The Kingdom: Curation report week 1

in Steem POD Team12 days ago (edited)



It has been an arduous week working to return the creative spirit to the lands of Steem. Its faithful servants have used all their magical power in the healing of the entire population, below we present a work report of the first week performing this incredible position.

We are


This week each of us took a work shift per day, this was the performance achieved by each of us during this period of time:

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-08 a la(s) 10.18.35 p. m..png

Below we demonstrate the geographical distribution of voting power around the world. Having covered at least 25 countries this last week, we are happy with the results achieved.

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-08 a la(s) 10.18.54 p. m..png

Likewise, numerous communities benefited from the support that we distributed throughout the platform to numerous authors. The distribution is made as follows:

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-08 a la(s) 10.19.28 p. m..png

Achieving this performance we have selected the seven best of the week. Below we share with you these nominations:

The top 7

The Diary Game 25/02/2025 || Martes rodeada de hermosos paisaje by @ciru2014

In this post, the user shares a very structured daily story starting from the morning by taking his little Dilan to school to picking him up as well. Not quite there, in the afternoon, the user also shared that he continued to teach his own child, he did all the homework with the children. In between the stories, it also supports photos that are very detailed and fit the story.

Selected by walictd

The Diary Game 28-02-2025 ~ Disfrutando el Arte en Estos Carnavales🎊✨ by @yashira315

Carnivals are festivities where people have the opportunity to bring to light their greatest cultural and artistic expressions. The author from his experience shows us in detail how the carnivals were carried out in his town and also delights us with numerous photographs where art is imminently present. A fairly nourished publication of the culture of a population.

Selected by alejos7ven

👉Let's do it...Do It Yourself 👉 Bird Toy- Craft by @jyoti-thelight

It's a fantastic DIY post with clear, step-by-step instructions for creating a bird toy swing. By using very simple materials, and easy process, she has used her creativity well to make the final output. It's very practical, and I think kids gonna love this kind of stuff. So, I believe this needs to be one of the best posts.

Selected by damithudaya

Experiencias incómodas en el trabajo😩💪 by @rosiortega

The user shared a very funny anecdotal story complete with a video using the hashtag #steemvideo as well. The story recounts what happened to him a few months ago at his school. Of course the story is interesting because it is told directly through the video he shared.

Selected by walictd

Hermosos trajes de desfile de Carnaval Apure 2025. by @fannyescobar

The author exclusively shares with us the beautiful costumes and costumes that were exhibited in the carnival festivities in his locality. I am particularly a fan of the publications that let you know the cultures and customs of different locations of our globe, so I consider this publication especially good since it contains those values that I like to see so much through people's writing.

Selected by alejos7ven

A Story Written in Stone & A Fortress of Legends | The Heart of the Second Bulgarian Empire by @benoitblanc

This post is outstanding because it takes readers through the history of the Second Bulgarian Empire. It's not just amazing photographs of ancient fortresses, and the sorrounding envirionment, but also the details. Combining of both, it has added a great value to the post as well.

Selected by damithudaya

The Diary Game 06 Maret 2025 : pergi ke krueng Geukueh beli kain, buat jahit baju lebaran anak anak. by @nurlina01

A new user who is very active in sharing his daily writing, in the post the user shares his daily activities starting from the morning running his duties as a housewife, to sewing as his job. Some photos that really support the story are also shared and neatly titled.

Selected by walictd

 12 days ago 

Thank you for featuring my post in this great list. Congratulations to all the toppers; I feel honored!!


Terimakasih banyak buat @walictd yang telah memilih salah satu cerita saya di antara cerita cerita mereka, dan juga buat @alejos7ven , @damithudaya saya ucapkan banyak terimakasih telah memilih postingan saya terdaftar dalam kalangan ini,,,, sukses selalu Buat kita semua,,,,!

Gracias me siento muy honrada por formar parte de los seleccionados. Gracias y muchas felicidades para los demas seleccionados.

Hola muchas gracias por el apoyo me encanta me siento muy feliz por seleccionar mi publicación, gracias a todo el equipo de curadores.

Bendiciones y exitos ❤️