Weekly Report October 14 to 20, 2024 as Steem Representative- Thank you so much.
Hello dear friends.
I did not know how to start this post, in which I communicate my desire to leave the role of Steem Representative. Most of the times I have seen that this role is abandoned for several reasons, one of them is the demand that implies being an exemplary user and also fulfilling everything that is expected of this role. I also know that it is a role that can not be played indefinitely, and as many know I am one of the oldest Representatives.
However, in my case, I have felt the need to free up space and time to devote to simpler tasks that are what once gave birth to my love of blogging: posting and commenting freely. I will not say that I want to go back to the way it was at the beginning, because the road I have traveled has left me great lessons and the certainty that I can collaborate and also do what I like, guide, guide and support other users, without the need for the title Steem Representative.
I do not know how to summarize in a few lines the role played in this time, I can say that I have tried to be a user who can serve others as a guide, that I received the community of newcomers when it was only important to make the achievement 1, and now with the support of @the-gorilla, we could take it to something more organic and real, as is that the newcomers are verified and received for their performance in the community in general, and not only for the development of a single post. I think that's been a big step forward, although there's still a lot to do.
In the Steem Venezuela community, my partner @wilmer1988 and I, have continued to keep it active and current, and trying to make it a space for all users, not only for Venezuelans.
Many things have changed since I was appointed Country Representative, that 2020, and then Steem Representative. Currently Steemit is very organized, and I feel that we have entered a new stage in which it is important to open spaces, and that the protagonism is taken by the publications and shared comments, beyond the “rules” or the "users". I think it's like everything else, rules are established, and then the paths are opened.
So everything has a cycle, and I hope that, in this new time, everything continues to move forward.
I can't stop thanking the Steemit team for the trust they have placed in me during all this time.
For my part I will continue with my activities normally in Steemit (In other words, I will continue with my normal activities in the communities to which I belong.), and making available the help I can provide to those who need it. I will continue to be a Steemit user, only freer.
Without further ado, I will share my activities of this week:
Activities during the week of October 14 to 20, 2024.
In the Steem Venezuela Community
I have reviewed and verified the publications in general and those that are participating in the activities in the Steem Venezuela Community, I have verified the Status of the Club, Plagiarism, Steemexclusive, and use of bots, and I have also reviewed the correct use of tags.
This week I have also carried out verifications from the community account, @ teamvenezuela.
I have collaborated with the curation shifts of the Steem Venezuela community account and carried out verifications of new members.
I have submitted quality posts for Booming support.
Specific activities this week in the Steem Venezuela Community
- This week I posted the Top # sv-escritura, and the Interaction contest #29 for the community:
I posted my current contest this week, it is still in effect:
Miniatura | Publicación |
![]() | Concurso: Muévete |
Specific activities this week in the Newcomer's community
The Newcomer community continues to be active, welcoming newcomers to guide and orient them, and we also hope that newcomers continue to make use of the guides they have at their disposal.
Other activities:
This was the sixth and last week of the writing course with @wakeupkitty. It was a great learning experience for everyone, and one that I am very grateful to have been a part of.
Miniatura | Autor | Publicación |
![]() | @wakeupkitty | Winners Writing Course We-Write - Lesson 6 |
Here are the results, and also the summary of what the course consisted of.
There were great participations, and I know that many seeds were planted that will germinate and flourish.
Thank you dear @wakeupkitty for the opportunity to share this with you.
Specific activities with my account
I share the activity of my account according to the data of https://steemworld.org/@inspiracion:
- Voting CSI 19.1 ( 0.00 % self, 215 upvotes, 112 accounts, last 7d )
Thank you so much for your trust.
Greetings and blessings to all.
A little surprising announcement...
I'm sure you will use this new freedom more creatively and productively. (:
Yes, changes are good to stimulate creativity😊
I remember the first time I saw u on Steemit, when you rebuked me for making a statement you don’t like.. that was the day I started following you. Although, I’ve not known you for too long but I believe everyone can attest to the dedication and effort you put in as a steem rep and as well as your guidance for the newcomers.
Your decision to step down to take on other simpler tasks like posting and commenting freely is indeed admirable.
I wish you the best of luck as you go forward
Oh, thank you very much for your words, I really appreciate it.
Steemit is a site that has a lot to offer for all the dedicated users, and we can see that from all angles, it doesn't matter if you are a newer user, or with more time... So we are all lucky to be here.
Blessings 🙏🤗
Greetings friend.
The representative label should not generate problems in your freedom to develop a desired activity on the platform, our functions are not limited to anything, the only thing that is demanding, but at the same time is not, is that we must be active contributing to well-being of the platform and community. I wish you success in your plans.
Yes, I understand that well, however, sometimes it is necessary to feel different, and follow what instinct asks of us, it may be to relax a little, or simply feel peace in the mind. This can be a break (I haven't taken one in a long time haha), from responsibilities, to just be someone common who wants to share and enjoy the place a little.
Thank you very much for stopping by, and for your words. Blessings to you🙏🤗
Hola querida amiga @inspiracion
tu nombre de usuario es realmente lo que sos en esta plataforma para muchos;
es difícil imaginar el rol sin ti al que por mas de 4 años le has dado forma pero sé que es una decisión sabia, que de seguro la analizaste muy bien; corresponde darse un respiro y tal vez en el futuro retomar si así es la voluntad de Dios.
Lo bueno es que seguirás activa siendo bloggers; así que simplemente das paso a otros a que también desarrollen su liderazgo así como tu lo has hecho. Te deseo éxitos en esta nueva etapa y sabes que podéis contar conmigo.
Todo va a estar bien!
Hola amiga, el rol aunque tiene sus méritos, es algo que pienso que debe llevarse pero no de forma indefinida en el tiempo. En mi caso creo que simplemente me hace bien un cambio, la forma en la que me siento, quizá un refrescamiento, algo tan sencillo como eso.
Gracias por tus palabras y por tu apoyo, lo valoro mucho, bendiciones 🙏🤗
Saludos inspiración se que este tiempo sabático podrás liberar como dices espacio, todos merecemos un descanso todo tiene su tiempo , seguro regresaras recargada y con más ímpetu eres un ejemplo de constancia en esta plataforma.
Exitos y muchas bendiciones en lo que emprendas 💛💙❤️
Muchas gracias por tus palabras amiga, lo aprecio mucho. Igualmente bendiciones para ti 🙏🤗
Tienes una gran contribución aquí. Espero que no abandones esta plataforma.
Gracias por tus palabras amigo, y no, no pienso abandonar la plataforma, en realidad ha sido y es para mi una gran bendición.
This is a very surprising announcement for everyone, you have worked hard for 4 years and that is not a short time, you are a great person and a role model for everyone in Steemit, effort will never betray results and that is what you feel now, we hope you are well
It is one of the most beautiful phrases I have heard from my Indonesian friends, and yes, I fully believe that every effort brings us blessings in abundance and in different ways.
Thank you for your words.
Amiga lamento saber que dejas este puesto, pero también la entiendo de que nada es indefinido y que a lo mejor ya quieres librar un poco de esta responsabilidad!
Espero sea esta la mejor decisión y pueda realizar en este tiempo más libre y sin presión todo lo que mejor le haga sentir!!
Seguimos aquí contribuyendo a Steemit!
Usted es muy excelente bloggers!
Muchas gracias por tus palabras y por tus buenos deseos, estimado amigo. Bendiciones para ti 🙏🤗
You have been a wonderful good follow, I admire your sincerity and hardwork on this platform, you are an inspiration just as your name implies. I love you and pray your desires are granted. I love you so much ma'am.
Thank you very much for your good wishes dear, the appreciation is mutual. Blessings to you.🙏🤗
@inspiracion m'am
There is no doubt that your leadership and your role in the Steem community has been very important. You did the duty of guiding the new comers and set an example for all by being an exemplary representative.
This change is sure to help boost your creativity, and the Steemit community will continue to benefit from your guidance. I am sure that your decision will be positive, not only for you but also for other members, of the community.
I wish you all the best on your( journey) and hope you continue to shine your light in the world of Steemit, through blogging.
Hola amigo, sí, todo será para bien, con el favor de Dios. Muchas gracias por tus palabras y por los buenos deseos. Bendiciones 🙏