Hello! We are Bethlehem Church in Thornton, Pa!
Hello everyone here on Steem! This post is an introduction to the Bethlehem Church community in Thornton, Pa. Our hope is that this post will help you to understand who we are and the plans we have for Steem! Please feel free to comment, and introduce yourself!
Who are we?

Our church community has existed since 1846 when the church was first founded. We are an authentic Christian community which is radically loving, outwardly focused, and grace giving. We all share passion in spreading the Gospel, and are looking to make new disciples in Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world! Our church is truly blessed in terms of the resources we have at our disposal to pursue this mission, and also truly blessed to have the staff we currently have. Here's a little bit about some of our staff members:
Picture | Name | Description |
![]() | Rev. Nelson Alleman | Pastor Nelson has been the church's senior pastor for nearly two years. He has degrees from both Bloomsburg University (2008) and Evangelical Theological Seminary (2014). Learn more about Nelson |
![]() | Kait Barnum | Kait has been the church's director of discipleship since November. She has degrees from both Houghton College (2010) and Evangelical Theological Seminary (2017). Learn more about Kait |
![]() | Gustavo Camini | Gustavo has been leading contemporary worship and youth ministry at the church for over a year. He comes from Brazil where he received a degree from Methodist University of Sao Paulo. Learn more about Gustavo |
![]() | Christopher Palmer | Christopher has been leading traditional worship at the church for over a year. He is currently pursuing degrees in Music Composition and Computer Science from Westminster Choir College and Rider University. Learn more about Christopher |
If you want to learn more about us as a church, please visit this page!
What are our plans for Steem?
Ever since March of 2020, we have been expanding our abilities to do ministry online. We now livestream both of our services every Sunday (8:45am, and 10:45am), and have been active and growing on Facebook, Instagram, and our website.
Christopher (@cmp2020) introduced us to Steem, and we hope to also incorporate the Steem ecosystem into our ministry by posting unique content several times a week! We have created our own community for those who wish to join! There will be a pinned article for you to comment any faith-centered questions or arguments that you wish for us to respond to, and a pinned article for any prayer requests you have! We also invite you to post any offering for God that you may have on your heart in the community! We hope our presence here on Steem will be most beneficial, and we welcome anyone to come leave a comment on either article, post an offering, or to respond to the content we post!
Who is Jesus?
Lastly, we would just like to explain who Jesus is for those who may not have heard about Him yet.
Jesus Christ is the one true Son of God, fully God and fully human, our only Savior and Lord. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, and rose to life on the third day. He ascended into Heaven, where He intercedes for us. We believe that He will come again in glory (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:20, 24:30; John 1:1, 2, 3:16; Acts 1:11; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 7:25).
Eternal life with God is offered as a free gift, not the result of any human works or goodness. The shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe, and such as receive Jesus are born of the Holy Spirit, and they become children of God. This salvation requires an individual acknowledgment of sin and a recognition that the penalty for that sin was paid by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. This act of salvation thereby transfers our trust from ourselves and our own merits or work to trust in Christ and His substitutionary death as the only means of salvation (Exodus 15:2; Psalm 27:1; John 1:12, 3:16, 6:47; Romans 6:23; Ephesians 1:7–9; Rev. 7, 10).
We invite anyone reading this to make the decision to confess Jesus Christ as Lord, and accept this free gift from God. If you decide to do this, please feel free to comment, and reach out to us!
We hope you will continue to follow what we do here on Steem! To God be the Glory!
I am happy to be able to contribute my grain of sand to this noble cause, it is also gratifying to hear the word of the Lord, I hope to read the articles of Rev. Nelson Alleman, Kait Barnum, Gustavo Camini, here on steemit and of course @cmp2020 I have been following him since a few weeks ago, he is a good writer just like his friend @remlaps, although I don't know if steve is a Christian.
Welcome to steemit I hope your stay on the platform is pleasant and that new users join your church.
Me siento feliz de que el evangelio se expanda en la cadena bloques..A Dios sea la.gloria! Dios continue bendiciendo sus vidas.
Thank you for bringing many people close to the lord 🙏. God bless you 😇. I speak prosperity in your church. @chicy is my username, i am from Uganda( Africa) and I love the Lord. I will stand with you in prayer. May abundant blessings follow you and the church
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