A Present?

in Freewriters3 months ago (edited)

This is my #comment to @rokhani his post


My friend,

We lock the doors
No visitors, we have nothing to offer
Icy wind, we wait, when to go out
The snowfall covers it all.

Big flakes, we watch them behind the window
Happy we are for a day, two, perhaps three
Next the hard work starts
Snow should be cleaned up
If not you slip, fall, break a leg or hip.

Broken bones
Frozen snowballs in your neck
Shoes not protecting winter toes
Footprints in the snow
What was white is turned into a filthy sludge.

We hope, pray that it will snow again to cover it all
Or will the thaw sett in
The doctors are busy
Ambulances driving back and forth.

Winter fun, winter sport, skiing?
Not everyone is happy and what
If you don't have money for a warm winter coat
Gloves against the cold
A hat to keep your head and ears warm?

How to stop the body from shivering?
A hot water bottle
The heater on, if you can afford to pay for it
For many this is no longer possible.

It is about 6-7 degrees Celsius inside
The temperature of a refrigerator
It is silently turned off
During the winter it is no longer needed
If you don't have a cent to spend.

Electricity is expensive
Gas is unaffordable
Only a few are allowed to burn wood
Every piece of wood is registered
Burning coal is prohibited.

Solar panels have no sun, are covered in snow.
Who climbs on the roofs to clean them?

Close together on the couch
Alone behind the computer
Shivering from the cold
Ice-cold fingers tapping on the keyboard
Holding a phone

Winter toes, winter hands
The entire body screams for pain.

We eat more to stay warm
We gain weight

Warm chocolate milk
Extra cookies with tea
We pretend Christmas is cosy
For two days we turn up the heater.

No snowfall, rain alternating with hail showers
Only these are not made of chocolate sprinkles
Maybe it will freeze even harder tonight
If so we can't go sledding or...

Where are the skates?

On the ditches and floodplains
We shiver together
Hand in hand
The skates tied on
Forgotten to sharpen the blades.

We ignore the bitter cold
Later, tonight we crawl into bed
With a hot water bottle
Hoping, praying that the body will no longer tremble

Once warm, we will say "it was fun"
We sleep, dream
Duvet pulled over the head
A hot water bottle makes everything better

or.. a hot (alcoholic) drinkmakes us sleep deeper

It's not real, we say
What you see in films is romance
Something the average person doesn't experience
Positive thinking instilled in from birth.

How often is there a white Christmas?
Maybe somewhere but never here
Instilled fantasy or as Bing Crosby sang:
"I am dreaming of a White Christmas"

With a thick layer of snow
Or even a little bit
The world looks more beautiful and serene
All of a sudden the violence is gone
Even, the battlefield is neatly covered

The world at first sight looks...
Perfect in harmony

and we smile and say "Merry Christmas"
even if we don't mean it

For #pic1000 see @freewritehouse


Un preciso cuadro al óleo. Vas hilvanando imagenes como un orfebre. Las vivo. Puedo sentir el frío. Puedo ver la nieve. Soñar y preferir ese mundo donde todo es armonía. Excelente.

Así es como nos educan. Tengo buenos recuerdos del patinaje sobre hielo, aunque siempre tenía los pies fríos y a los 7 años ya tenía los dedos congelados. Los guantes que tejía mi abuela.. Los odiaba. Siempre picaban, eran demasiado pequeños y nunca abrigaban. Si intentaba hacer una bola o un muñeco de nieve, ¡se mojaban! Una vez en casa, los secaba en la estufa antes de volver al colegio. El resultado era que se quedaban duros como una piedra. Las bolas de nieve tenían piedras y tierra dentro o se congelaban. Nunca me gustó hacer daño a la gente lanzándosela. Supongo que cada día se necesita una gruesa capa de nieve nueva para mantener limpio y suave el país de las maravillas invernal.

Tenemos más hielo, agua congelada que nieve, así que hace más frío.

Es el mundo de Anton Pieck en el que vivo. Hadas y cuentos buenos para los cuentos de hadas mientras nosotros nos centramos en la diversión de un día.


El lado oscuro de las nevadas, vos sos un mago, que narra con facilidad. Le van fluyendo las ideas y las convierte en imagenes, que luego fija con hilos de oro en el papel. Los recuerdos nos llevan a lugares felices, al lado de personas que amamos. A escribir para la posteridad.

 3 months ago 


I am so glad to know you answer my post with your post as a #comment.
Logically I also think, maybe there is a celebration held in a few days in the middle of the freezing day. I am also sure it will be hard if every day for several months is trapped by thick snow. It will be a hard day to live a normal life, to work and maintain food and energy sufficiency. So far all we see is the beauty of snow and Christmas celebrations. but with your answer I understand more how hard it is to be a cold person. What is the meaning of a celebration that only lasts a moment compared to living day after day in thick snow. The presence of the government is certainly very much expected to be able to meet electricity and gas needs. However, I also heard that many European countries whose gas needs still depend on purchases from abroad. This will be a serious problem if later like Russia which controls gas then does not want to sell gas or if it wants to sell gas at an exorbitant price.
I also heard that various conflicts or wars that occur also have a background of control of natural resources. It will be difficult if the war is not stopped immediately. in the end everyone suffers. In war there is nothing fun. In our saying we know "Losing becomes ashes, winning becomes charcoal". Even though winning there will be many victims both natural resources and human resources. How much money is burned in a war that does not end soon. How many victims of buildings, hopes or lives are lost during war.
Our hope is that all conflicts will end soon and Christmas will be a good moment to introspect and rise to a brighter future.
We are increasingly grateful to be born and live in our beloved country, Indonesia.

 3 months ago 

The truth? The US decides. The pipelines are destroyed on purpose. They forbid us to buy unless it is from the US. We have gas but it's sold to Germany, we even buy gas and change it to sell to Germany.

Mpost countries do the same. We sell our product and buy the same back.

Russua never refused to sell or set higher prizes. The high prizes are set by the government. The ban on Russia only effects us and the US laughs. Why European governments agree,lie or remain silent? Because they sold everything and money for the PM/King who don't care is more important.

Snow we rarely have (if later) but the freezing cold, frozen water, icy wind makes it hard to cope with unless you can stay in bed and hibernate.

P. S. If you typed a longer comment you can always make a post out of the text
