[club100] Domestic Garbage
Greetings Steemian nature lovers and environmentalists.
Hopefully all friends are always in good health, protected from all diseases, and hopefully the corona virus outbreak will soon be extinct, let's cultivate a healthy lifestyle, keep our environment clean, make the environment more beautiful.
Dear all, How is the nature around you, whether it smells bad, or is full of pollution fumes, or vehicle noise and public noise. Often in looking at the state of nature, we focus on the big problems that companies do, and tend to forget about the small things that also contribute greatly to environmental damage.
We often find environmental monitoring organizations (NGOs) only focusing on massive natural destruction, such as clearing forests for plantations, extracting mining products and tending to forget individual behavior, such as how one person manages the waste produced every day.
The Indonesian Ministry of Environment, in 2020 has conducted research. who concluded that each person produces 0.68 kg of waste every day. This means that every month, each person unconsciously produces 20.4 Kg of various types of waste, what if there are 5 people in your house, then the waste generated per month is 102 Kg.
Why should this problem of domestic waste be of concern to us and the authorities?, because domestic waste also causes ecological damage, increases the spread of disease, is one of the causes of flooding, and produces an unpleasant odor.
To avoid negative impacts caused by each individual, everyone must have knowledge about management, for example choosing the type of waste, for organic waste, namely waste that is easily decomposed or decomposed such as food scraps, dry leaves, etc. ., this type of waste can be reprocessed. to be composted, or can be planted, or burned, other types of domestic waste are called non-organic (inorganic) waste, namely types of waste that do not decompose or decompose easily, such as plastic waste, used cans, etc. This type of waste can actually be recycled. The easiest way is to throw the trash in its place.
Well, here's a little sharing of knowledge about waste, its impact and management in a simple way. Hopefully useful, and hopefully increase our awareness of the steemins to be environmentally aware.
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Sampah memang nambah setiap hari, sampah kami dijemput oleh petugas setiap hari.
Semoga terkelola dengan baik ditempat pembuangan akhir
sampah memang jadi masalah jika tidak dikendalikan dengan baik. beberapa wilayah lhokseumawe terpaksa menjadi tempat sampah akibat sampah tidak dikelola dengan baik. imbasnya berefek terhadap kesehatan masyarakata sekitar.
Terimakasih kawan telah singgah di blog saya.