Love Is In The Air

in Freewriters3 months ago


Pssst, wake up. It's Christmas.
Is Santa Claus here?
He shrugged his shoulders and his face was sad. Shhh, be quiet. Let's go outside and see if we can see anything. Look!
He pulled the curtain aside a bit to show how thick snowflakes fell along the window.
Here's your sweater and teddy...
He helped her get dressed and gently carried her down the stairs. Their shoes were by the door. He put a hand to his lips when she wanted to say something. His eyes looked warning.
She froze for a moment but nodded and held his hand when he opened the door once and pushed her out. He gently closed it to stand still for a second while he breathed a sigh of relief.
Let's go there, he whispered, pointing to the lighted decorations at the end of the street.

She hopped cheerfully on his hand. It was Christmas and when Santa Claus came she would make a wish that would make everything right again.
Shall we play a game she asked.
He nodded, okay, I spy with my little eye it's light, cheerful, warm and sweet.
He laughed and she giggled when he tickled her.
Almost there. Think deeper, you can see it.
A thick wrinkle appeared between her eyes as they walked through the centre of the village. He knew a place where they would be safe for the time being. He had prepared everything for the past few months.
And? Do you know it yet?
She shook her head while holding her teddy bear against her.
Then I'll show you. Come on.

He quickened his pace and she walked or trotted because her legs weren't as long as his.
Here it is!
She looked delightedly at the scene that appeared before her.
It's from Santa Claus, he cheered. This is where we're going to live from now on. What do you think? He let her into the little hut that looked cosy. I'll make the fire or do you want to sit outside and I'll tell you a story about love, after all it's Christmas.
She giggled when he tickled her and when they were sitting next to each other in the snow she had solved the riddle.
Now I see what you see too, she said and pointed with her finger to a cloud that appeared in the sky. Look: love is in the air!

Years had passed and the Christmas that brother and sister had spent together in the little hut, without presents or Saint Nick was the most beautiful he could remember. She had never asked for a present or for the parents they had fled from.

See @freewritehouse for a daily prompt / The title is the prompt.

#freewrite #creativewriting #creative #steemexclusive

 3 months ago (edited)

Vos tienes el don de la palabra. Simplemente genial. Tomas de la mano al lector y le muestras los pincelazos de arte y vida.
Viví el momento y aunque en la realidad nunca he celebrado una navidad, creo que por lo que sentí cuando leía esta historia tendré siempre un bonito recuerdo.
Gracías por escribir con el alma.

Ya sabes lo que dicen que en cada historia hay una parte del escritor. Este no es una excepción. Nunca celebré la Navidad con regalos y mis buenos recuerdos son de la escuela primaria. Me encantaba la música, la hora del cuentacuentos con velas encendidas en la oscuridad. Tomábamos una taza de cacao caliente y una galleta con azúcar espolvoreada por encima. Después de la celebración cada niño recibía una naranja, un trozo de chocolate y un libro.
Era el último día antes de que cerrara el colegio y los árboles se regalaban a los que no tenían o no podían pagarlo.
En casa estaban las peleas y el estrés.
Gracias por tus amables palabras. Creo que deberíamos hacer nuestra propia celebración. Hoy es 21 de diciembre y pleno invierno. Por eso hay luces en la oscuridad y a partir de mañana los días serán más largos. Es algo que hay que celebrar, aunque el invierno puede durar hasta abril.


Muy bonito lo que acaba de escribir, Sale una historia de vida. Recuerdo muchas cosas de mi infancia al leer esto. Es parte del arte, dejar nuestra esencia (se quiera o no) en lo que escribimos. No todo es broma o no todo es risa.
Acá no cae nieve (Cuba) así que ni existe esa tradición, ni he vivido nada parecido. Solo la nostalgia de ver, al menos por videos la belleza de la navidad en otros lares.