Curation Report Week #03 for August by Team Lucky Dip

15 August to 21 August
On Steemit we don’t say “Another day, another dollar”. No, we say, “Another week, another report”.
To give you all a better idea on how Team Lucky Dip operates I am going to go a bit deeper into the how’s. Hopefully this will also help the “Freestyle” curators for September.
Supporting good comments |
Team Lucky Dip curates and rewards good comments. By doing this we hope to create better interaction on posts by encouraging Steemians not only to comment on qualifying posts but to also to comment well.
Of the 169 post supported this week there were 55 comments we’ve voted on.
The criteria we follow;
• 25+ words
• Is it relevant to the topic
• Is it meaningful or helpful
• Minimum of 2% vote
I can report that the average word count on the 55 comments rewarded were far more than 50 words.
An example of a good comment from @focusnow:
Such a terrible experience with this particular uncle. Am really sorry. Experiences like yours are so common. Some uncles do not actually want to see you succeed, although I have heard of uncles and aunts that are nice, but they are few. I am very happy that you are making it now even without their assistance.
I have uncles like that. But one thing I promised myself is that I will be the change I want. What I mean is that I wont like to behave like some of my uncles, now that I am an uncle to my sisters kids.
This reply is more than 25 words, it is relevant and it is meaningful.
For the last week of August we are increasing the word count to 50+ words.

How do we dip for posts? |
Just to give a clearer view on the task I can mention that on average there are +/- 3,500 posts posted on Steemit on a daily basis.
Believe us when we say it keeps us busy the whole day.
- We keep an open eye on “All posts”.
- We search under the various “Communities”.
- We check the “Steem Top 75” from @realrobinhood to see where the various curation teams might have missed a post and for post not theme related.
- We make use of stats from the various developers like @morpheussa for top ranked communities and tags.

Thank you team for another awesome week! We had our challenges but we did it!
As Steemit is not only about writing and supporting it is also about learning therefor @nadeesew is going to lead the team under my supervision in the new week. Go girl!
- Finding good posts
- The rule set for the Voting CSI
Finding posts with good content and which qualifies stays a big task. It is a disappointment when you find a good quality post but then the author doesn’t follow club status.
To put it to the test a post was voted of a author who was not in a club. An encouraging reply was send. To date there was no response from the author. There will have to be constant follow up with authors.
The author must have above 5% of Voting CSI and not be above 5% self-votes.
It is hard to believe that there are so many authors who doesn’t maintain their Voting CSI. Encouraging authors to increase their Voting CSI stays on the agenda.
We appeal to the admin and MOD’s of the various communities to motivate their members regarding this matter in their replies on posts and then to follow up on the progress of the author.
- Total Number of curated posts: 169 in 7 days
- Average CSI % : 13%
- Vote distribution according to club status
- Countries Covered: 20
- Communities Covered: 45
- Tags Covered: 61

Author : @m-fdo
Club : #club100
Post Link : The Diary Game – a shopping day
Nominated by : @nadeesew
I choose the post as we see so many “The Diary Games” posts and often the authors don’t write a good posts. This is a good example of how a diary post must be written, good writing, good photos and excellent markdown style. - @nadeesew

Author : @eve73
Club : #club5050
Nominated by : @abiga554
The author belongs to club5050. In her post she teaches us step by step how to make a chocolate and coffee cake. I found her recipe interesting, since she used only a few ingredients to make a delicious dessert which we be enjoyed at home without spending a lot of money. The steps taken are detailed and easy to follow. - @abiga554

Author : @rasyana
Club : #club5050
Post Link : Travel stories at Festival events
Nominated by : @ispin
The author shares a food travel story. She takes us to the Seulawah Expo Festival and introduce us to a successful homemade beverage product. A very detailed posts sharing the location, the products and the cost. - @ispin

Author : @samsol003
Club : #club5050
Post Link : Introduction to “Smart Patrol”
Nominated by : @patjewell
The author takes us on a field trip while he introduce us to the SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool) which is used in collecting and storing of data for nature conservation. A very interesting post which reminds us of the importance of Mother Earth. What I also like about the author is that he was asked to increase his CSI voting % which he did. - @patjewell

Author : @jennarg
Club : #club5050
Post Link : Who came up with it? Exercise!
Nominated by : @leonelb
The author talks about physical activity in general and how it evolved since ancient times. A very interesting post. - @leonelb

The author presents posts that motivate readers in an interesting and easy way to understand. He reminds us all that we all face challenges in life, but we must rise up and face them in order to achieve a goal. We need motivation to be able to keep fighting forward. - alee75 It is a diary game post that the author narrates his daily activities with images attached. The author equally applied simple markdown style which makes the content attractive to read. The author writes in simple language which can be easily understood by everyone. - @chant
Author : @juzkid
Club : #club100
Post Link : Don't Let The Struggles Of Life Poison You
Nominated by : @alee75sup
Author : @fombae
Club : #club100
Post Link : The Diary Game
Nominated by : @chant
@nadeesew #club100 | @abiga554 #club100 | @ispin #club100 |
@patjewell #club100 | @leonelb #club100| @alee75 #club100| @chant #club100
Thank you for a great report.
Please don't let me be misunderstood - I don't want to to fish for your look on me.
My vote simply wants to tell you that I am glad to see your eyes on the great work that is done here.
Great post, resteemed and upvoted on @southernafrica
Hello ma'am
You have done very good work through team lucky dip , get support for good quality content is what every steemians wants. Yes it is true finding good quality post in not so easy.But you have done your best which reflects in your report.I also get support from your team and specially from you.We really need such a great team.
Awh thank you 🌼
We appreciate your kind words.
We can only give our best and learn from each other.
Ps: Your post looks good
This mention is an honor for me, thanks for selecting my post for this top. They made an excellent choice of publications, I send many blessings to everyone.
Thank you! We appreciate your blessing 🌺
extraordinary !! you make a complete report. wish you all the best and your team 🔥🔥
Thank you!
Your kind words are appreciated 🤛🏻
My pleasure 🍻
I'm glad the stats can help you
It's a fun experience curating different themes and community as well as non-community. Hopefully in September we can do it again maybe with a different formation.
For sure! Thanks team mate 🤛🏻
You're Wellcome...😊
Interesting times ahead, I feel this should be exciting for the community. Currently, going to be a good time to increase my assets on a non-custodial wallet from, in the long run.
Felicidades a @jennarg por haber Sido seleccionada entre los 7 mejores de la semana. Representando además al Cotina Sports ♥️
Que sigan los éxitos para tí querida
Muchas gracias amigo, estoy muy emocionada al saber que quede en este top y con uno de mis protocolos, me alegro haber realizado una buena publicación, además sabia que tú buena evaluación me ayudaria.
Un abrazo 💜
Great work!
...and very impressing to me.
Oh wow!
Great to know that I’ve passed the test.
Thank you!!
Which test?
This was kidding, wasn't it?
Nope not at all.
It just shows how much I value a good comment.
Thank you!
Ah. Wow. Thanx.