Winners Writing Course We-Write - Lesson 6

in Freewriters10 hours ago


It's been over 6 weeks since I signed up as a Challenger and that changed into a Teaching Team with the arrival of @inspiracion.

The goal of the 6 introductory lessons was to:

• highlight as many creative and different writing styles as possible,
• practice
• introduce other communities than the ones we are used to kroon,
• comment and upvote.
This with the focus on freewriting!

For those who are not used to freewriting, this is a great, relaxing way of writing and it doesn't tale Mitch time.
For those who have the patience to fill in a template "according to the rules", this might sound a terrible adjustment because this means a text will look more personal.
The more experienced writer might have trouble letting go of the many rules taught that actually hinder the creative spirit of most Steemians.

Free writing?

Those who write freely do not easily suffer from writer's block and write. Writing is, like any skill, something you have to keep doing. So grab a pencil, pen or type daily. What you write today may not be the story, poem or script you had in mind but that is not important. What you wrote can be an excellent draft or idea. for a text you write later.

Only practice makes us better and practice takes time, although this does not mean you invest hours a day, contrary to what many think.
The question you have to ask yourself, especia)ly if you are participating in a course of a Teaching Team, is how much do I want this? Being motivated or just participating in the hope of an upvote is not enough to improve yourself or learn a new skill.

Should what is learned be done as said? What about the freedom and creativity? The answer in this case was yes. Lessons had to be followed according to the set rules in order to be able to mean and give the point but we did introduced the bonuspoint, gave more points for creativity and the option was given to learn and edit.

What we learned

  • Awareness: To observe, see, describe and feel
    This is important for every artist and writers are artists so take those few minutes before you start writing to ask yourself these questions.
  • Free writing l: no templates, no searching for info, the freedom to share, write what you think, see, believe.
    •. Directness: catching a reader's attention with an attractive title, a flashy start.
    • Story writing (tales!): not every text written down is a story, not all text added to a photo is.
    • Short is powerful: short stories, a minimum of words (think of the advertising world, promoting yourself/Steemit on social media but also poetry) we puzzled with words for a reason and writing like this isn't a sign of lazy writers but creativity!
    • Commenting: a writer writes and commenting is a part of writing. Think about columnists where an opinion is shared in different styles!
    • Poetry: acrostic, lyric and lymerick. Short and long, with the focus on a few basic rules if there were any, symbolism and humour in a freeweite style.

Creative, being a free writer means you can write, whatever you like, your way. There's no need to be part of a group of writers with a certain writing style. Write what makes you feel good and enjoy the satisfaction of what you published. You are free to use just parts of a style or change them, all styles were made up by someone. Should you still follow it in 2024?

Will #wewrite be back?

We continue our journey as a free writer, with or without #learnwithsteem. You are free to join or let it be. For the next six weeks we didn't apply (we forgot but also need time to schedule and give in to our own need to write).
Remember: There is always something to learn if you try to think and write out of the box. You can repeat the lessons (all those communities and contests are till there) andcompare them with your first entries, broaden your horizons, try out some changes, read and learn from other writers and make sure you enjoy your writing time.

Thank you all for writing with us and sharing your creativity.
We writers you are awesome and proved that ww even can overcome a language barrier.

@wakeupkitty & @inspiracion

The Winners?

To us all participants are and the total of points are very close. Commenting, engagement, how we felt about the poems (language barriers included), the will to try are considered to select the winners of Lesson 6.

#1 @casv - 36 points

El Loro Charlatan

#2 @joslud - 35 points

A Limerick

#3 @solperez - 34 points

The Mockery

#4 @cruzamilcar63 - 33 points

Scratch and Kiss

#5 @fajrularifst - 33 points

Don't Disturb



Muchas gracias, ha sido un gusto participar y un gran honor estar incluido en este podio.

Gracias por apoyar la escritura @wakeupkitty @inspiracion.

Felicitaciones a todos a quienes acompaño y les extiendo un gran abrazo.

¡Saludos y feliz dia!

Fue una buena experiencia de aprendizaje. Salí de mi zona de confort, y eso siempre es bueno. Me equivoqué muchas veces en las tareas asignadas, y aprendí de mis errores. Me alejé unas semanas del Taller por agotamiento mental, que derivó en crisis de migraña. Luego de ese receso disfruté más el taller. Gracias @wakeupkitty y @inspiracion. Hicieron un trabajo impecable. Se les quiere.


Thanks to @wakeupkitty and @inspiracion for organizing such a great study!

If I'm being honest, when the announcement of the learning list was published at the beginning of the season, #wewrite caught my attention the most, because of what?
Probably because this platform is all about writing, so I felt the need to learn a lot about how to write stylistically, evoke feelings, and think creatively.

In lesson 1, I really wanted to participate, but because I was busy, I was late. Lesson 2 was the first time I got involved, the topic of "comment" became a special thing, "Oziare" escaped me. Lesson 3 & 4 I missed because I felt a little incompetent, I think that was my biggest mistake.

Week 5 was the beginning of my awakening, I took a part without burden, without thinking about how the future results would be, just trying and continuing to try slowly. Who would have thought that I was chosen as one of the nominees among the great seniors. So there was no reason for me not to follow the 6th lesson, tasks 1 and 2 were a good medium to express my deepest feelings. Task 3 ehm,, a new toy I've never encountered, takes time to master.

So, am I a Freewriter?

Oh yeah, Congratulations to all the winners @casv @joslud @solperez @cruzamilcar63

You guys are great!