It is that you used the hashtag otherwise I wouldn't know who that guy is. Or isn't he the one. I also have no idea who Brooke is. If I hear that name I always wonder if it's a girl or a boy must be because of how it sounds in Dutch.
Did he lost his phone or his hands that he can't figure out how to dial a number? AI can help him with that unless he can't speak either (singing perhaps or use his toes?).
off topic: did you hear from vwrites?
😅 no I haven't heard from vwrites but I hope he/she comes back soon.
It's nice to hear from you again, Kitty ma'am. 😊
Last time I heard via X. I hope too s/he comes back. Most do after some time. I said if too busy with life to take it easy. We will be there. Right?
Am just too busy and try to be here, there and read as many as possible but it would be a help if a few others would read and comment as well. Everyone likes to be read once in a while an receive some advice.
A happy day to you.
Yeah we would be here. Thanks for always reading my posts. It means a lot. 😊
I might disappear for a while too. But I'm not sure of when I'll be back.
Have a great day 💜
Yes, he's the one. Maybe I need to replace the picture with a better one
It's fine with me I only know his name and I like to keep it that way. Is the story real?
The story is real in Justin's context because he might have been aborted if his mother hadn't stood her ground. But as for this scene and character, it isn't real. Justin's dad wasn't really there for him, he had left his mother when Justin was just a toddler.
I wrote this when I thought about kids we never met and the ones we'd never had met if not for grace.
Sounds like the average father I know. I doubt if it matters if you ever met your father as long as you know you are loved. Since I believe in the spirit/soul and not in the body I do not see children we never met. We meet who we should meet and met before and recognize. The soul cannot be killed and migrate into a different body. So nothing is lost except perhaps being unwanted and hated for existing. This is way worse to deal with.
I do not believe the soul can migrate to another body. I just wondered if they were successful, we wouldn't have been given the opportunity to meet Justin.