Happy Valentines Day! In March?
Do men's gifts are now ready? You might wonder why I am greeting a Happy Valentine's day, knowing it is already March 14!

Here in Japan, Valentine's Day is celebrated twice. The first celebration is of course February 14. Traditionally on this day, the woman will give chocolates, candies, or any souvenirs to the man they like or admire the most. He may be a friend, workmate, or husband. They say it is more meaningful if the gifts are handmade by the girls, (hmmm..attention girls you need to make some extra effort on this day).
Then a month after, March 14 is the day when the boys will give back some chocolates or any gifts to the girls in their lives. They call it the "White Day" celebration. So expect white chocolates are everywhere! There are lots of gift items to choose from. Different kinds of white chocolates and many heart shape items are displayed in the mall. Expect that on this day, boys will be busy buying those gifts for their beloved sweeties. It is not commonly practiced by Japanese men to prepare a handmade gift for women. But unlike women, they show their affection creatively instead. Japanese men usually take the easier way. Mostly they used their money to win a woman's heart.

Here is my tip, if you wanted to save a little, like what I did, since I have many friends and workmates I bought packs of chocolates and re-packed them. I bought those chocolates at Misawa Air Base, I ask my American Air Force friend to buy them for me.
It may sound strange, but that is how the Japanese people express their love to somebody. Like any other place, they celebrate this occasion by having a romantic get-together in restaurants with their boyfriends, girlfriends, spouse, or families.
The Japanese tradition is different than most of us. Though many of their cultures are uncommon this way of celebrating valentines day is one of the many things I admire the most. So if you plan to come here, this is one of the things that you need to keep in mind.
Happy White day or shall I say, Happy Valentines Day in March!
[My Achievement 1]
It's always good to see these celebration days among friends/relations though I never celebrate any day😃, you did a good work by saved money and also made every one happy .👌
I really need to save money this time 😂. I refused the invitation of my friends to eat at a restaurant to celebrate, I am afraid of getting the virus again. Better safe than sorry.
Saving money in these days is very important for all of us, but I can't give up on restaurant dinning 😄
Happy Valentine's day in March sir!😁
Salamat maam,, nasubrahan sila sa gugma kaduha mag Valentines.
Happy valentines day @juichi
We have a second valentine's day in Egypt like japan but in Egypt it is 4th Nov.
Best regards