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RE: Three Months Later- How Love Faded Away?

in Freewriters4 days ago

Isn't it strange how a killing pain slowly fades away?
Three months, only waiting three months and the heart feels no longer broken 24/7.
Isn't it strange how we don't recognize being used, how we can love while the other takes the care without feeling te same?
Did it also take three months to like, love, and care before the realization came that it was all a waste of time?


Its not only three months to other people maybe its aatter of years just go king chance to change hoping for what is better. Its a weird feeling not based only for me or its not me bit some friends who confessed their feeling. So funny , right bit I also feel hurt thinking of what they feel most especially to my family as well.

 3 days ago 

I have a bit of a hard time understanding what you mean. If it comes to what others think or feel about your family I would ignore that. You cannot fight or defend everything. Ignore, shrug your shoulders or ask what they are thinking.

No worries my dear, I have no lover to feel that, it's happened from my sister who shared her difficulties about their love story. Then I remember my situation before with my husband. May he rest in peace. How are you dear. I was too busy yesterday, I bought fresh fishes so I could eat fresh fish again.

Giving time sometimes worked give clarification to go on or move on but honestly it funny weird feeling and situation .