Thievery | Home Series - Part One

in Freewriters4 years ago

This is part one of a series I hope to start writing. It was inspired by my previous freewrite, Returning to Home, which would be the end of this series. I am not quite sure yet when it will end, but for now, enjoy!

Klave glanced over the bush he was hiding behind. Jilk, his 'partner in crime', as they said, was signaling to Klave behind a tree. Klave stalked from the bush, then ran full out to the window sill of the bakery. A second later, Jilk joined him, and they flattened their backs to the surrounding wall. On the sill were three blueberry pies, steaming into the breeze. With practised delacasy, they each grabbed a pie with cloth wrapped hands. Then the two friends ran back down the main road to the brink of town.
Giggling, they went out of the village, and Jilk whispered, "I can't believe it actually worked! Now where's the way to the hideout...?" Klave looked around for a second, then found a red-ish rock about the size of his fist. "There. And then the pine tree is here." He walked forward confidently, and Jilk followed. They walked for about four minutes before coming to a make-shift camp with a 'castle'. It was actually just some fallen logs that they strapped together with strips of rope and vine, which they upkept greatly until the interior looked nice, and the dirt floor was almost level.
They sat next to the fire-ring, and helped themselves to the pies. Soon after, their hands were sticky and their faces coated in blue. The sun was setting, and they had to wait till it was dark before going back into the village. Thley didn't want anyone to see where their camp was.
After cleaning up in a nearby creek, they picked up the pans and began their trek back to the road.
"Reckon my Ma will be suspicious. What do you think I do, Klave?" Jilk asked.
"I'm goin'a say that I'm ill. You could do the same."
"Yeah... I don't feel the best. My stomach is aching." Klave's stomach was churning as well, but he pretended that he was fine. The pies had been so good. But that couldn't be it. Probably swallowed a bug accidentally.
By the time they made it to the road, it was pitch black, and they had forgotten to bring a candle. As they walked cautiously down the path, and owl hooted somewhere very close by, which made them both jump. "Jilk, you aren't scared, are you?"
Jilk replied in a quivering voice. "S-scared? No. I'm f—" Suddenly, light's flashed everywhere, and voices shouted. Before they knew it, both Klave and Jilk where tied up and slumped against a tree on the ground. People where in every direction, atleast a dozen of them.
A tall man kneeled in front of the boys. He was missing a few teeth, and wore a dirty overcoat with a sword at his hip. He had rings on his fingers and a golden hoop earring, but what stuck out the most was his nose, which was long and curled to the side at the end. He spoke in a hoarse voice, which made Klave cringe inside.
"Hey there, lads. Mind tellin' me where you live? I'm doin' a little... visiting, as you might say." Klave and Jilk said nothing, and he said to a few of the men, "Put them in the wagon. Let me know if they say anything useful." And with that, the boys where picked up and deposited inside the back of a wagon. Either defiance or fear held there tongues, for they said nothing as the people closed the doors and put a heavy lock on it. And with that, the wagon began to move.

Thanks for reading!