.

It may please be noted that the Indian community gets two days (Monday & Tuesday) time to curate with the Steemcurator07 account.

On 4th April 2021, we adopted a new voting model to encourage engagement & activities to trim down the number of parallel posts, and to ultimately create a better social intersection of users in the Indian community. With the new voting model, the upvote weight is proportional to the engagement stats of the users in a particular week.

Since 4th April we have been publishing the weekly stats of Engagement & activities along with the list of active users. With the new voting model, engagement & activities have greatly improved in the Indian community.

Every week on Sunday I consolidate the list of active users, the Engagement stats of the individual users and then publish it in the BOI community. Accordingly, the users are curated with 07 account.

Herewith I would like to present the various statistics, tangible data, analytics to easily acquaint you with the overall state of the Indian community.

Weekly stat of the Active users since 04th April 2021.


State/UT-wise stat of Active users(as of 1st Aug 2021)

Block Reward - Engagement-1.jpg


Geo-mapping of Active Users (as of 1st Aug 2021)


Monthly stat of the Newcomers joining Steemit (in the year 2021)


Weekly Engagement Moving Average(WEMA)

This is another parameter we have introduced of late-- Weekly Engagement Moving Average. On a weekly basis, I count the engagement and activities of each active user from India and maintain the record in the spreadsheet, I have been doing it since 4th April 2021.



Open the image in a new tab to make it readable

WEMA is the average of the Weekly Engagement stat since 4th April. We have so far maintained the record of Engagement statistics for the last 18 weeks. So WEMA is just the simple average of the engagement stat of a particular user over that period.

Block Reward - Engagemenet MA (1)-1.jpg



Let's take the WEMA stat of @stream4u

The WEMA for @stream4u stands at 66.11, which means on average he is producing 66.11 comments per week(considering the average figure of the last 18 weeks). The daily average figure for @stream4u is 9.44 comments. He is indeed very consistent in terms of engagement & activities.

What does WEMA signify?

It will help us to identify the most active and consistent users in terms of activity & engagement. Generally, we have seen sudden spike of active users when the STEEM price goes higher and vice versa. But we believe that the right social vehicle for Steem Blockchain is one whose activity/engagement is unabated by the STEEM price dynamics.

How to read WEMA??

Let's say on 1st Aug 2021, the WEMA of a user is 40, after a week it is 41. So after a week, it has grown by 1. That means he has improved his engagement activities.

Similarly, if he goes inactive for two weeks, then the WEMA stat for that user will drop below 40. (Please note, 40 is just an example)

Put simply, a rising WEMA of a particular user signifies healthy engagement & activities-- He is active & consistent. Similarly, a falling WEMA will indicate that the user has gone dormant.

So the real asset for Steem Blockchain is the one who believes in consistency, blogging is a passion for him/her. Those who believe in the idea of delayed gratification. We use WEMA to figure out such users.

A user who goes inactive for a few weeks or more will result in a steep drop in WEMA value. On/off things do not add value to this chain. So WEMA can help us to calibrate our position and accordingly the resources/reward should flow to those users having a healthy WEMA curve(precisely a rising WEMA curve).

What's Next?

We will push for geographic decentralization of the BOI community, We would like to make it an avenue for one and all in India. Geographic decentralization will also help us to become a pan India community.

We are working on several fronts. A strong network effect is essential to build a strong & vibrant community. In a country like India where the population is more than 1.3 Billion, penetration of a social platform like Facebook is as high as 345 Million, with adequate resources and with a strong network effect we can at least achieve a figure of 1000 Active users from India in 2021. We will intensify the marketing and promotion from this month through BOI(Best of India Community).

Thank you.



Cc:- @neerajkr03 @rishabh99946 @starlord28


Unless otherwise stated, all the images, infographics, charts, tables, etc(if any) are my original works.



WEMA is great parameter to use to determine engagement of users. I could probably help automate this with one of my apps(Will take some time though). The main concern that I see while automating this is that I don't think there is an available API that can give me the country/state of a particular user.

 4 years ago 

Yes, we need your help to automate this WEMA.

Thank you.

we can at least achieve a figure of 1000 Active users from India in 2021.

100% 👍

 4 years ago 

Thank you.

It is really strange to see only 63 active users on such a great platform, out of a 1.3 billion population! And I am the only active user from Rajasthan!!

 4 years ago 

Yes, that's a fact.

We are working on several fronts to bring more users to this platform.

Thank you.

Hello @sapwood, it really requires alot of hardwork to produce such detailed reports, I really appreciate your work. Thanks for everything you are doing to make this place better.

I want to take this opportunity to gain some knowledge about booming votes:

Less than 70 days on the platform, I am doing well in WEMAs (according to your reports) . I was also consistently (every day) posting my diary until recently but so far I have recieved only one booming vote (excluding #minnow500sp programme).
On the other hand I have seen users being supported regardless of their consistency or performence in WEMAs, I am making this claim after having cursory look at some users so my analysis may be wrong. I can thoroughly research on this if your good self want concrete analysis.

I only wanted to bring it into your notice and be enlightened regarding the same.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
With great regards ,

 4 years ago 

Hello, Don't worry please have patience, we are trying our best to support everyone in the best possible way.

Hi, Thanks for caring to respond .

I would humbly differ: I feel it is not about patience, there is a grave disparity when it comes to distributing booming votes.

For certain users achieving booming is as easy as normal giveaway and for some it is a dream that is hard to be achieved. At least this is how I feel as of now.
Thank you!

 4 years ago (edited)

We really want to enforce booming votes on the basis of WEMA(at least on an experimental basis for a month or two). However, I am not managing booming curation.

I would request you to go through this post.

Thank you.

PS- You are indeed a very organized author, quality blogger. Your comments are always beauty and pinnacle for project Affable. I really appreciate your work. Keep steemiting, be consistent.

We really want to enforce booming votes on the basis of WEMA(at least on an experimental basis for a month or two)

I hope it is tested soon. However this should not be the only basis, content quality should be equally important.

You are indeed a very organized author, quality blogger

That is too much, Thank you!

I have a question @sapwood, that is many people write lengthy comments is there anything extra that can be achieved with these lengthy comments?
I am asking because many people write in comment the same thing the writer already written in their post and another thing is many often make mistakes in english while doing the same.
I want to know did boi count comments line wise?

I mean every line count as a single comment and if one person write comments using 10 lines then it will count as a 10 comments?